Tag Archive for: farrier

It is so hard to believe that spring is just around the corner! And, as always, every six weeks or so brings yet another round of “hooficures.”

Chloe, Jo, Dancer, Bouie, Frodo, Maggie, Gabe, Mo, Oasis, Valley Girl, Walker and Waylen are just a few of our “Velvet Nosers” who are scheduled to have a hooficure this week in hope that each will have “Happy Feet” by the very first day of Spring.

If anyone would like to sponsor a hooficure for a member of our beloved little herd, we would be forever grateful. The average cost per equine is $50.

You may forward your contribution in a variety of ways, simply by clicking on the DONATE button below. If donating via PayPal, please designate your contribution to: “Happy Feet” or the name of the horse, donkey or mule that you wish to sponsor.

All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small.

Thank you for your continued love and support.


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

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With the devastation created by Hurricane Ian this past week, we are truly saddened that so many have literally, lost everything. We feel so badly that we must ask for donations to help with farrier care for our beloved little herd at this time, when so many others are in dire need, but a number of our equines are suffering with hoof issues (abscesses etc.) and farrier care is tantamount to their overall health and well-being. We would be forever grateful for your assistance, but if you are unable to help at this time, we truly understand. The average cost of a farrier visit per equine is $40 so if you are in a position to help, please click on the ‘DONATE’ button below and note your contribution is for ‘Hooficures.’

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Again, I feel terrible for having to ask for donations. When new arrivals come, others pledge to help. But over time, life happens and things change, and some are not able to continue to donate as they had planned and we really do understand. But the funds needed to provide for their care is constant – that doesn’t change. What does change, in that regard, is that the cost of everything has gone up while donations have gone down. It’s a very scary and unnerving time but I try to keep the faith and choose to believe things will be ok. Please spread the word, and perhaps others will be able to help with this need. No amount is ever too small.

Thank you, all, for your continued understanding, love and support.


Here we go again! Farrier week is upon us and Bouie, Frodo, Dancer, Jo, Mo, Peaches, Oasis, Valley Girl, Ruby, Nadia, Venus, Luiji, Warrior, Gabe, JoJo, Mishka, CaryLou and Lucy are just a few who are scheduled to receive a “hooficure” this week.

The average cost of a farrier visit has increased to $40 per equine, and we need help with this most important and necessary need. Just click on the ‘Donate’ button below or on our Facebook page. Also, please note on your contribution that it’s for farrier care, and include the name of the horse you’re designating it for.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Thank you! We are grateful for your support!


Surgery Success!

Oreo is back home and recovering from a total ear canal ablation that was performed at the Institute of Veterinary Specialists in Gainesville. Oreo had been treated for a chronic ear infection for more than a year without much luck. The surgery went well and the vet stated that Oreo is in great shape and will soon be feeling much better.

Many thanks to those who made Oreo’s surgery possible!


Upcoming Events

We have exciting news to share about two very special upcoming events, the return of our annual Open House and our always enjoyable Trail Ride! Click the links below to learn more:

It was a very busy day at the rescue this past Thursday. Dr. Bess Darrow (Tune-Ups Equine Dentistry) spent a good part of the day at Beauty’s Haven taking care of many teeth. Scooter and Simba did great as did Belle Star, Chloe and Nicky, our very sweet blind mare. Actually everyone was good, except for CaryLou who decided he didn’t want to cooperate and opted to make faces to share his displeasure. He’s always starting or getting into something – he’s a hoot! Peaches’s examination revealed that she has not lost any additional teeth and thankfully, all was fine with Luiji as well. Lucy and Peggy Sue were rescheduled for another day as they were not sweating. It truly was a very productive day!

If anyone would like to help with our dental bill, it would be so greatly appreciated. We have already received a number of donations but we are still in need of $750 to have the entire bill covered. Donations can be made via the ‘Donate’ button below. All donations are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever too small. If you are not in a position to donate at this time we truly understand, but you can still help by sharing this with family and friends. Thank you all, so very much!


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Hooficures Part Deux

A big Thank You to our wonderful friends and supporters who contributed to the first round of this week’s “Hooficures”! As promised, we are now seeking sponsorship for the remaining members of our herd that were on the farrier’s schedule this week, including CaryLou, Lucy, Bouie, Frodo, Sassy and Scooter, to name but a few. The average cost is $35 – if you can help, we would be forever grateful. Just visit our Donation page for multiple options. Please note that your contribution is for “Farrier.”

Bonus! Remember, everyone who donates toward farrier care will be eligible for a chance to win a lovely necklace created by a very dear friend and supporter. Once the “Hooficure” fundraiser is complete, three names will be randomly drawn. The winners, in order of selection, will then be notified via email or social media private message as to which necklace they would prefer. (Please note, these necklaces contain faux gemstones.) For more details, click here.

Remi, our baby donkey, came to me several days ago with a special request from Hope. At some point either Freckles or Jerry the Giraffe told Remi and Hope about our precious baby calf, also named Hope, who arrived at Beauty’s Haven in April, 2019. Everyone adored Baby Hope, a spirited little calf who had an incredible will to live. A link to Chapter One of her story can be found by clicking HERE.

When Hope, our little mini filly, arrived this past December it took me quite some time to call her by her name without thinking about our little calf, Baby Hope. At times it made me very sad as precious Baby Hope meant the world to us and we miss her so very much to this very day. She was so truly loved.

Hope the mini’s personality began to shine as she was recovering from her colic surgery and I couldn’t help but think how incredibly spirited, bold, carefree, and independent she is.

Volunteers oftentimes comment about how sassy she is. I frequently tell her that she’s our “Little Sassy Pants!”

Back to Remi’s special request from Hope. Hope wants to know if we can just call her “Sassy.” It works for the rest of us and it truly fits her perfectly. So Sassy it is, and she already responds to her new name!

If you click on Miss Sassy Pants’s image above, you will see a video which perfectly captures her amazing spirit, made possible by each and every one of you, who helped grant her a second chance at life. Sassy is yet another Beauty’s Haven miracle!

A New Match Game

A wonderful friend and supporter has come forth to assist with our farrier and hay needs. We are so very thankful, as due to these precarious times, donations have been down for quite some time. The good news is that all donations up to $500 will be matched dollar-for-dollar, so if you wish to help sponsor a “hooficure” or contribute toward our hay needs, it would be so very much appreciated by horses, donkeys and humans alike. Just click on the ‘Donate’ button below and note that your donation is for our “Hooficures” and/or “Hay Match Game.”

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Thank you, all, so very much!


Tilly here, to let you all know that we have reached the halfway mark for our hay fundraiser! Sadly, we now need a little more help to make sure we all have ‘Happy Feet’ in time for the holidays. Mommy Theresa told me that donations are way down because a lot of people are suffering and we all feel so very sad about that. If you can spare even one dollar, it would really make a difference in the lives of my horsey friends, but if you can’t, we truly understand. You can still help though, by sharing this post.

Thank you!


Our ‘Velvet Nosers’ are currently in need of $308 for hay and $600 for the farrier, so if anyone would like to help with these needs, it would be so greatly appreciated. You may forward your donation via various means here on our website’s donation page. Please note that your donation is for ‘Hay and/or Happy Feet.’

Thank you!

We have been so focused upon helping Hope that many things have crept up on us. A majority of our horses are scheduled for “hooficures” this week and we need to raise $820. Would anyone like to help?

Contributions can be made via various secure means on our WEBSITE or via PAYPAL. If you donate via PayPal, please select the option, ‘Send money to family and friends’ and no fees will be deducted from your contribution. Please note that your donation is for ‘Happy Feet.’ All donations are tax deductible and please be assured that no amount is ever too small.

In addition, the arthritis in Chloe’s knees has worsened to the point where she needs injections. Dr. Cardona is here today to administer her injections. If anyone wishes to help our beautiful girl, please designate your contribution for ‘Chloe.’

Once again, we must make another Hay Run in the upcoming days. We are in need of three large compressed bales of hay at a cost of $330, plus a ton of three string orchard hay bales at cost of $610 for a total of $940. If you wish to help with this need, please note that your donation is for ‘Hay.’

Lastly, I had a bad fall last night and I just returned after being seen by the doctor. Thankfully, I didn’t need stitches. My head sure hurts like heck and I do have quite a shiner! I guess it’s a good thing that I’m hard headed!

Thank you, all, so very much, for your love and support.


Please click on Hope’s image to view her latest video.
Hope Believes!

Mishka, has had a few bumpy weeks between dealing with allergies to no-see-um’s and experiencing front right foot lameness. To help with allergies, he was gifted supplements, a flymask with ears, and a really nice flysheet and neck cover that’s cool, soft, and doesn’t weigh a ton – he’s huge (2000 lbs) and to get one over him is truly, quite a task!

When Mishka became lame a few weeks ago, it was thought to be an abscess. We moved him to a small paddock by the barn and his foot was treated many times to try to draw out an abscess. We weren’t making progress and Mishka wasn’t happy being away from his friends so Dr. Cardona came out and did x-rays. The results were not great, but they could have been worse. Mishka has side-bone in both front feet which is not uncommon in draft horses. There is a slight rotation in both, his sole’s are a bit thin, and there was a suspected gas pocket in the right foot.

Once we had the x-rays, coupled with recommendations from Dr. Cardona, we called Jason Wayne Hunter (Back to Basics Equine Podiatry) to help Mishka. When Jason started on Mishka’s right foot, an abscess at the toe opened up and when Jason began working on the left foot, another abscess at that toe opened up! Mishka experienced immediate relief! Jason put wraps on both feet and Mishka felt so much better now that he was able to go back out with his friends! This made us all very happy! We’re very appreciative of Jason, his work, and his patience with Mishka. And it was great to see Kyra (she used to be a vet tech with Dr. Ted) again – we appreciate her patience and kindness to Mishka too! Many thanks to both Jason and Kyra! Jason’s Facebook page is ‘Back To Basics Equine Podiatry.’ Now that Mishka is on track to getting better, we really need to reach out for help ($425) to cover his vet bill, x-rays, podiatry needs, etc.

Whenever one issue is resolved, however, another seems to pop up as in the case of Warrior. Dr. Julia was here earlier in the week to treat our precious little guy’s ears which are covered with oozing blisters and nodules due to his constantly being bitten by flies and gnats. I now spend a great deal of time daily, cleaning and treating his ears while trying to discourage him from rubbing on anything in sight to relieve his ‘itchies.’ I have not as yet received a bill from Dr. Julia but that is yet another forthcoming expense.

In addition, the farrier will be at Beauty’s Haven today as well as on Monday, for another round of hooficures and once again, Bob will be making our weekly hay run this afternoon which, like last week, will cost another $900. As donations have been down considerably, I am beside myself with worry but thankfully, two wonderful friends and supporters have joined forces and are offering a MATCH GAME to assist with our many needs! All donations up to $325 will be matched dollar for dollar! If you would like to participate in the Match Game, there are many ways in which to contribute. You may forward your contribution via our PayPal address: bhfer@earthlink.net, via theDONATE page on our website or via PayPal Me. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to ‘MATCH GAME.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small.

Thank you, all, so very much, for your love and support!


We are thrilled to announce that a wonderful friend and supporter has come forth to offer a MATCH GAME to assist with Farrier Week as well as with procurement of the much needed and necessary supplement, Prascend. All donations up to $500 will be matched dollar for dollar. If you would like to participate in the Match Game, there are many ways in which to contribute. You may forward your contribution via our PayPal address: bhfer@earthlink.net, via the DONATE page here on our website or via PayPal Me. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to either ‘Farrier’ or ‘Prascend.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All contributions are tax deductible and no contribution is ever too small.

Thank you, all, so very much, for your love and support!

Almost all of the horses are scheduled for their hooficure this week which means they will be needing sponsors. The cost varies from $25 to $65. In all, $755 is needed. Would anyone like to help our herd?There are many ways in which to contribute. You may forward your contribution via our PayPal address: bhfer@earthlink.net, via the DONATE page on our website or via PayPal Me. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to ‘Farrier.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All contributions are tax deductible and no contribution is ever too small.

On behalf of our ‘Velvet Nosers,’ thank you all for your love and support!