Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc., is participating in #GivingTuesday, a global giving movement which connects diverse groups of individuals, communities and organizations throughout the world for one common purpose: to celebrate and encourage giving. Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving and the widely recognized shopping events, Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday will kick off the charitable season on November 27, 2018, when many focus upon their holiday and year-end giving.
Beauty’s Haven is a grassroots organization whose mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home horses in need. We provide lifelong sanctuary to many horses with special needs and the animals here provide comfort and healing to humans suffering from autism, PTSD and depression, as well as mental and emotional challenges.
We would be very grateful if you will consider making a donation to our organization as part of your year-end giving.
Horse rescue is not merely the act of saving a horse in dire need. Once a horse is rescued, initial vetting and rehabilitation is costly. After a horse completes rehab, the expenses incurred in caring for that horse do not disappear. We must, thereby, depend upon the generosity of our amazing village of supporters, including volunteers, to help ensure that the overall health and well-being of each and every member of our herd is fulfilled. This can be done not only by making a tax-deductible donation and volunteering, but by sharing information about us with family and friends, cross-posting on social media, holding fundraisers, etc. Beauty’s Haven receives no federal, state, or local government funding and operates solely from donations.
In order to provide a safe environment for horses in our care as well as for the humans who tend to their daily needs, we must maintain the infrastructure of the farm as well as the equipment used to do so. This requires ongoing maintenance and repairs of golf carts, a UTV, trailers, the rescue’s truck and SUV, a mower, tractor and additional equipment. There are fences, gates, barn doors, windows and gutters that need to be replaced and/or repaired. Batteries in one of the golf carts need to be replaced. The farm tractor is now in the repair shop and requires $1500 of repairs to get it to the point where we can use it to unload and move large 700-pound bales of hay. The cost to get it fully repaired (fixing the bush hog/mowing deck, PTO, replace fluids, etc.) is another $3400. The windshield of the UTV must be replaced due to damage caused by sand that continually blows across the paddocks which makes it difficult for one to see. The installation of wipers on the UTV would be yet another much needed and most important safety feature.
One of the costliest, time consuming, and frustrating issues during the past year has been the zero-turn mower constantly breaking down and having to go to the repair shop. It is at the age when it needs to be retired and replaced. The mower is used to mow almost 18 acres of pasture as well as drag 10 acres on a weekly basis, year-round. Over the past few years, a wonderful friend has graciously performed this task but he will be retiring after the new year and Theresa and Bob will be assuming the task of mowing/dragging. We conducted an exhaustive research and found a highly rated mower with a great warranty plan that is built to withstand the rough terrain and environment at the farm. And, most importantly, it is ergonomically designed to be much less physically taxing on the humans who use it. Procuring a mower at this time is the right thing to do – the company is offering us a very good discount but we cannot make this happen without the help (we still need $10K to purchase it) of supporters. We have applied for grants to help with this, but have not as yet, been successful in our quest. The procurement of the mower would truly be a godsend to both horses and humans alike.
Taking all of these needs into consideration, our fundraising goal for #GivingTuesday 2018 and our year-end campaign, is $20,000.
On Tuesday, November 27th, starting at 8 am ET (5 am PT), Facebook, in partnership with PayPal, will match donations up to $7 million made to nonprofits via Facebook. Donations will be matched dollar for dollar on a first-come, first-served basis until the $7 million in donations is reached or at 8 pm ET (11:59 pm PT) on November 27th. Please click HERE to make your tax deductible donation to our ‘BELIEVE’ fundraiser which will be counted towards the match game. If you are not a member of Facebook, donations to our #GivingTuesday campaign may be forwarded via our WEBSITE or PayPal.Me. Contributions may also be submitted via our GOFUNDME page or via our PayPal address: bhfer@earthlink.net. Our goal is quite substantial, but the funds are desperately needed. We’ve seen miracles happen and we believe – with your help – we can achieve!
As we near the end of 2018, it is difficult to believe that it is almost one year since our beloved Betsy Rose crossed Rainbow Bridge, and not a day goes by when we do not think of our precious little mare with the flaxen mane. Betsy was adored by countless people throughout the world. She inspired others to ‘BELIEVE’ and to never give up regardless of the obstacles that lay in their path. Betsy Rose was so very thankful for the love and support that she and her equine friends received from each and every one of you who accompanied her on her remarkable journey. Like Betsy, we, too, are so very grateful to our wonderful little village of supporters who have allowed Beauty’s Haven to continue its most important mission of granting horses and other precious beings, a second chance at life and promising each, that all of their tomorrows will be everything that their past should have been.
Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, a place where ‘Life begins, again!’
Thank you all, from the bottom of our hearts.