We were happy to learn on Sunday morning that Kiah had a calm night at UF. After we left her at the hospital, she received IV fluids together with pain medication. After evaluating Kiah, we were advised that her left leg would need to be amputated. However, after we received a morning update call, we were informed that our private practice vet could very well perform Kiah’s surgery for less (and that it may be less stressful for her as well) and we were asked if we wished to explore this option.
Dr. Schirmer of West End Animal Hospital in Newberry performed both Max’s and Kitty Cat’s surgeries and did a wonderful job on each. He gave us several more months with them for which we will be forever grateful. We sent Dr. Schirmer photos of Kiah’s injury and he believes it’s possible that he can save her leg! He can’t guarantee it, but he will try. She will lose three toes but still have enough foot left to enable her to have a fully functioning leg. However, if the leg cannot be saved, we are quite confident that she will successfully adapt as a tripod. Either way, she will be having surgery on Tuesday.
Kiah returned to the rescue late Sunday afternoon. Watching her… well, it’s like watching the wonderment of a child experience new things. She’s really warmed up to the human touch. She’s a good girl when taking her meds and we are thrilled with the possibility that she might be able to keep her leg.
Kiah weighs 16 pounds and is about a year old. She’s heart worm negative so that is a plus. She was covered with fleas which have been treated. Her bloodwork results could have been better but she’s getting the medications that she needs at this time. She’s young and has a positive spirit about her, and most importantly, she’s tough. I can’t imagine the pain and neglect that she’s endured in her short life, while being all alone, but she has made it this far without any help from humans.
We believe Kiah will recover and be able to live a happy life with or without her leg. She will never know hunger again – her needs will always be taken care of, and she will be forever loved.
A very dear friend of the rescue recently offered a Match Game in honor of Bonnie Blossom, who sadly passed a few years ago. That match game was completed in a blink of an eye, but yet another very special friend of the rescue has come forth to offer a second Match Game to assist with Kiah’s veterinary needs and all donations up to $500, will be matched dollar for dollar. If you would like to help Kiah while doubling your donation at the same time, simply click on the ‘Donate’ button below.
Thank you for your outpouring of love for sweet Kiah and for making an incredible difference in this precious little girl’s life.