May 22nd
We got Kiana ‘s blood work back and there are a few concerns that we will working on. She had a much better night last night. She slept quite a bit. She was bright eyed and munching on milk pellets this morning. After breakfast I introduced her to Harvey. He’s the calmest of the little ones. They are doing just fine so far.

So far all is well!

Although, I’m not sure Kiana appreciates Harvey hogging the fan.

Kiana, Betsy Rose, and Harvey are all happy. Betsy Rose will help teach Kiana to be a horse while Kiana can have Harvey to explore and pal with around the barn. She’s not strong enough to want to play yet. And Harvey needed and deserved his… play time – that’s why I turned him back out with the boys. Kiana is learning that Betsy Rose will not go away and, with that, it will bring her some security which she really needs right now. Herd dynamics really amazes me – I enjoy watching them so much. Kiana will meet other friends too at the right times but I chose Harvey for today because is the most calm of all of the little ones – his disposition was right for starts and it really did work out great today.

May 23rd
Dr Julia is here to run an IV cocktail of vitamins, etc. to Kiana. She is not feeling well and her temperature has been slowly dropping. Babies can crash so fast. I’m sure she will be fine but please keep her in your prayers.

I need to make this update short – it’s been a long day. Thank all of you for keeping Kiana in your prayers. She’s better tonight. The fluids/cocktail she got today really helped. Someone had asked about her IGG – it was good (900+). T…here are some concerns from her initial blood work – some highs and lows. We’ll repeat the blood work next week – sooner if needed. Babies can crash pretty fast but we’re on it. She’s got a couple of nasty bite marks and swellings that need to heal. But I think she finally understands she is safe – she’ll never know hunger or feel worry of the unknown again. Her eyes are brighter tonight. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.
The extremely high temps today didn’t help any of us. The ceiling fans in all 4 stalls that we use daily are all broken and need to be replaced – over a couple week period some blades literally broke and flew off the fans but fortunately horses were not in the stalls when it happened. And it’s hot – very hot. So, that will be an upcoming project. We do have fans on the stall doors though and 2 Port-A-Coolers that are awesome. We hope to get 2 more coolers – one for each stall.
We’re having another big day here tomorrow so we’re going to be lights out soon. Have a good night everyone!

May 24th
Kiana came from a very bad situation. Her momma gave the filly her all – until she had no more to give – and then she died. It’s very sad. The latest foal to join Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, …this little girl is going to make it – she will.

©2014, Gregory R Ambrose, based on a photo provided.
The morning meeters and greeters! LOL I usually find them laying at the bottom of the porch stairs. It’s going to be a very busy day here and it’s already horribly hot. Kiana had a calm night, thankfully. She slept so soundly, she needed it.

A little angel….

The vet was called this morning as Kiana simply was not feeling well. She is very weak and she easily gets dehydrated. She now has a permanent catheter so we will be running her fluids throughout the day and night. The vet ran additional bloodwork which will determine whether Kiana will also require plasma.

Quick update – Kiana’s blood work indicated her WBC had increased. She received plasma and is now on antibiotics. She has a pretty ugly bite wound on her left side (and a couple small ones on her neck) from another mare she tried to nurse… on before coming here. We’re trying to keep it clean and we are treating it – infection is the last thing she needs. She wanted to go out with Betsy Rose for a bit so she did. Then she drank a good amount of milk and is now napping. We have had foals in worse condition than this that are living very happy lives but each and everyone is different, as are their experiences before coming to us. Kiana’s eyes are brighter than I’ve ever seen them. I’m staying positive – we do have a very good professional team to help us get through this. I’ll update again later – lots to do. Thanks everyone – we do appreciate the good thoughts and prayers very much.

The temps are a bit kinder now.

“Baby Kiana is doing better tonight – she’s got quite the appetite! She’s been through some tough times and this morning she wasn’t feeling so very good. But she’s a brave little girl and was good for the doctor. Mommy Theresa says she m…ust be feeling better because she squirmed a bit when she had to take her medicine tonight. Kiana is tucked in but doesn’t want to go to sleep – I’m going to tell her a few stories and I bet she’s out like a light! She stayed outside with me most of the afternoon. We had SO many visitors today – it was amazing! I hope all of those wonderful humans come back again soon! Have a good night everyone! And no worries – I have Kiana right next door to me and she knows it. She peeks at me and talks to me through the slits in the wall.”

May 25th
It’s a scorcher already. Kiana had her meds and milk and is now napping. It was a long night for us humans.

We hope everyone had a great day. I intended on putting out a detailed update tonight but I’m beat. Kiana had a pretty good day today. The heat was not kind to any of us. We had a good rain storm which, IMO, made it worse due to the humidity. We have volunteers tomorrow morning so I hope to be able to make time to work in the office for a bit. Have a good night everyone!

May 26th, Memorial Day
Our daughter, Katie, was home all weekend which was really nice. We missed our son, Joshua, though.

CaryLou still thinks he’s “all that” and he is! LOL

What do the boys like to do after getting breakfast? Oh how I wish I could curl up with them! Sleep is good!!!

Sylvie visits with Magic at the end of the day.

Wishing everyone a safe Memorial Day!

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization