June 3rd, 2016
Aaleyah Belle is doing great!

June 4th…
Peek-a-boo! So thankful that Sawyer is still with us. He gave us all quite a scare with his epileptic seizures a couple of weeks ago. He’s a wise old soul who is as kind as can be.

June 5th…
Remember when Betsy Rose received a new gift/friend named Bunny? She has so many friends! Right now, they are all tucked in as the storms are coming.

Remember the day last August when some of the long ears (and Foxy) gathered around – from big to small? I miss Matilda and am so thankful for the time we had with her. Mocha and Daisy are looking for a forever home as pets – they are adorable. And little Foxy – she’s loving life with her mom at their forever home with Bill and Judy

June 6th…
Winds have started to pick up. We are hunkering down and I may be offline much of the time. We are in the path of Tropical Storm Colin.

Betsy Rose got to go out between the bands of rain today. She’s all tucked in her stall now as JoJo, Jazzy, and CaryLou keep her company. The winds are up. The rains are coming down. This needs to be over.

June 7th…
Calling it a day here. We’re still a bit tired from all of the activity from Tropical Storm Colin, even though it wasn’t too very bad. Ruby and Cookie wouldn’t allow Little E and Peaches in the shelter so we had to move horses around – it’s just been exhausting. But no complaints – everyone is safe and there is no property damage! But now, I hear there may be another storm on the horizon! I hope that’s a rumor!
June 8th…
Remember Montana?

A call to authorities from someone who saw a thin, sad, and not so healthy horse chained to a shed led us to this sweet boy. After a couple of weeks of driving by, seeing his health continually decline, they called authorities. Of course, we would take him. He recovered nicely and is now living a life of luxury. Montana and others are living the good life now thanks to help from supporters! We couldn’t do it without you!

Her registered name was Point to Ponder. We lovingly called her “My Girl.” She was a young, brave, and beautiful TB that was raced 12 times in 8 months before coming to Beauty’s Haven. I’ll let the short video tell the rest of the story. This was a case that reminded us that sometimes doing what is right means letting go – it may be the greatest gift of love there is….

We’ve helped many horses – all with stories we could share. And all of the help we’ve provided to them was made possible because of our village of supporters. We operate totally from donations from the public. There are many more equines that need help. We know you can’t always donate – but now there is a free and easy way to help the horses!
We are competing in a contest to win $10K for the horses and we are in 3rd place! It’s a free and easy way to help if you use Facebook! Please help us win this by voting once everyday through July 31st. And what would help, very much, is if you share it out to family and friends and ask them to vote and share as well – this needs to go viral! Post it on multiple media platforms – and ask others to vote and share! Instructions are below and here is the link to vote. Link to vote: http://wshe.es/65VvE5f1
Information and rules for voting…
1. You must have a Facebook account to vote.
2. First time voters must:
a) Enter their email address
b) Verify they are not a robot
c) Check their email for a message from WishPond & follow the instructions in theWishPond email. (It arrives quickly – if you don’t see it check your SPAM folder). This is the one and only time you will get any email.
3. Multiple people can vote from the same device but each person must be logged into their own FB page to vote.
4. You can only vote once per 24 hours.
There are 2 ways to know your votes are not being counted:
1. You have to keep entering your email address
2. You do not see the digital count down clock for your next vote
Also, if you are also on our business page, (https://www.facebook.com/bhfer/) please make sure you “Like” us and choose to “See First” to ensure we show up first in your news feed – you will more likely remember to vote. We will putting out daily reminders. We are just a small grassroots organization that could really use your help with this.

Thank you, so very much. Please help the horses by voting, and sharing, daily. Have a safe and fun weekend!