December 15th – 29th, 2014 Update
December 15th
Donkey fun in the morning!
Beauty’s Haven Equine Rescue in action!
December 19th
Cookie visiting with Dr. Mangan today. He was her ophthalmologist/surgeon at UF for her cancer earlier this year. Cookie is doing great! He was at the rescue today to assess Daisy.
Hollie and Starbuck – both found loving forever homes last year.
December 22nd
Betsy Rose getting her little foot treated. We think she has a little abscess brewing.
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A beautiful gift from a beautiful and dear friend. It needs no words. Gentleman may not be physically with us this year but I promise you – his spirit is strong and will never leave us. Sometimes, I can almost feel him breathing over my shoulder. I just wish I could turn around and hug him and never let go.
It’s very satisfying to see Betsy Rose tucked in and slurping away on her mash under the heat lamps. I’ll be back in the office in the morning to work on the calendar and, hopefully, I’ll finish it up. Good night everyone.
December 23rd
Joshua making sure Betsy Rose eats all of her dinner. It’s always nice when the kids come home.
JoJo and CaryLou both wanted all of Ruth’s attention today.
Peaches is doing well. There is still issue with her front right but she seems happy and comfortable and glad to be home.
December 24th
At this time last year, Ceri and Garan left for their forever home where they are truly loved. Thank you Cindy for opening your heart and home to these two lovely Arabians!
JoJo is truly amazed with the tree and its ornaments. Watching them learn new things, just like our kids did when they were little, is an awesome experinece. It’s truly a blessing to have the opportunity to help these donkeys and horses. Thank you all for your support and for being part of our Village!
A little Donkey Christmas ‘tail!’
December 26th
Betsy Rose doesn’t want Christmas to be over.
December 28th
The weekend is over and I still haven’t been able to sit long enough to put out an update. CaryLou thinks he’s as big as Mishka. lol
December 29th
It’s been so busy over the last few days even JoJo reported to the office a few times to help out.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization