Tag Archive for: Mule

Walker and Waylen did great for their eye exams last week. Walker has some old scarring in his left eye but, thankfully it doesn’t bother him. Both of these very sweet boys have gained weight and are looking good!

Jo, however, could use some good thoughts and prayers today. Her dementia was on full display this morning. She has been given medication and is being hosed down. Her best friend of thirty-plus years, Dancer, is never far away. I’ve spoken to the vet and I’ve done everything I could. If Jo takes a turn for the worse, the vet will be called out. Jo, presently, is swallowing, so we’re on the right track.

Jo’s Symptoms: Dazed, aimless wandering when she did move, standing looking lost, confusion, staggering, withdrawn, not swallowing, unable to pull her tongue back into her mouth, a moment of being totally startled as if she’d just come out of a period of “nothingness.”

Jo’s Treatment: Banamine, craniosacral massage – bending the neck to get release, using what I call a ‘thumper’ adjusting tool on her and observation time.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Walker and Waylen got to spend some time around the barn today in order to get acclimated before Dr. Mangan’s visit to examine their eyes. Walker’s favorite spot is right outside the feed room door. These very sweet boys are feeling so much better. They have gained weight and are much more animated each and every day. Please enjoy the short video of my little ‘discussion’ with Walker, a ‘very good boy.’

Match Game!

Lastly, just when we had given up all hope in regard to our farrier fundraiser, a dear friend and supporter has come forth and has offered to match all donations up to $200! If you would like to participate, just click on the ‘DONATE’ button below where you can contribute in a variety of ways. All donations are so greatly appreciated by horses and humans alike and no amount is ever too small! If forwarding your donation via PayPal, please note that your contribution is for ‘Happy Feet.’

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Thank you!


Our newly acquired Mules have settled in nicely here at the rescue. We have named the younger of the two, Walker, and the senior wise old soul, Waylen.

Upon his arrival, Walker had been having a tough time eating. He would merely nibble on just a tiny bit of food and then walk away. We have been treating him for ulcers and thankfully, just a few days ago, he started to perk up and finish his meals. He is now much more animated and seems to be quite the happy boy. Waylen is just a kind, sweet old soul. I’ll bet he could tell us countless stories from his past as an Amish working mule. He’s just a big love bug and he so reminds me very much of our sweet Penny. Oh, and he loves to serenade us quite often – even into the wee hours of the morning!

Dr. Bess of Tune Ups Veterinary Equine Dentistry and Services was scheduled to perform an examination on both boys. She determined that Walker is approximately 16 years old, while Waylen is approximately 25 years old. Waylen is missing some teeth so he is being fed soft meals which he truly enjoys, and little Walker is now thankfully a member of the “Clean Plate Club!” Just the other day, Walker and Waylen were treated to a bit of grazing time which both so enjoyed! We also scheduled Dr. Julia to examine and run blood and other tests on Walker and Waylen and we will update once we regroup to discuss the results.

Walker and Waylen are both still in need of sponsors and/or a one-time donation which can be forwarded by clicking on the ’DONATE’ button below. Please designate your contribution to ‘Mules.’

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Thank you all so very much for your love and support. I am most certain that our beloved Minnie is smiling down on Beauty’s Haven from the heavens above.


As many of you know, we recently lost Minnie, a mule that had worked her whole life for humans. But when she became unable to keep the pace, she was repaid by having her basic needs go neglected. She arrived skin-on-bones, her body had sores all over from burrs buried beneath her coat, and she was up there in age. Minnie loved her soupy mashes and was simply as sweet as could be. She was very grateful to have humans around her that were kind to her but her body had wasted away to almost nothing and her heart was tired. Sadly, we only had a couple of days with Minnie. But she went to Rainbow Bridge knowing she was loved.

We haven’t stopped thinking about Minnie, and in her honor, we would like to help two other mules that have also given their lives to helping humans.

We have funds remaining from donations that came in for Minnie to cover initial dental, vet, and farrier expenses for one but we need help covering the other. Also, they both need monthly sponsors to help with their ongoing care. We are sure that Minnie would be grateful if we are able to help them.

If anyone can help us to help these precious mules with any amount of a one-time, or monthly ongoing donation, please click the Donate Now button below and note it’s for “MULES”. No amount is too small and all donations are tax deductible.


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Minnie (aka Molly) had a good evening. She walked her fence line and was interested in others on the farm, especially the little minis on the hill.

She loved her alfalfa. She got a soupy mash every three hours through the night which she loved. She had even started to give a little bray when she saw us approaching with a meal.

She passed poop four times through the night after each meal. She was fed at around 5am and she seemed fine.

When I went back out just after 7am, she was gone.

There was a fresh pile of poop. No signs of a struggle. I am still in shock.

The vet said it could have been her heart, a clot, or perhaps an acute colic.

The only comfort I can find is that she finally knew what it was like to not be hungry, to have no demands placed on her. There were no expectations of her here, just a simple life surrounded by love. And she was truly loved.

Thank you all for caring about this very sweet mule.

My heart is simply broken.


We brought in this poor sweet mule last night who is barely hanging on. After settling in nicely, then munching on some alfalfa and drinking water upon arrival, she laid down to rest. This morning, we found her unable to get up.

She is in severely emaciated condition, just skin draped over bones. We don’t know her age, but I’d say she’s a senior who probably gave her life working for humans. We have named her Molly.

We called our vet who came out right away and put Molly on fluids after examining her. Then we waited, giving her some time to see if she would get up on her own. And then we waited some more.

We rolled her over to see if that would help, but the truth is Molly was just too weak to get up on her own. She has no muscle and has basically wasted away to almost nothing.

But Molly is bright and alert… and hungry, which are positive signs. We have given her mashes and she has passed some poop. Dr. Madera took Molly’s blood samples back to the hospital for tests; hopefully we’ll receive the results tomorrow.

Finally, as the day was waning, we prepared the sling and tractor and got her up. (SEE VIDEO). Though she may be hanging on by a thread, Molly is one determined girl!

We were planning to take some time after losing Peggy Sue, Venus, and Ruby to heal our broken hearts but this girl needed help, and our hearts need to move on.

Can you help us help this sweet girl? If you can, please click the ‘DONATE’ button below. All contributions are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever too small.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Thank you, and please do keep this precious girl in your prayers.


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She gave 15+ years of service to her humans. Once she was too old to keep up the pace, they showed their gratitude by discarding her. Sadly, this happens a lot. She’s thin. Her skin is very unhealthy. She has scars from the heavy tack she wore while working. I’m sure her teeth are also in need of attention. We have named her Mindi.

We were a bit concerned about Mindi by mid-afternoon after we brought her in. She hadn’t passed any poop and wasn’t drinking nearly enough but she wasn’t dehydrated. She did seem a bit uncomfortable. Her temperature was normal but her respiration was high. We gave her some electrolytes and Ulcergard. She looked totally exhausted and finally laid down and took a late afternoon nap. When she woke up she looked better which made me feel better. She finally went poop which made us all feel better.

After her nap, she got a good grooming. I wanted to give her a bath but she’s in quarantine for a couple of weeks. Her skin is pretty unhealthy but this will improve. She obviously hasn’t been getting good nutrition. The vet will be out in the morning and I’ll update when I can.

We are requesting donations to help to address Mindi’s initial needs: an examination, bloodwork, fecal testing, dental, quality hay, etc. She also needs monthly sponsors for her ongoing care. Contributions may be made here on our website, or on our Facebook fundraiser for Mindi, just click the buttons below.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Please keep Mindi in your prayers, and thank you in advance for enabling us to grant yet another precious soul a second chance at life.


Tag Archive for: Mule