Tag Archive for: hoof care

It is so hard to believe that spring is just around the corner! And, as always, every six weeks or so brings yet another round of “hooficures.”

Chloe, Jo, Dancer, Bouie, Frodo, Maggie, Gabe, Mo, Oasis, Valley Girl, Walker and Waylen are just a few of our “Velvet Nosers” who are scheduled to have a hooficure this week in hope that each will have “Happy Feet” by the very first day of Spring.

If anyone would like to sponsor a hooficure for a member of our beloved little herd, we would be forever grateful. The average cost per equine is $50.

You may forward your contribution in a variety of ways, simply by clicking on the DONATE button below. If donating via PayPal, please designate your contribution to: “Happy Feet” or the name of the horse, donkey or mule that you wish to sponsor.

All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small.

Thank you for your continued love and support.


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We would appreciate continued good thoughts and prayers for Frodo. We’re supporting him in every way possible – he’s foundered and rotated a few degrees. The indirect lightning strike must have been a horrible experience for him.

This was a concern from the beginning – after he took an indirect lightning strike, Frodo became uncomfortable in his front feet and, as a precaution, we started treating him as a laminitis case. The farrier put hoof testers on Frodo a few weeks ago and his response was not indicative of a founder case so we hoped that he just had an abscess that would resolve on its own. In fact, he did have an abscess in the right foot that recently popped so that foot is feeling better, but now, the left is more uncomfortable. Frodo has, in fact, foundered, but he is in great spirits and we’re optimistic that he will recover from this. He will. Believe…

Our Matching Gift Challenge will be ending on July 31st at 11:59pm EDT so please take advantage of this opportunity to double your donation! All donations up to $2000 in our ‘Beauty of the Heart’ fundraiser will be matched dollar for dollar. If you would like to participate, whether through gofundme, PayPal: bhfer@earthlink.net or our website: www.bhfer.org/donate, please designate your contribution to ‘Beauty of the Heart Matching Gift.’ All donations are greatly appreciated and no donation is ever too small. If you are unable to donate at this time, we ask that you please share this fundraiser amongst your family and friends.  Thank you once again. You all truly exemplify the words of Rumi ~ ‘The only lasting beauty is the Beauty of the Heart.’