Tag Archive for: Jazzy

WE DID IT! Thank you all so very much for sharing, donating, and caring! This will enable us to help get caught up on some farrier, veterinary, supplement, and related expenses!

We are truly grateful for your continued love and support which means so very much to all of us here at Beauty’s Haven.


JoJo Shenanigans

JoJo continues to be a source of amusement at Beauty’s Haven, each and every day. He remains the ‘King of the Golf Cart’ even though, much to his chagrin, he really is much too large to ride in it any longer! He does happily run along beside me, however, whenever I am out and about running errands in ‘his’ cart. JoJo is also a bit perplexed about no longer being allowed into the house as he once was when he was just a baby donkey.

Please click on JoJo’s image to view a brief video of his latest shenanigans! We are so blessed to have this special boy, together with his very best friend, Jazzy, in our lives.

It is so hard to believe that spring is just around the corner! And, as always, every six weeks or so, brings yet another round of hooficures.

Mishka was first to receive his hooficure this week and we are forever grateful to have stocks which ensure that our big old Teddy Bear, does indeed, have ‘Happy Feet!’ Mishka also has quite the little harem which does not make Valley Girl very happy. The other day, Jo and Dancer were in the paddock with Valley Girl and Mishka and Jo seemed quite smitten with the big guy. Dancer stayed a little distance away and watched from afar. They all got along quite well, but Dancer was happy when Jo finally joined her to return to another paddock.

And then there are JoJo and Jazzy, having the time of their lives while awaiting their turn with the farrier. There is never a dull moment here at Beauty’s Haven which you can see in the video below.

So, if anyone would like to sponsor a hooficure for one of our ‘Velvet Nosers,’ we would be forever grateful. You may forward your contribution simply by clicking on the ‘DONATE’ button below. If donating via PayPal, please designate your contribution to ‘Happy Feet’ or the name of the horse that you wish to sponsor. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small.

Thank you for your continued love and support.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Hey Everyone!

As a way to help our Big Hay Fundraiser, my friends and I decided that all we wanted for Valentine’s Day would be a contribution toward a bale of hay to help feed all my friends and I here at Beauty’s Haven. It would surely make all of our hearts sing!

So, if you wish to be our Valentine, just click one of the donation buttons below. Please designate your contribution to “A Valentine for the Velvet Nosers.” Please remember that all donations are very much appreciated and no amount is ever too small! Thank you!

Wishing you all a very Happy Valentine’s Day!

Jazzy and the Herd

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

*Facebook takes care of the donation processing with no fees.

“Did you know temperatures are dipping down really super cold for the next few nights?

Did you know Mommy Theresa is sick with something called Covid and she’s really worried about us staying warm? She’s been in isolation now since Tuesday and is anxious to get out.

Did you know that if we have hay it will help us stay warm? It’s not too late for us to make a run to the hay store by tomorrow.

Could anyone help us raise $2,005 for ten bales of orchard hay, one ton of alfalfa, two big half pasture bales as well as some coastal hay?

And guess what? Two of my very special aunties have joined together and will match all donations up to $1,150, so not only will you be helping me and my fiends here at Beauty’s Haven, you will double your donation as well!

We don’t even have to fill up the whole hay storage trailer – if we just get it half full, it will last us until Monday.

So, please help if you can. All donations are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever too small!

Have a very Merry Christmas!”


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Back to Normal

JoJo and Jazzy were so happy to get out of their stall after the storm..
Penny is a 31 year old blind Belgian mare. Emma is a young QH filly that was shot multiple times a few months ago. They were both very brave throughout the night as Irma passed through – I was so proud of them! 


This video features Penny and Emma as they greeted us at daybreak during the eye of the storm.



Kitty Cat had fun with a photo shoot during Hurricane Irma.
My daughter made me do it! But it was a much needed ride – if only for a few minutes. Fancy is a great mare!

The minis will be arriving home tomorrow following their little ‘vacation’ in Tennessee.  I simply cannot wait to welcome them home!


We are still assessing the storm damage and a detailed update will be forthcoming.


Thank you all for your continued love and support.



[button type=”churchope_button” url=”https://bhfer.org/donate/” target=”” button_color=”#002c8b” ]DONATE NOW[/button]

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) grassroots Non-Profit Organization registered in the state of Florida (EIN: 20-4783950).  We are not funded by Local, State, or Federal funds. We operate totally from donations from the public. Please consider making a one time or recurring donation to help the horses. No amount is too small and all donations are very much appreciated.  Donations are tax deductible.

Beauty’s Haven was awarded Verified status by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) in 2012. GFAS is the only globally recognized organization that provides standards for identifying legitimate animal sanctuaries.  Awarded November 2014 Equine Hero and 2017 Eagle Rare Life Award for Heroism.  A Guidestar Exchange Silver Participant and a GreatNonprofits Top Rated Non-Profit in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.


Little E has been quite the gentleman – he’s been letting Emma borrow his blanket for this cold spell. She’s still having issues in her neck but she is a happy little girl.
Emma Blanket

Magic absolutely loves his blue flymasks!
Magic Blue Mask

Senior citizen Sawyer and little Lucy. The odd couple.

Odd Couple


JoJo and Jazzy patiently waiting at the bottom of the stairs on this cold morning, to wish everyone a “Happy St. Patrick’s Day!”

Donks St Patricks Day

#jojo #jazzy #minidonks #bhfer #magic #emma #sawyer #lucy #donate #charity

October 24th

Aaleyah Belle and her silly tongue.  There’s nothing that can compare to being slimed by her!

The horses are loving the cool temperatures. We all are!

October 25th…

“Come on JoJo – let’s play kick the can! Um, I mean kick the bucket!”

October 26th…

Prayers please. Aaleyah Belle is colicing.

October 27th…

I’m happy to report that Aaleyah Belle is feeling much better after her gas colic yesterday! Chloe and Aaleyah were both happy to go back down to their paddock this morning. Thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers yesterday.

Please remember to cast your daily vote today in the Eagle Rare Life contest. It could help to win $5K to $50K for the horses! Just click on this link and cast your vote!

#eaglerarelife #horsesareheros #bhfer #betsyrose #ittakesavillage #voteandshare

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) grassroots Non-Profit Organization registered in the state of Florida (EIN: 20-4783950).  We are not funded by Local, State, or Federal funds. We operate totally from donations from the public. Please consider making a one time or recurring donation to help the horses. No amount is too small and all donations are very much appreciated.  Donations are tax deductible.

Beauty’s Haven was awarded Verified status by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) in 2012. GFAS is the only globally recognized organization that provides standards for identifying legitimate animal sanctuaries.  Awarded November 2014 Equine Hero.  A Guidestar Exchange Silver Participant and a GreatNonprofits Top Rated Non-Profit 2014, 2015, and 2016.

October 18th…

Thanks to Bonnie, Lucy now has a bell that she wears so that Sawyer can better keep track of her. Sawyer is an elderly pony with greatly diminished vision.  He often gets upset when he can’t find his BFF, Lucy.  Thank you Bonnie!

October 21st…

Even in the early morning sunrise, JoJo and Jazzy play.
Donks Morning Play

“Good morning, Mommy Theresa! Come on, let’s get the day going! It’s Friday you know. And lookie – me and Jazzy already put our fly masks on!”

October 22nd…

Beauty is always beautiful – even in her flymask.

Our first hay purchase of the fall season. Very glad it’s available but not happy with the extra expense.

September 21st…

JoJo was looking for anyone who would play ball today.

JoJo Ball

Many thanks to Judy for clipping Sawyer again – he feels so much better and he looks great! Judy is Timmie and Foxy’s adoptive mom. Judy has clipped Sawyer a couple of times this year – he gets pretty shaggy as he has cushings. We’re so blessed that he’s still with us – he had some bad seizures a few months ago and it wasn’t looking good. But he didn’t give up and he’s doing great!

Sawyer Judy

Two donkeys on a mission which was most likely looking for JoJo’s mask!

JoJo Jazzy Mission

September 24th…

Elizabeth and Bri surprised us and came out to spend the day! We had a great time – it’s always wonderful to see them.  Waylon really enjoyed some extra attention from Bri.

Waylon Bri

“Mommy Theresa it wasn’t me!  That big hole dug by the gate – that was Jazzy’s doing!  I told him not to do it but he wouldn’t listen.  I tried putting all the dirt back in the hole.  And then I rolled around and around to flatten it out so nobody would notice and so Jazzy wouldn’t get in trouble but there’s not enough dirt.  I don’t know where it went!”

JoJo's Wasn't Me

I wonder if JoJo realizes that he’s wearing the missing dirt?!


August 20th…
Spirit was great for Dr. Mangan! She’s such a sweet mare. She can’t see anything out of her right eye. Her left eye can distinguish light from dark.  Spirit was one of our rescues that was adopted out a couple of years ago.  She went to live with another blind horse. Sadly, the adopter recently passed away and both mares came here.
Penny was also really good for Dr. Mangan – she is definitely blind in both eyes
Penny is a 29 year old Belgian that came to us because her owner passed away.  She needs sponsors to help with her daily care.  If anyone would like to help with her please let us know.  Even a one time donation of any amount would help – click on the “Donate” button below. Thank you.
August 21st
“Good morning everybody! I’m baby Whiskers but I’m growing up! Did you know that I heard the volunteers talking about changing my name to Gator? I think it’s because I like to go around and “chomp, chomp” on just about anything I can put in my mouth!  But no worries – mommy Theresa says we won’t change it!”
August 22nd
“Hi everyone! It’s me – JoJo! How do you like my smile? I’m smiling because it’s a brand-new day!  We have to go now because we want to say, ‘Hi’ to Daisy and Mocha. They are going to be leaving one day soon.”
August 23rd
Spirit gets dirtier than any horse I’ve ever known. lol
At times, Whiskers is like the Energizer bunny that doesn’t slow down – long ears and all!
It seems that Whiskers legs grow inches overnight!
It’s not unusual to find CaryLou on the porch of the storage building. He’s been coughing a bit more lately as he has a collapsing trachea. It is better though – I haven’t seen him fall over like a fainting goat in quite sometime!.
It’s not unusual to find CaryLou on the porch of the storage building. He’s been coughing a bit more lately as he has a collapsing trachea. It is better though – I haven’t seen him fall over like a fainting goat in quite sometime!.