Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb
November 19th, 2012
Princess has been having some issues so she had an acupuncture treatment today by Dr. Julia Simonson. Princess, a 26 yrs young Arabian, has had Equine Metabolic Syndrome for a few years and may have also developed Cushings Disease – several tests were done on her today. Princess was a Top Ten Working Cow horse in Canada in her younger years! Since she has been with us, she’s had 3 adoptive homes lined up. Each time, just before leaving, something would happen – an eye injury, laminitis, another eye injury – so we decided that Beauty’s Haven will be her forever home.
Princess needs help with her vetting and monthly supplements. Would anyone like to help her? Donations can be made via PayPal to bhfer or directly to Dr. Julia at PayPal jksdvm (please note it for Princess). Dr. Julia’s website, for those of you that don’t know her, is http://juliasimonsondvm.com. Donations can also be made through our “Donate” page on our website at www.bhfer.org. No amount is too small. Her bill for today was $297. This grand mare needs some sponsors.
This volunteer holding Princess while Dr. Julia does acupuncture on her is Audrey Rice.
I came across a photo of Princess with Gentleman this evening – I sure do miss him!
Attagirl came to us in August, a bit underweight and we were told that her coffin bone had penetrated the sole of her front foot. Her feet were a wreck. She had horrible thrush – the corium was exposed and it was a bloody mess. This issue has gotten better. Dr. Ryan Meeks did x-rays just to be sure there were no other issues. She also had a sarcoid on her ear that was successfully treated. Her immune system was just weak and stressed. But she put on weight and was doing well. Attagirl was examined today by Dr. Julia. Attagirl has had diarrhea off and on – just when we think everything is good, it’s not. More lab work was done today. Attagirl also needs sponsors to help her with vetting and supplements. Would anyone like to help her? Donations can be made by clicking on the links posted above.
Peaches napping in the sun and out of the wind this morning. She is going to need additional tests done to determine why she is intermittently lame in her front right foot.
For those of you who remember Domino, here’s a recent picture of her! Domino came to us only hours old in May 2012. She had been rejected by her mom. Yes, we spoiled her rotten – she’s another donkey that thinks she’s 1/2 human. LOL! She’s happy and doing well. Thank you Tania for giving Domino a great home and job that she enjoys!
Domino as a baby.
She loved her bottle!
November 20th
Good freezing morning from Beauty’s Haven!
Donovan’s a happy go lucky guy – just look at that adorable face!
These two are absolutely adorable! Yes, even from their backside. LOL!
Remember Gracie and Harvey? They are looking great and their adoptive mom adores them!
November 22nd
What is it about the office that so many want to come up and visit? Baby gate stays closed now. lol
Mishka is filling out and muscling up!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
August 18th, 2014
I can’t believe Serenity hasn’t been adopted yet. She’s so sweet. BTW – first time I’ve ridden in awhile.
This little mare is enjoying her Safe Starch forage this morning. Vet appt at 11ish. X-rays around 3 pm. Her name is Attagirl!
I gave Attagirl a needed bath this morning – she stood like a pro and I think she really enjoyed it. Dr. Ryan Meeks x-rayed her feet and gave us some good news – she has not foundered. She hasn’t got much sole but now she’s got time to grow it – a good diet and some supplements will help. Dr. Julia Simonson examined Attagirl and we got more good news – she is not pregnant! Bloodwork was done. Attagirl is thought to be about 20 years young even though the coggins she came with (issued at auction in GA) states she’s 7 – that’s quite a difference! It was mostly good news for Attagirl today – we are very blessed to have an amazing team of professionals!
Some not so good news is that Attagirl has a bone chip in her back hock – an old injury. It doesn’t seem to be causing any discomfort. She also has some low ringbone in her front right. Now that we have all of today’s info gathered the farrier is the next step – she will be here on Wednesday. Dr. Bess Darrow is going to check her calendar and get Attagirl set up for her dental. It’s rehab time for this little mare. Oh – she taped in at just around 562 lbs.
I can just see JoJo’s mind at work here with Betsy Rose! LOL!
Lucy and CaryLou look to be planning something as Katie rides Serenity this afternoon – these little ones are always up to something!
This is Karol changing out flymasks on Serenity and Bryce today. They are such sweet horses – they need forever homes. Serenity is ready to ride and Bryce is ready to school. Please share their info and help us to find them a home together – they are brother and sister. If we don’t find a home for them soon we may have to separate them to find homes – that would break my heart.
Donovan blew an abscess in his front right. I’m really glad he cooperates when asked to pick up his feet. We’re still working on the back one but it’s much better. His sweating is still not consistent.
It rained off and on all day which meant flymasks off and then on again. The weather report said the rains were done and then the sky would open up again. Victoria got a treatment by Dr. Julia today and she is finally stable enough to get a hooficure done. Would anyone like to help sponsor this? The farrier is coming on Wednesday. Victoria took an indirect lightening strike some weeks ago. Dr. Ryan was amazed when he saw her today – she has improved a lot but still has a ways to go. But she IS improving and for that we are grateful. Slow and steady.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit equine rescue organization that operates totally off of donations from the public. We are not funded by County, State, or Federal funds. Please consider making a one time or monthly donation to help us to continue what we do – we can’t do it alone. Funds are needed for vetting, farrier needs, dental needs, equipment maintenance, and there is so much more. There are various ways you can donate if you visit our “Donate” page on our website (bhfer. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is too small. Please share us with friends, family, and co-workers – it takes a village! Thank you!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer
November 18th, 2013
I called Dr. Ryan out to look at Mollie’s eyes again. One was swollen yesterday and the vet advised us to apply antibiotic ointment throughout the day/night which we do. But today I noticed a spot in the other eye. She has ulcerations in both eyes. We are now treating both eyes with a couple of meds. Mollie’s temp is up a little today and her HR is a bit higher. Dr. Ryan has prescribed Mollie a couple of antibiotics for the next few days that we’ll give via IV.
Putting Mollie back in the sling today after a walk and nap.
Pam Freeman visited today and look what Mollie got to keep her company – a new friend! I apologize for the photo being fuzzy – I was multi-tasking. Pam brought us pizza for lunch! Thank you so much Pam – that was quite the drive! So glad you got to meet the horses!
Ask and ye shall receive…. Judy came to sit with Mollie for awhile.
November 19th
Mollie has been up and about on her own for the last 3 hours now! Dr. Ryan oiled her again today. Here she is getting ready to get her medications.
Mollie was very good for Dr. Ryan today. She’s always a good girl. Both eyes have ulcers but are being treated. Please continue to pray for her recovery. Thank you all!
Well, Mollie is still standing!
November 20th
Sitting with Mollie this am waiting for help to arrive to get her up. She will be in the sling today. It’s raining and I don’t want her going down in the rain.
Rain, rain go away! Mollie wants to go out to play!
Our sweet Mollie – thank you Greg Ambrose!
Have a great night everyone!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb
I’d like to ask for prayers for little Haley and for Harley. When cleaning Harley’s eyes this morning I saw something new in the corner and felt the need to call Dr. Ryan out to look at it. He took pictures back to the hospital – I should hear back from him tomorrow morning.
And little Haley isn’t doing well. Dr. Jackson was out yesterday and treated her. She definitely has neurological issues but we don’t know why. It could be trauma (it’s thought she may have flipped over backwards) or it could be an autoimmune issue or it could be both. It was hard to get good pictures yesterday – we had the windows in the barn closed. The weather was horrible – it was cold and rainy all day long. Haley pretty much stands in one place all day and looks like she feels bad. I don’t like seeing her this way.
We’re going to have to move Kami to another paddock tomorrow – she is just too much for Haley right now and is causing her stress which isn’t helping. Her momma is sick and doesn’t feel like playing.
Please keep Haley and Harley in your prayers.