Tag Archive for: refeeding

Momma and baby seem to be adjusting very well to their new environment. Candace has taken some nice long naps, her little body is very weak and the rest will do her good. Sophia has also laid flat on her side for some good REM sleep a few times. They are drinking well and enjoying their hay. Both girls like to stay under their shaded shelter where there is usually a breeze that comes through the side windows. We monitor their temperatures, manure (which is much better formed, albeit there is still evidence of sweet feed passing through their systems), how much they eat, the baby’s joints to see if there is any heat, water intake, etc. So far, their body temps have been normal or pretty close to it. However, they were somewhat elevated this evening.

It truly is amazing that Candace survived in this condition, she wouldn’t have lasted much longer, that’s for certain. It says a lot about her will to live but she is far from out of the woods. Foals can crash pretty fast so we will be regrouping with Dr. Emily in the morning.

Some have asked if we know how to feed and care for horses that are in such poor condition and if we have any experience doing so. We have noticed many new names following our efforts – we welcome new friends and followers as well as their questions! We invite you all to peruse the other posts on our blog and read about many of the horses we’ve helped since we established of Beauty’s Haven in 2006.

Our re-feeding program is based on the UC Davis Refeeding Program and yes, we do have many years of experience doing this. It’s a group effort and we truly are blessed to have an awesome, experienced, compassionate, and committed care team. Our vets, farriers, equine dentist, and volunteers are all key players. And we couldn’t do what we do without support from others – we appreciate all of you.

Please keep these precious girls in your prayers. Thank you.


I would like to thank each and every one of you for your generosity, love, prayers and support for little Hope. She was unable to come home on Monday as she was being transferred to Medicine to have x-rays taken of her lungs. I will provide an update once I hear from UF regarding the radiographic findings.

In the meantime, life must go on at the rescue and the needs of the other members of our beloved little herd must be addressed. With the grass now dormant, our hay needs have increased exponentially and of course, hooficures must be routinely done every four to six weeks.

Our farrier expenses this week will be approximately $725. Our hay needs this week include four large bales of compressed hay and two bales of alfalfa for a total cost of $550.

Alfalfa is a necessary component of the UC Davis re-feeding program that we have instituted for Aries, Raz and Nicky, to ensure their overall health and well-being.

If anyone would like to help with these needs, it would be so greatly appreciated and no amount is ever considered as being too small. Donations can be made easily by clicking the button below, through Facebook or via PayPal. If donating via PayPal, please select the tab ‘Send Money to Friends or Family’ and no fees will be deducted from your contribution. Please also note that your donation is for ‘Hay and/or Happy Feet.’

Thank you all, so very much!


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time