Tag Archive for: Oasis

Last evening, Avie discovered Oasis down and cast in his shelter. She contacted me over the radio and I immediately responded. When I saw him, I knew it was very bad. I called the vet and administered IV medications as instructed, to aid Oasis until the vet arrived. He was able to get up but would immediately go down – he was in excruciating pain. While waiting for Dr. Madera to arrive, Bob prepared the trailer in order to transport Oasis to the hospital.

Once Dr. Madera arrived and assessed Oasis, however, she confirmed what my heart already knew – it was time to let him go.

Oasis, an elegant and proud eighteen year-old Arabian, loved life and made many humans laugh with his antics. He has always been healthy and as he had a strong heart, it took much longer than the norm for the medication to take effect, which would help him to peacefully transition to Rainbow Bridge. However, the longer transition did make it very hard on us humans. The entire time, his best friend, Mo, together with myself, Bob, and Dr. Madera, remained by Oasis’ side.

Our beloved Oasis is now majestically galloping at Rainbow Bridge with all the other members of our herd that have gone before him. He leaves behind all who loved him dearly, especially Mo and his entire Beauty’s Haven family who are beyond devastated. He had a very special place in my heart and always will.

Oasis will truly be missed and his heartbreaking departure leaves an irreplaceable void. Please keep Mo, and all of us here at Beauty’s Haven, in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank you, as always, for your love and support.


We are currently seeking “hooficure” sponsorships for Aaleyah Belle, Mo, Oasis (on the far side of Mo), Bouie and our resident punk ass, CaryLou, as they appear clockwise in the image above. If you would like to sponsor farrier services for one of these precious horses (or contribute toward a portion of such), please click on the donation button below. The average cost of each hooficure is $35. Please designate your donation to the horse of your choice.

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Thank you for your continued love and support for our beloved “Velvet Nosers.”


06/18/17, Saturday

The four mini’s that we recently returned to the rescue, Haley, Kami, Ouija, and Warrior, all got their dentals recently done by Dr. Bess Darrow of Tune-Ups.  And we have some really great news – Kami and Haley may have an approved home!

Dr. Bess and Minis

Mini’s in the mist!  The mist really feels great in the Florida heat.  JoJo is always ready to help me give out hay.

Minis in the Mist

We are so proud of Magic! We recently had a wonderful, fun-filled visit with Macy and Kathy Breakall.

Magic Kathy Macy

Little E still looks great for his age!

Little E Looking Great

I actually took a few minutes to take a ride a few days ago and it was awesome!

Starbuck and Theresa Out for a Ride

We apologize that we haven’t been able to get many updates out – we’re very short on volunteers and providing daily care for the horses has to be a priority.  But we hope to get better at this soon!

January 6th, 2014

Betsy Rose taking a stroll today with Karen. The cold weather is not being kind to the older ones. Dr. Julia Simonson will be here in the morning to work on Betsy Rose – she’s having quite a time with her right side and hips. She will get acupuncture/chiro/massage. We would also like Dr. Julia to work on Gentleman. Betsy Rose’s expense is covered – would anyone like to pledge to help with the expense for Gentleman’s treatment?

Mollie has really had a growth spurt! I had to let out her belly straps at least 2 1/2″ this evening!

Gentleman (Percheron) and Matilda (Mammoth Mule). Two of our “Old Ones” that are loved, dearly loved. Dr. Julia will be working on Matilda too.

It’s hard to believe that yesterday was so warm and today is so cold. When you see me without a jacket, you now it’s really warm.

Baby Ray has settled back in nicely – it’s like he never even left. He’s just as sweet as ever. Dr. Julia will be checking him tomorrow too. It’s going to be busy! Cold and busy!

Fiona greeted me with a nose kiss yesterday. I stop in and visit with her when I can.

I’d like to apologize to anyone that I owe a PM or email to – I’m behind on everything in my life. I haven’t been in the office much. I’ll try to get back in the office tomorrow to get some work done. Have a good night – stay warm! This is Victoria and Mollie.



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

November 4th, 2013

“It wasn’t me! I’d never think about getting into the breakfast meals!” so said Betsy Rose Sunday morning while I was loading up the golf cart with many tubs of feed, flymasks, etc. for my morning chores. I could never get upset with anything she does. Ever. She just makes you smile no matter what she is doing!  There’s just a beautiful aura about her – always!



CaryLou, Wally, and Bronson in the background taking a siesta.  Bronson make sure he gets his daily naps in.

Siesta Time - The Boys

Little Brandi is not quite 2 years old. She’s a little bossy – but sweet.


Garan – he is a beautiful horse! He is a 15 year old Arabian gelding looking for a forever home!


Garan is so funny. He pins his ears at everything. But he’s a real sweetheart that also loves attention!

They are just all starving for attention. LOL!

I had to share this – this doggie is so much like my Popper dog!


I meant to do that
By: John Bergin

Have a great day, Everyone!



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

October 12th – 15th, 2013

Betsy Rose enjoyed visitors on Saturday.

Betsy Rose

I actually took some time on Sunday to go for a little ride myself. It was nice, very nice! The weather has been perfect!


Baby Boo is getting big! Daisy’s tumors appear to be shrinking!!

Daisy and Boo

Remember Starlight? She was a rescue we took in last year that was “unwanted”. She had been living in horrible conditions. Look at what she and Jordan accomplished today!!! I’m convinced there are no “unwanted” horses. Some may be misplaced, but they are all wanted, IMO. I’m so proud of both of these girls – just look at the ribbons!


I’m so proud of both of these girls – just look at the ribbons!


Look at Lacey with her new human – this is a reminder of why it may take us longer than some to find homes for horses. It has to be the right fit – the right connection. Our goal is to find a forever home. When the time, horse, and human are right, well, great things happen. Look at that SMILE! PRICELESS!


The boys have somewhat of a winter coat already – they are so cute! CaryLou still struts. LOL


“Mommy Theresa that’s my itchy spot! WhooHooo that feels good!”

Betsy Rose

Gentleman loves his tree with overhead mister. And the others love Gentleman. So, they gather each day – under the tree!

Gentleman and Friends Under Their Tree

HighTower having fun in the hay. LOL! He’s a big teddy bear!


Bo has become quite the babysitter! Bo is the horse that was dropped off in the middle of a dirt road and abandoned. He walked from the road to a tree and that’s where he stood all day long likely waiting for his owner to come back for him. They never did. It was a hot, sweltering feels like 100 degree day, with no water – from at least 7 am that morning until we picked him up late that evening. I think he was likely a cow horse that got injured and could no longer work. He’s got the moves, but he is very lame from an old injury.

Bo and Friends

I wanted to share this photo of our human son, Joshua. He went for a helicopter ride over Orlando for his birthday!

Joshua's Birthday Ride

Dr. Bess of Tune Ups Veterinary Equine Dentistry and Services, will be here on Thursday – would anyone like to sponsor a horse or two for their dental? On the list are Aaleyah Belle, Lucy, Ruby, Lily, Princess, and Morgan.


Have a great evening, Everyone,


Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb