Emma’s bandages are off, staples and stitches are out, and she’s sporting her new socks from Sox For Horses! These socks are a great alternative to bandaging and they’re easy to use and maintain!
I have no feeling or sensation in my hands so leg wraps/bandages are difficult for me to put on the horses. I don’t have to stress anymore! Silver Whinny’s are easy to put on and take off! They are a breathing antimicrobial knit that allow airs in, permits free motion of the joint, and inhibits the growth of bacteria, fungi and mold – they create a great environment for wounds to heal! They protect the legs from flies and you can even bathe your horse while they’re wearing these incredible socks.
Many thanks to Sox for Horses for helping Emma! This isn’t the first time we’ve used this amazing product (Silver Whinny’s) and it won’t be the last! Learn more about them at this link – your horse will thank you! http://www.soxforhorses.com/faq_summerwhinnys.html
Emma totally enjoyed a brief walk outside today. It helped her mental state of mind, I’m sure.
We had to call Dr. Lugo today as Emma experienced a choke. Thankfully, it was cleared. Dr. Porter will be out on Tuesday to examine and likely scope her. The issue could be due to facial nerve paralysis as per the following quote from Dr. Lugo: “The facial nerve might get better with time but it is unknown. I removed a bullet fragment close to the nerve in the hope that it will help. The nerve paralysis is secondary to damage done to the nerve by the bullet.”
We are very appreciative of Deputy Wells’ (Levy County Sheriff’s Office) support in Emma’s case. He checked on her again today. It’s encouraging to have someone at LCSO assigned to AG cases who cares about the animals and is committed to doing a good job. We want to raise awareness in the community – if you see or experience an animal in distress, call on Deputy Wells and he will respond! If anyone has a minute – please visit the LCSO’s page, look for Emma’s picture, and leave a “Thank you” comment regarding Emma.
Emma was really good for Dr. Porter (PHD Veterinary Services) today. He came out to determine why she was coughing. She’d been treated for a mild choke a few days before. Learn more about Dr. Porter and his services at his website.
Dr. Porter ultra-sounded Emma’s lungs – she has pneumonia. She also has facial nerve paralysis (caused by the bullet) causing upward displacement of the soft palate. He said the paralysis may resolve – to give it six months.
Emma still has moments when she’s reactive when someone approaches her or she hears a loud sound – almost in a panic. But once she has a moment or two to process what is going on, she calms. However, I ask humans that go into her stall to visit with her to go slow and, if Emma retreats or turns her head away, to stop and let Emma give thought to the moment – she will come around in a minute or so. It saddens me to think about what happened to her and how she must have felt – it had to have been terrifying. It’s very sad that any human would hurt any animal.
Hopefully, Emma will overcome her reservations and her unpleasant memories will fade. She is certainly loved, very much. It’s easy for this little filly to grow on you. She makes me laugh when she nuzzles up to my cheek or wraps her neck around me as if to give a hug. We are holding our annual Celebration of Life in April in conjunction with the ASPCA Help a Horse Day – we invite you to come meet Emma and the other members of our beautiful herd!
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