Tag Archive for: lightning strike


Hi Everyone,

I spoke to Theresa this morning and she is quite overwhelmed to say the least! The horrific lightning and extremely strong winds coupled with driving hail, had a devastating effect on the farm.  The horses, donkeys, dogs, kittens were all quite terrified throughout the ordeal, but thankfully, all seem to have settled down by this morning.

As Theresa mentioned earlier, one of our custom-built shelters was totally destroyed as you can see in the images above, and boards and debris are strewn throughout the farm. Fences and several of the barn’s large motion sensor security lights and cameras are down (non functioning) as well. Theresa believes that the barn must have received a direct lightning strike as Bob had quite a shock yesterday when turning the door knob to the feed room! There is also a new ‘lake’ on the property which the horses do not seem to mind at all!

I would like to start a fundraiser to help Beauty’s Haven with the cost of repairing and replacing all that was lost or damaged, but presently, I do not have an estimate as to the amount needed. Please keep this a secret, though, as we would like to surprise Theresa!

A dear friend and supporter has also come forth to offer a most generous Match Game whereby, all donations up to $500 will be matched dollar for dollar! If you wish to contribute toward this effort, you may do so via various means here on our website. Please note that your contribution is to be designated for ‘Storm Damages/Match Game.’

Thank you all, so very much for your kind words and prayers as well as to everyone who has contributed thus far. Now, lets ‘rock on’ to help Theresa, Bob and the ‘Velvet Nosers’ recover from the ‘Wrath of Mother Nature.’




We would appreciate continued good thoughts and prayers for Frodo. We’re supporting him in every way possible – he’s foundered and rotated a few degrees. The indirect lightning strike must have been a horrible experience for him.

This was a concern from the beginning – after he took an indirect lightning strike, Frodo became uncomfortable in his front feet and, as a precaution, we started treating him as a laminitis case. The farrier put hoof testers on Frodo a few weeks ago and his response was not indicative of a founder case so we hoped that he just had an abscess that would resolve on its own. In fact, he did have an abscess in the right foot that recently popped so that foot is feeling better, but now, the left is more uncomfortable. Frodo has, in fact, foundered, but he is in great spirits and we’re optimistic that he will recover from this. He will. Believe…

Our Matching Gift Challenge will be ending on July 31st at 11:59pm EDT so please take advantage of this opportunity to double your donation! All donations up to $2000 in our ‘Beauty of the Heart’ fundraiser will be matched dollar for dollar. If you would like to participate, whether through gofundme, PayPal: bhfer@earthlink.net or our website: www.bhfer.org/donate, please designate your contribution to ‘Beauty of the Heart Matching Gift.’ All donations are greatly appreciated and no donation is ever too small. If you are unable to donate at this time, we ask that you please share this fundraiser amongst your family and friends.  Thank you once again. You all truly exemplify the words of Rumi ~ ‘The only lasting beauty is the Beauty of the Heart.’