Tag Archive for: hay

It is so hard to believe that summer is fast approaching, which of course, brings yet another round of hooficures. Almost all members of our beloved little herd of 30 are due for a hooficure. Farrier visits have been scheduled beginning yesterday, June 9th, and will be ongoing until next Friday, June 16th, in hope that each of our ‘Velvet Nosers’ will have ‘Happy Feet’ by the very first day of summer.

While donations toward basic needs such as farrier care and hay may seem trivial to many, they are vitally important to the overall health and well-being of our equines. Please be assured that each and every dollar designated for these needs brings us great relief and an inordinate amount of gratitude.

The average cost per hooficure is $45. If you would like to sponsor or donate any amount toward a hooficure, you may forward your contribution simply by clicking on the ‘DONATE’ button below. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small.

Thank you, all, for your love & support!


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

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Let’s Fill Up the Hay Trailer!

The weekend also means that it is time for yet another hay run. Although we do have grass, we must still continue to feed hay to our ‘Velvet Nosers’ in order to keep our grassy areas from turning into sand paddocks.

We estimate this week’s purchase will be approximately $1,000, so if you would like to contribute toward this need, both horses and humans alike would be forever grateful. Just click on the donate button included on this post. All donations are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever to small.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Here we go again! The “feels like” temperatures are dropping below freezing, and coupled with the high winds, it becomes nearly unbearable to say the least. We need to get a load of coastal and some alfalfa hay ASAP which will cost about $925.

If you can pitch in, please click the “Donate” button below, or visit our Donations page for all options to contribute.

I know the horses would really appreciate it, digesting hay helps them stay warm!


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

“Did you know temperatures are dipping down really super cold for the next few nights?

Did you know Mommy Theresa is sick with something called Covid and she’s really worried about us staying warm? She’s been in isolation now since Tuesday and is anxious to get out.

Did you know that if we have hay it will help us stay warm? It’s not too late for us to make a run to the hay store by tomorrow.

Could anyone help us raise $2,005 for ten bales of orchard hay, one ton of alfalfa, two big half pasture bales as well as some coastal hay?

And guess what? Two of my very special aunties have joined together and will match all donations up to $1,150, so not only will you be helping me and my fiends here at Beauty’s Haven, you will double your donation as well!

We don’t even have to fill up the whole hay storage trailer – if we just get it half full, it will last us until Monday.

So, please help if you can. All donations are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever too small!

Have a very Merry Christmas!”


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Due to the freezing temperatures of the past week and the upcoming cold nights we must make a hay run tomorrow for six large compressed half pasture bales (each weighs approximately 500 pounds) as well as 8 bags of coastal. The cost of the six half bales and 8 bags of coastal is $830, so if anyone would like to help with this need, it would be so greatly appreciated. This hay should last until Tuesday or Wednesday when another cold front will be moving in. Then we will need to do it all over again.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

You can also contribute at PayPal (BHFER@earthlink.net) and Venmo (@bhfers). All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small.


Hello from freezing Florida! And it’s is going to be another really cold one today – the winds here make it pretty bad, but at least it’s not raining. Last night it dipped down to 19°. Thankfully all the horses were warm and snuggly in their blankets. Many thanks to Jenny, Avi, and Cindy for helping to blanket the 30+ horses yesterday!

Did you know horses burn 30-35% more calories to stay warm when the cold temps arrive? This means they need more hay!

We need to make a run as soon as possible for four large compressed 1/2 pasture bales for the horses in our four southern paddocks so the horses will have them for tonight. Each bale weighs approximately 500 pounds. This will cost at least $525 to procure these four bales. Can anyone help with this need? We have enough of the regular size bales to last us for a couple more days.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

No amount is too small and all donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Remi, our baby donkey, came to me several days ago with a special request from Hope. At some point either Freckles or Jerry the Giraffe told Remi and Hope about our precious baby calf, also named Hope, who arrived at Beauty’s Haven in April, 2019. Everyone adored Baby Hope, a spirited little calf who had an incredible will to live. A link to Chapter One of her story can be found by clicking HERE.

When Hope, our little mini filly, arrived this past December it took me quite some time to call her by her name without thinking about our little calf, Baby Hope. At times it made me very sad as precious Baby Hope meant the world to us and we miss her so very much to this very day. She was so truly loved.

Hope the mini’s personality began to shine as she was recovering from her colic surgery and I couldn’t help but think how incredibly spirited, bold, carefree, and independent she is.

Volunteers oftentimes comment about how sassy she is. I frequently tell her that she’s our “Little Sassy Pants!”

Back to Remi’s special request from Hope. Hope wants to know if we can just call her “Sassy.” It works for the rest of us and it truly fits her perfectly. So Sassy it is, and she already responds to her new name!

If you click on Miss Sassy Pants’s image above, you will see a video which perfectly captures her amazing spirit, made possible by each and every one of you, who helped grant her a second chance at life. Sassy is yet another Beauty’s Haven miracle!

A New Match Game

A wonderful friend and supporter has come forth to assist with our farrier and hay needs. We are so very thankful, as due to these precarious times, donations have been down for quite some time. The good news is that all donations up to $500 will be matched dollar-for-dollar, so if you wish to help sponsor a “hooficure” or contribute toward our hay needs, it would be so very much appreciated by horses, donkeys and humans alike. Just click on the ‘Donate’ button below and note that your donation is for our “Hooficures” and/or “Hay Match Game.”

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Thank you, all, so very much!


Remi here! Mommy Theresa just told me that my horsey and donkey friends need four big compressed half pasture bales of hay and she asked me if I would like to help her raise money for this need. I was so happy to be Mommy’s little helper that I simply jumped for joy! We are more than halfway there with just $224 to go so if you would like to help, just click on the ‘Donate’ button below!

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Thank you!


P.S. Thank you all for helping me get better.

Hey Everyone!

It’s me, Hope! It’s so, so hot here all I want to do is sleep under the tree in the shade with my friend Jerry!  Mommy Theresa is very busy taking care of me, Jasmin, the doggies, the cats, the donkeys and the many horses here at the farm, so I thought I should help her with this week’s Hay Fundraiser! Our hay is almost gone and we need to raise money to help feed my horsey and donkey friends.

A very special Auntie has come forth and is offering a Match Game to assist with this need and all donations up to $500, will be matched dollar for dollar. Contributions can be made via various secure means on our website (CLICK HERE). Please note in the ‘Comments’ section that your donation is for the ‘Hay Match Game.’ All contributions are very much appreciated and no amount is ever too small. Thank you!

Sending love and kisses,
Baby Hope

When the world says, “Give up.”, Hope whispers “Try it one more time.”

#NeverGiveUp #believe #bhfer #follow #share #WhereThereIsLoveThereIsHope 



We have been so focused upon helping Hope that many things have crept up on us. A majority of our horses are scheduled for “hooficures” this week and we need to raise $820. Would anyone like to help?

Contributions can be made via various secure means on our WEBSITE or via PAYPAL. If you donate via PayPal, please select the option, ‘Send money to family and friends’ and no fees will be deducted from your contribution. Please note that your donation is for ‘Happy Feet.’ All donations are tax deductible and please be assured that no amount is ever too small.

In addition, the arthritis in Chloe’s knees has worsened to the point where she needs injections. Dr. Cardona is here today to administer her injections. If anyone wishes to help our beautiful girl, please designate your contribution for ‘Chloe.’

Once again, we must make another Hay Run in the upcoming days. We are in need of three large compressed bales of hay at a cost of $330, plus a ton of three string orchard hay bales at cost of $610 for a total of $940. If you wish to help with this need, please note that your donation is for ‘Hay.’

Lastly, I had a bad fall last night and I just returned after being seen by the doctor. Thankfully, I didn’t need stitches. My head sure hurts like heck and I do have quite a shiner! I guess it’s a good thing that I’m hard headed!

Thank you, all, so very much, for your love and support.


Please click on Hope’s image to view her latest video.
Hope Believes!

We spent much of yesterday preparing for the arrival of Hurricane Michael but thankfully, we did not receive the brunt of the storm. We had a few periods of high rain, heavy winds and some erosion.

Please keep those who were affected by the ravages of the hurricane, in your thoughts and prayers.

We do need to make a hay run, however, as we only have enough hay to last for two days.

We need a ton of 3 string orchard hay bales at $600 a ton and three 1/2 pasture bales at $300 each, which will go under the large shelters where the horses will stay during the heavy rains.

Lastly, we are thrilled to announce that six amazing friends and supporters have joined together to offer a MATCH GAME to assist with our hay needs. All donations up to $1,200 will be matched dollar for dollar. There is currently $590 still available in Matching funds.

If you would like to participate in the Match Game, there are many ways in which to contribute. You may forward your contribution via our PayPal address: bhfer@earthlink.net, via the DONATE page on our website or via PayPal Me. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to ‘HAY.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small. Thank you, all, so very much!