Tag Archive for: #GivingTuesday

GivingTuesday was established as a straightforward concept: to dedicate one day each year to ignite the spirit of love and generosity around the world. And today, we are thrilled to kick off our GivingTuesday campaign, starting with a $1,000 Match Game! Each and every donation up to $1,000 will be doubled. A $10 donation will become $20, and so on, until we reach $1,000, which will then turn into $2,000! Our goal this year, is to raise $10,000.

With your help, we can continue to make a meaningful difference in the lives of countless animals. While GivingTuesday officially falls on December 3rd, the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving, you don’t have to wait to donate.

You may contribute to our GivingTuesday campaign by clicking on the image above or on the ‘Donate’ button below.

At Beauty’s Haven, we are immensely grateful for the compassion and support we’ve received from our wonderful community of friends and supporters throughout the years. Your kindness has empowered us to carry out our essential mission of rescuing, rehabilitating, rehoming, and providing sanctuary for countless animals – equines, canines, felines, cows, and goats – who oftentimes find themselves abandoned and alone through no fault of their own.

We genuinely appreciate your assistance during our unforeseen emergencies during the past year, as well as for your contributions to our routine care expenses. We faced a number of challenges in covering significant surgical/veterinary expenses, particularly, Amira’s hospitalization, the impaction and subsequent surgery for our dear Benjamin, Baby Eleanor’s eye removal, as well as Gabriel’s final expenses including burial. Additionally, we incurred necessary veterinary, dental, and farrier costs for our new arrivals; Addi, Cracker, Ford, Tobias, Dusti Rose, our sweet newborn orphan goat, Gabi, as well as for our recently returned senior mare, Shai. Our TNR program has also incurred expenses in relation to spaying, neutering, and vaccinations. We are, thereby, designating this year’s GivingTuesday fundraiser towards addressing these costs while also replenishing our medicine cabinet with essential supplements and medications.

Thank you in advance for being an integral part of our mission by allowing Beauty’s Haven to continue its quest of being a place where “Life Begins, Again!”


During this most devastating time as we mourn the loss of Beauty, the Arabian mare that was the beginning, as well as the heart and soul, of Beauty’s Haven, we find it difficult to even put one foot in front of the other. We must, nevertheless, dig in our heels and carry on for the sake of the remainder of our equine herd as well as for the other sentient beings in our care. And whilst Beauty is no longer physically here, we know in our hearts that she will forever be watching over me and the rest of her family and friends here at the rescue.

With #GivingTuesday 2023 upon us, we are hoping and praying for your support to assist us with the numerous ongoing expenses involved in running an equine rescue organization.

These expenses that are necessary to ensure the overall safety, health, comfort and well-being of each and every member of our herd, many with special needs:

  • Broken gates and fence boards need to be replaced,
  • repairs to shelters and equipment are needed,
  • the supplement and medication cabinets need to be restocked,
  • Some horses here have no sponsors to even cover their daily expenses, and the list goes on.

As Beauty’s Haven is also actively engaged in TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return), the most effective and humane method for managing and subsequently, reducing the population of the numerous feral and stray cats that frequently find their way to our farm, your donation will also assist greatly with the veterinary and overall care expenses of these precious cats and kittens, who, sadly, find themselves alone and unwanted through no fault of their own.

We currently are in need of a catio which will provide a safe and warm place for the feral cats and kittens that routinely visit. Just last week, a new family of five kittens and their mother showed up – a big catch cage which would enable us to catch multiple cats and kittens at once would be a most necessary and welcome addition to our TNR program.

Lastly, In honor of Beauty, a wonderful supporter has offered a $1000 Match Game to kick off our fundraiser. We would be forever grateful for your support on this #GivingTuesday, 2023.


Today, May 30th, is #GivingTuesday at MyGivingCircle – a movement to encourage generosity and giving. They are giving away an extra $3,000 to the six charities that get the most NEW votes today. MyGivingCircle will give $500 each to the two USA or Canadian charities with the most new votes today and with your help, it can be Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc.

Please help Beauty’s Haven win a grant from MyGivingCircle. It costs nothing to vote once per week and if you donate, you can vote as often as you wish. MyGivingCircle will add one vote for every $1 in a one-time donation and more if you commit to a monthly recurring donation. To receive a grant, a charity must receive a minimum of 2,000 votes.

The current grants round will end on June 30th and the top 20 charities with the most votes will receive a share of $500,000, which is awarded annually.

We are very confident that our wonderful little village of supporters can do this, so just click on the button below and cast your vote and please share!

Thank you!


Her body was wasting away after living alone in a small sandlot for many years. Someone saw her and reached out for help. She’s one of the lucky ones. Now, more than ever, we need your help to make all of her tomorrows everything her past should have been.

Authorities recently reached out to us about a case where a very thin horse was to be removed from a small sandlot. The horse had lived there, alone, for many years. While we cannot reveal specific details at this time, we can tell you that we could not walk away without helping her. And, it is only because of the generosity of compassionate people like you, that we are able to help these precious beings when a call comes in. Your donations truly, do make a difference!

Help Her on #GivingTuesday

Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc., is once again, participating in #GivingTuesday, a global giving movement which connects diverse groups of individuals, communities and organizations throughout the world for one common purpose: to celebrate and encourage giving. #GivingTuesday is crucial for nonprofit organizations like Beauty’s Haven for it assists us greatly in raising the necessary funds which enable us to continue our mission of helping equines and other sentient beings in need.

Our campaign this year will permit us to not only help horses like this sweet mare, but will also assist us with the numerous ongoing expenses involved in running an equine rescue organization, expenses that are necessary to ensure the overall safety, health, comfort and well-being of the 30-plus horses – many with special needs – that comprise our beloved little herd.

Our goal this year is $10,000. All donations are tax-deductible, and please be assured that no amount is ever too small. Contributions may be forwarded via the donation button below, or on our #GivingTuesday fundraiser on Facebook.

Thank you all so very much for your love and support.


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Donation Total: $50.00

Thanks to each and every one of you, our #GivingTuesday campaign was a huge success!

Together with offline donations, we are very close to meeting our Match Game goal of $11,000 with just $593 to go. We are truly humbled and so very blessed by your generosity, love and support of our beloved little herd. Thank you, all, from the bottom of our hearts.

Wishing everyone a blessed holiday season.


At long last, #GivingTuesday has arrived! This wonderful day of giving is crucial for nonprofit organizations like Beauty’s Haven, to raise the necessary funds which help enable us to continue our most important mission of rescuing equines and other sentient beings in need, thereby granting each a second chance at life which they all so richly deserve.

All gifts up to $11,000 will be matched dollar for dollar through December 15th, so please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to double your impact. Contributions may be made on the form below. If donating via PayPal, please designate your contribution to #GivingTuesday. As always, all donations are so greatly appreciated and please be assured that no amount is ever too small.

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Donation Total: $50.00

Wishing you all a blessed Holiday Season.


#GivingTuesday is just two days away! It is the most important fundraising day of the year for organizations like ours and after the challenges of the last two years, it is more crucial than ever.

All gifts up to $11,000 will be matched dollar for dollar through December 15th! If you wish to get ahead of the game, just submit your tax-deductible gift today on the form below. If donating via PayPal, please designate your contribution to GivingTuesday. All donations are so greatly appreciated and please be assured that no amount is ever too small.

Wishing you all a blessed Holiday Season.


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Donation Total: $50.00

Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc. is once again participating in #GivingTuesday, a global giving movement which connects diverse groups of individuals, communities and organizations throughout the world for one common purpose – to celebrate and encourage giving. #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season on December 1, 2020, when many focus upon their holiday and year-end giving. #Giving Tuesday is also the kickoff day for our 2020 Year-End Campaign (YEC) for the horses!

We are beginning our #GivingTuesday campaign with a $2000 Match Game to help the three senior Thoroughbred mares, Aries, Raz and Nicky, we rescued on Thanksgiving Day. As their needs are many, their road to recovery will be not only long, but quite extensive and costly.

Watching these precious mares settle in and grow more relaxed in their new surroundings is so very rewarding and we are eagerly awaiting the day when they once again become proud and healthy horses. Seeing this, and new friendships taking root and growing, makes us feel truly blessed about what we do. Beauty’s Haven is indeed, a place “Where life begins, again!”

Beauty’s Haven is home to many special needs horses with individualized nutritional needs and supplementation, as well as more frequent veterinary, farrier and dental care. It’s only with your support that we are able to help these magnificent creatures who give so much and ask for so little.

Donations are understandably down due to Covid-19, but the needs of our beloved herd remain constant:

  • More hay is needed during the cold winter months,
  • Our medical supply cabinet needs to be restocked,
  • Maintenance to our farm equipment and shelters is ongoing, and
  • Our riding mower still needs to be replaced as it requires constant and costly repairs. (If anyone would like to donate a commercial grade zero turn mower, it would be so very much appreciated!)

The needs of our horses, however, always remain first and foremost. Our YEC goal this year is $15,000.

Your donation in any amount is very much appreciated. Please click on the button below to contribute!

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

You may also donate via PayPalMe, click here. (Please select the tab ‘Send Money to Friends or Family’ and no fees will be deducted from your contribution). Please also note that your donation is for #GivingTuesday.

Thank you all and God bless.


Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc., is participating in #GivingTuesday, a global giving movement which connects diverse groups of individuals, communities and organizations throughout the world for one common purpose: to celebrate and encourage giving. Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving and the widely recognized shopping events, Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday will kick off the charitable season on November 27, 2018, when many focus upon their holiday and year-end giving.

Beauty’s Haven is a grassroots organization whose mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home horses in need. We provide lifelong sanctuary to many horses with special needs and the animals here provide comfort and healing to humans suffering from autism, PTSD and depression, as well as mental and emotional challenges.

We would be very grateful if you will consider making a donation to our organization as part of your year-end giving.

Horse rescue is not merely the act of saving a horse in dire need. Once a horse is rescued, initial vetting and rehabilitation is costly. After a horse completes rehab, the expenses incurred in caring for that horse do not disappear. We must, thereby, depend upon the generosity of our amazing village of supporters, including volunteers, to help ensure that the overall health and well-being of each and every member of our herd is fulfilled. This can be done not only by making a tax-deductible donation and volunteering, but by sharing information about us with family and friends, cross-posting on social media, holding fundraisers, etc. Beauty’s Haven receives no federal, state, or local government funding and operates solely from donations.

In order to provide a safe environment for horses in our care as well as for the humans who tend to their daily needs, we must maintain the infrastructure of the farm as well as the equipment used to do so. This requires ongoing maintenance and repairs of golf carts, a UTV, trailers, the rescue’s truck and SUV, a mower, tractor and additional equipment. There are fences, gates, barn doors, windows and gutters that need to be replaced and/or repaired. Batteries in one of the golf carts need to be replaced. The farm tractor is now in the repair shop and requires $1500 of repairs to get it to the point where we can use it to unload and move large 700-pound bales of hay. The cost to get it fully repaired (fixing the bush hog/mowing deck, PTO, replace fluids, etc.) is another $3400. The windshield of the UTV must be replaced due to damage caused by sand that continually blows across the paddocks which makes it difficult for one to see. The installation of wipers on the UTV would be yet another much needed and most important safety feature.

One of the costliest, time consuming, and frustrating issues during the past year has been the zero-turn mower constantly breaking down and having to go to the repair shop. It is at the age when it needs to be retired and replaced. The mower is used to mow almost 18 acres of pasture as well as drag 10 acres on a weekly basis, year-round. Over the past few years, a wonderful friend has graciously performed this task but he will be retiring after the new year and Theresa and Bob will be assuming the task of mowing/dragging. We conducted an exhaustive research and found a highly rated mower with a great warranty plan that is built to withstand the rough terrain and environment at the farm. And, most importantly, it is ergonomically designed to be much less physically taxing on the humans who use it. Procuring a mower at this time is the right thing to do – the company is offering us a very good discount but we cannot make this happen without the help (we still need $10K to purchase it) of supporters. We have applied for grants to help with this, but have not as yet, been successful in our quest. The procurement of the mower would truly be a godsend to both horses and humans alike.

Taking all of these needs into consideration, our fundraising goal for #GivingTuesday 2018 and our year-end campaign, is $20,000.

On Tuesday, November 27th, starting at 8 am ET (5 am PT), Facebook, in partnership with PayPal, will match donations up to $7 million made to nonprofits via Facebook. Donations will be matched dollar for dollar on a first-come, first-served basis until the $7 million in donations is reached or at 8 pm ET (11:59 pm PT) on November 27th. Please click HERE to make your tax deductible donation to our ‘BELIEVE’ fundraiser which will be counted towards the match game. If you are not a member of Facebook, donations to our #GivingTuesday campaign may be forwarded via our WEBSITE or PayPal.Me. Contributions may also be submitted via our GOFUNDME page or via our PayPal address: bhfer@earthlink.net. Our goal is quite substantial, but the funds are desperately needed. We’ve seen miracles happen and we believe – with your help – we can achieve!

As we near the end of 2018, it is difficult to believe that it is almost one year since our beloved Betsy Rose crossed Rainbow Bridge, and not a day goes by when we do not think of our precious little mare with the flaxen mane. Betsy was adored by countless people throughout the world. She inspired others to ‘BELIEVE’ and to never give up regardless of the obstacles that lay in their path. Betsy Rose was so very thankful for the love and support that she and her equine friends received from each and every one of you who accompanied her on her remarkable journey. Like Betsy, we, too, are so very grateful to our wonderful little village of supporters who have allowed Beauty’s Haven to continue its most important mission of granting horses and other precious beings, a second chance at life and promising each, that all of their tomorrows will be everything that their past should have been.

Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, a place where ‘Life begins, again!’
Thank you all, from the bottom of our hearts.
Tinsel GT


Thank you for making a difference in the lives of the Beauty’s Haven Herd!

Beauty’s Haven runs solely on donations from others and it is because of your love and generosity that we are able to do what we do, to make a difference in the lives of each and every precious equine, calf, goat, lamb, dog or cat that finds their way to us through no fault of their own.  You have remained by our side through immense heartbreak and pain and during times of joy and celebration.  And for that, we are eternally grateful.

We are halfway to our #GivingTuesday goal of $5000 and hopefully, we will be able to raise the reminder by day’s end. If you would like to participate in our #GivingTuesday campaign, you may do so by contributing via the ‘Donate’ button on Facebook where all fees will be waived until midnight. If you are not a Facebook member, you can still make a difference by submitting a donation via various means on our website at bhfer.org/donate or via PayPal at bhfer@earthlink.net. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to ‘#GivingTuesday.’ If you select the tab for ‘Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. Please be assured that all donations are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever considered as being too small.


Other ways in which to help Beauty’s Haven during this holiday season…
  • Please take a moment to visit our online store where you can order our beautiful 2018 calendar as well as other gifts for colleagues, friends, and family members.
  • Shop at Amazon via Amazon Smile and select Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc., as your ‘Charity of Choice.’ A portion of your purchase will be donated to the rescue!
Wishing one and all, a Happy and Blessed Holiday Season!
‘Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, where ‘Life begins, again!’  

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Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) grassroots Non-Profit Organization registered in the state of Florida (EIN: 20-4783950). We are not funded by Local, State, or Federal funds. We operate totally from donations from the public.

IMPORTANT: In accordance with Chapter 496.411, Florida Statutes, the Solicitations of Contributions Act, the following information is provided: Charity Name/Location: Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc./Morriston, FL; Florida Charity Registration #: CH21245. EIN: 20-4783950.


‘The percentage, if any, of each contribution that is retained by any professional solicitor that has contracted with the organization’ = Zero %. Beauty’s Haven does not use professional solicitors. ‘The percentage of each contribution that is received by the organization.’ = 100%