Tag Archive for: Hurricane Debby

Please click on the image above to view Tobias “dancing in the rain.”

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”

It’s been pretty busy here between weathering Hurricane Debby and taking care of sick horses. Surprisingly, although we had tons of rain, we thankfully, did not get flooded. At times, during heavy rains, a pond forms in the middle of the property while a newly created river appears behind the barn. As the first bands came through, we did lose power, but thanks to our back-up generators, everything was soon back to normal.

A few horses did get an upper respiratory infection during the course of the storm, but I believe everyone is now on the mend and things are finally looking up.

A number of horses were confined to their stalls and were most anxious for a break in the weather. Bouie was nice enough to let Benjamin share his stall whilst Luigi and Warrior could not wait to get out and simply roll about in the mud! On the other hand, even bad weather does not slow Tobias down. He had a great time charging about the paddock as his best friend, Elka, happily looked on, eager to get back to normal. CLICK HERE to see video.

Allie, our sweet cat, watched over the horses in the barn and made certain that my rain jacket remained safe, as sometimes, things mysteriously go missing when Benjamin is around! By the end of the day, Allie was simply exhausted from her barn watching duties!

A big thank you to each and everyone of you who kept us in your thoughts and prayers as we weathered the storm.
