Tag Archive for: malnourished horse

Flint, our most recent rescue, successfully made the trip and unloaded just fine. He seemed to be a bit more chipper and he even managed to say ‘Thank you’ which you can hear by clicking on the image above! He had a good night and was happy to go out this morning. He’s such a very sweet and kind horse. He was so hungry when we picked him up, but he now appears to truly love and appreciate his delicious hay and slurries.

Upon his arrival, my initial assessment revealed that Flint’s heart rate was normal, his gut and lungs sounded okay, his capillary refill rate was about normal, albeit he was a bit dehydrated. His temperature was a bit low but he was out in heavy rain before we picked him up so once at the rescue, we placed him under heat lamps to make him feel more comfortable. He taped in at about 600 pounds.

There was quite a bit of sand in his feces – I could even hear sand sounds in his gut.

We let him relax and adjust to his new surroundings last evening and scheduled the vet to come to the farm today in order to perform an examination and run necessary tests.

Although he is not out of the woods yet by far, he is thankfully on the right path now. We will have a better idea of his health once his blood test results come back.

Mentally, he certainly is in no frame of mind to give up. I do believe this sweet horse wouldn’t have made it much longer – there was no grass, no hay, nothing for him to eat except perhaps, bark off of trees.

Thanks to all in advance for allowing us to grant yet another precious soul a second chance at life.

We will update once again when Flint’s test results have been evaluated.


A dear friend and supporter has come forth and has offered to match all donations up to $2000 in order to assist us in procuring our much needed gates.

This is a perfect way in which to apply your year-end contributions while keeping the Beauty’s Haven herd safe at the same time. Just click on the ‘DONATE’ button above if you would like to contribute.

Thank you all for your love and support throughout 2024.

Shai had been “living” in a very small pen with several goats and a steer. She was seized during a cruelty investigation. This mare’s needs were neglected for quite some time. She is shy, untrusting, and afraid of humans. She literally shakes with fear.

Our Christmas present to her was a safe place to land and a promise that she will never be neglected or mistreated again.

Shai has had a very rough life but she has us now – the Beauty’s Haven family. She needs sponsors for her initial and ongoing care, no amount is too small.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Every year, we try to help a horse in need over the holidays. This year, we are once again asking for your assistance to help two precious souls that have been stuck in a very bad situation for over a year now. Their owner and the ‘system,’ have failed them terribly, for they should have been removed from their home long ago.

One is a gray 22 year-old Thoroughbred mare who won several thousands of dollars during her racing career. She was neglected and starved repeatedly over many years, but she managed to survive. Sadly, some of her herd members were not as lucky.

The other is an older donkey who is very thin and has foundered at some point in the past. She recently had her baby weaned from her. It’s so terribly sad that she was intentionally bred with her feet being in such poor condition.

Both of these sweet girls need everything – a vet exam, bloodwork, x-rays of their front feet, and supplements. They also need an appointment with the equine dentist and farrier.

It is with great hope that x-rays will determine the path we must take in order to help this sweet donkey. I’m concerned that findings may lead to a poor prognosis, but I’m praying for a miracle which will give us the opportunity to make her comfortable and thereby grant her a good quality of life. She’s in good spirits, but obviously quite uncomfortable.

A wonderful friend and supporter has just come forth and has offered to match all donations up to $300 to help them. Initial needs for each will be at least $500 but it may be more depending upon how many x-rays are needed. They also both need ongoing support for their care. You may help by clicking the button below, please note that your contribution is for “Christmas Saves/Match Game.”

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

All donations are greatly appreciated and please be assured that no amount is ever too small.

Thank you,