Tag Archive for: Pearle

This morning, we trapped another sweet kitten who we have taken to the vet in order to be neutered. Now, we have at least, five more to go! And speaking of felines, yesterday, our sweet Pearle gave us quite the scare after disappearing for the entire day! Thankfully, she returned home late last evening, completely safe and sound.

Match Game Stalled

Our Match Game for farrier care appears to be at a standstill with just $75 still remaining in Matching Funds. JoJo has threatened to have a hissy fit as he did when he was a mere youngster while refusing to wear his fly mask. The images above show just what we are in for when our ‘Drama Prince’ gets mad! So, if anyone would like to help our little herd have ‘Happy Feet’ while doubling your donation at the same time, it would make JoJo and all of us so very happy indeed! The average cost per hooficure is $45, so just click on the ‘Donate’ button below if you would like to help while sparing us all a great deal of ‘JoJo’ drama at the same time!

Sponsors Needed

Mishka and Dancer benefit from Cosequin with MSM and they each need a container. Magic and Amira each need a container of EquiShield SA Powder to help with their ‘itches.’ If anyone would like to sponsor one of these most important supplements, please click on the ‘Donate’ button below.

Thank you in advance for your love and support!


We have had yet another busy week welcoming new visitors as well as a new volunteer! And, of course, there is never a dull moment here at Beauty’s Haven! Last Monday, Cracker decided to go on a field trip! He, somehow, managed to get the driveway gate open and off he went! Fortunately, someone driving down the street stopped to tell us that they had just spotted a runaway horse! Thankfully, Cracker had only galloped across the street and up a neighbor’s driveway! As soon as Kathy and I corralled him, the sky opened up and it absolutely poured! We walked him back to the farm, much to his chagrin, and immediately after the rain stopped, Cracker happily, went off grazing with his friends. And then of course, watching the antics of the ‘Three Amigos,’ JoJo, Jazzy and CaryLou, is a constant source of entertainment. There is a saying that ‘Laughter is the best medicine,’ and with these three boys, we sure do have our fair share!

Our feline residents are thankfully, doing well. Oreo is still with us but at the age of eighteen, he prefers to remain primarily, in the workshop now – he will not go outside for anything. Dr. Kristi was out last week to do exams and vaccinations on some of the dogs and cats and I must admit, Oreo was her very best patient!

Pearle, one of our TNR cats also is fine despite her very sad start in life. She was just a four- month-old kitten when we trapped her, and when we took her to the vet to get spayed, we sadly discovered, albeit too late, that she was pregnant with five kittens which she tragically lost. It took her awhile to recover from losing her babies and getting spayed but she is now ready for her very own loving, forever home which she so truly deserves.

And Allie, our sweet Orange Marmalade Tabby, faithfully performs her duty as our resident ‘Watch Cat’ as she watches over her charges in the barn, namely Luigi and Warrior. By the end of the day, Allie is usually exhausted from her barn watching duties!