Tag Archive for: Spring

It’s challenging to find homes for any horse at this time but to find a wonderful home for three old friends, together, well it’s a miracle! Spring, Satin, and Lightning are truly blessed – they now have their own human family that adores them!

Thank you to all who helped them on their remarkable journey.


Miracles do happen at Beauty’s Haven!

Remember Spring, the mare who was brought to the rescue a few weeks ago? Watch the wonderful video above that was recorded just two weeks following Spring’s arrival at Beauty’s Haven. Since Spring’s quarantine period has ended, she was able to go out and make new friends. She has gained weight and is feeling good!!

Many thanks to our friends & supporters who have helped us, help Spring!

Wishing everyone a safe & happy Independence Day!


This sweet mare arrived safely on Tuesday evening. Her name is Spring. Spring settled in quite nicely and was comfortable throughout her first night at the rescue. The vet did discover sand in her BM the day prior, so she was oiled. She has a good appetite, appears to be quite content, and her welts have thankfully, disappeared. I do wish she would drink more, but she is getting water in her soupy Fibre-Beet meals. The vet returned yesterday to do a complete physical examination (including blood tests) and I will keep everyone apprised as soon as we receive the results.

Many thanks to those who have helped with Spring’s expenses.

*Just a reminder for everyone to check your paddocks for creeping indigo. The vet walked Spring’s paddock yesterday and found some. Creeping indigo is toxic to horses – it can kill.

We have an emergency and we need to ask for assistance once again. We have been feeding three horses for about a week now – it is a very sad situation. We were hoping to find a good place for them to go versus coming here as we have no extra paddocks at this time.

But one of the horses, a mare, went down today. She is colicky with welts all over her body.

We had the vet out to treat her, but the vet stated that it would be in the mare’s best interest to bring her to Beauty’s Haven today – she needs to be monitored/treated 24/7.

We need assistance with today’s vet bill for this mare (and she needs sponsors for dental, farrier, etc.). She will also need a follow-up vet appointment (including bloodwork) within the next few days provided she doesn’t require a vet sooner. We also need immediate assistance to provide several days worth of hay for the other two horses as well as for future vetting needs, etc. At this moment, however, our focus is upon helping this precious mare.

If you would like to help, please click the donate button below, and you’ll have the option of making a one time contribution or signing up to become a recurring monthly donor. Please note that you can cancel a recurring donation at any time. Please indicate that your donation is for the ‘Chestnut Mare.’ If you’re not in a position to donate at this time, we completely understand but you can still help by sharing this need amongst family and friends!

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Tag Archive for: Spring