Hi Everyone,
Theresa was at the doctor most of the afternoon as she is experiencing some issues and she will most undoubtedly, be ‘off the grid’ for several days. She asked that I post a fundraiser on her behalf for our weekly hay and farrier needs, so hopefully, funds can be raised quickly, which will truly ease her mind.
In order to get through the week, we need four bales of peanut hay ($64) for Mo who is doing wonderfully and has already gained sixty pounds! The minis will need five bales of coastal hay ($40), a number of the big horses need three big compressed bales of orchard hay ($300), and the remainder of the herd need a ton of three string orchard bales ($610), for a total of $1,014. In addition, several horses are scheduled for their hooficures next week which will cost an additional $125, so the combined amount for both hay and farrier needs is $1,139.
We do have some good news, however, as a wonderful friend and supporter has just come forth to offer a MATCH GAME, whereby, all donations up to $400 will be matched!
If you would like to participate in the Match Game, you may do so by making a one-time tax-deductible donation, or sign up to make an automatic monthly recurring donation (which you can cancel at any time) via our secure WEBPAGE. You also have the option of dedicating your donation in Honor or Memory of someone. Another way to donate is via Network for Good or JustGiving – links which can be found on our ‘DONATE’ page together with our snail mail address. You can also donate via PAYPAL and if you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. Please note that your contribution is for the ‘Match Game.’ Please be assured that all donations are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever too small. If you’re not in a position to donate at this time, we truly understand, but you can still help by sharing out this message via social media!
Please keep Theresa in your prayers and thank you all, for your love and support!