Did you know I’m a baby Tortie kitten that lives at the rescue now?
Yesterday there was lots of rain and thunder and lightning. Me, my sister, and my mommy were soaking wet and us kittens were cold. Mommy told us she had found a safe, dry place for us to go to but that she needed to carry us, one by one, across a road to get there. She nuzzled me and told me to stay put while she carried my sister across first and then she would be back to get me. It was raining sooooo hard.
I was a good girl and I waited and waited. I heard something – I thought it was mommy coming back but it was a human! He was holding my mommy – she looked like she was sleeping. He put her under a tree near me and he walked away.
I called for her but she didn’t answer so I crawled over and snuggled against her but she didn’t snuggle back. I didn’t hear a beating noise like I hear when we snuggle and that worried me. The man came back with my sister and did you know she looked like she was sleeping too? He laid her by my mommy and went away again. I cried for them but they didn’t answer and they looked different, something was wrong. The man came back, put something over them, and then picked me up and took me away and I just didn’t understand what was happening.
The next thing I knew, after a short time, the man gave me to a lady. He told her that my mommy and sister had been hit by a car and that I needed help.
I’m not sure what that meant but I didn’t think it was a good thing. The lady held me close and I heard a beating noise like I would hear when I snuggled with my mommy! The lady kissed me on my nose and told me I’d be ok and took me in a house and put me in a nice dry bed. She gave me milk – it wasn’t as good as my mommy’s but I was hungry. She also gave me a new friend named Snuggles – I like that name – it makes me think of my mommy and sister.
I heard someone say, “Uh oh, Mommy Theresa has a new baby!”
Did you know that for the first time in my life I went to bed without my mommy and sister last night? I thought about them a lot but I slept almost all night long. I did have my new friend, Snuggles, and I like her. She’s soft and cuddly and, sometimes when she’s near, I hear a beating noise like I heard when I’d snuggle with my mommy. I woke up this morning hungry and drank more milk. I think we are going on what mommy Theresa called an “adventure” to a vet’s office. I don’t know what that is but I’ll report back!
Oh, did you know that I have a name now? It’s Zoie!