Tag Archive for: University of Florida Veterinary

Little Hope is experiencing a setback as she has developed pneumonia but she’s on antibiotics and has a good appetite. She’s even had a BM a couple of times which is good! We are very grateful for her team of caregivers at UF, I think she has them wrapped around her little hoof.

Following any major surgery like hers, the days after can be a roller coaster ride but Hope has toughed it out and I’m sure that prayers are helping.

Hope will remain at the hospital until she is stable and comfortable. There, she’s monitored around the clock and, should something arise, they are able to diagnose and treat her right away. As badly as we want her back at the rescue, she’s right where she needs to be for now.

Thank you all for caring and please keep this little angel in your prayers.



April 20th, 2018

Friday Morning
We have a 24 hour baby alpaca coming in. His mother rejected him.  If so, his only hope will be for us to take him to UF.  He needs colostrum and vet care ASAP.

The little one is trying. Please click here to see me trying to comfort him on our way to the hospital.

We need a miracle.

We named him Ashton.

Ashton is receiving plasma and is trying so hard.  His initial blood work is not good but we’re not giving up. They have given him a 50-50 chance.


Theresa has put down a $1,000 deposit at UF for Baby Ashton’s care.  The estimated cost at UF for the plasma with the antibodies he needs, along with blood work, antibiotics, fluids, etc. is $800 to $1200.

If you would like to help this very special little boy, contributions may be made via various means on our website at www.bhfer.org or via our PayPal address: bhfer@earthlink.net. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to: ‘Baby Ashton’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution.

Please keep little Ashton in your prayers.