Tag Archive for: oiled

November 18th, 2013

I called Dr. Ryan out to look at Mollie’s eyes again. One was swollen yesterday and the vet advised us to apply antibiotic ointment throughout the day/night which we do. But today I noticed a spot in the other eye. She has ulcerations in both eyes. We are now treating both eyes with a couple of meds. Mollie’s temp is up a little today and her HR is a bit higher. Dr. Ryan has prescribed Mollie a couple of antibiotics for the next few days that we’ll give via IV.

Putting Mollie back in the sling today after a walk and nap.

Pam Freeman visited today and look what Mollie got to keep her company – a new friend! I apologize for the photo being fuzzy – I was multi-tasking. Pam brought us pizza for lunch! Thank you so much Pam – that was quite the drive! So glad you got to meet the horses!

Ask and ye shall receive…. Judy came to sit with Mollie for awhile.

November 19th



Mollie has been up and about on her own for the last 3 hours now! Dr. Ryan oiled her again today. Here she is getting ready to get her medications.

Mollie was very good for Dr. Ryan today. She’s always a good girl. Both eyes have ulcers but are being treated. Please continue to pray for her recovery. Thank you all!

Well, Mollie is still standing!

November 20th

Sitting with Mollie this am waiting for help to arrive to get her up. She will be in the sling today. It’s raining and I don’t want her going down in the rain.




Rain, rain go away! Mollie wants to go out to play!

Our sweet Mollie – thank you Greg Ambrose!

Have a great night everyone!



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org