February 6th, 2012
Here are pictures of the Paso Fino stallions that need homes. Currently, we have applications pending for #’s 1, 2, 4, 9, 12, and 13. We have also received applications from people that did not specify a horse.
Stud #1
Stud #2 – Buckskin with dorsal stripe. Black points. Star and snip on face. Approximately 14.3 hh.
Stud #3 – Red bay, black points, right hind white sock. Star on face. Approximately 14.1 hh.
Stud #4 – Chestnut with flaxen mane and tail. Bald face. Front left stocking, both rear stockings. Approximately 14.1 hh.
Stud #5 – Brown bay with black points, no white. Approximately 14.2 hh.
- Paso Stud #5
Stud #6 – Liver chestnut, medium star on forehead. Approximately 14 hh.
Stud #7 – Red chestnut. Large white star, small strip of white hairs. Approximately 13 hh.
Stud #8 – Dark bay with left hind white sock. Small white star on face. Approximately 13 hh.
Stud #9 – Dark bay, right front, white pastern, left hind white coronet. Small star on forehead. Approximately 14 hh.
- Paso Stud #9
- Paso Stud #9
Stud #10 – Red bay with black points. Small star on forehead. Approximately 14 hh.
Stud #11 – Bay with white star, strip, and snip. Approximately 14 hh.
Stud #12 – Dark bay, some white markings on left hind coronet. Approximately 13 hh.
Stud #13 – Red bay with black points. Few white hairs on forehand. Approximately 14.2 hh.
Stud #14 – Red bay with left hind white sock. Rope around neck. White star on forehead. Approximately 14.2 hh.
- Paso Stud #14
- Paso Stud #14
If anyone would like an application it can be downloaded from our website. Please remember that mares are not to be bred and studs are to be gelded – barb wire is not permissible. Applications can be faxed to 352-528-9227. They will be date/time stamped and processed in order received. Please help us to find homes for these wonderful horses and thank you all for your patience and support. I will be away from the computer for the rest of the night and most of tomorrow until evening.
Thank you,
Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc.
#pasofino #homesneeded #bhfer