Tag Archive for: DynaSplint

Hi Everybody!

Guess what? Yesterday was a really big day for me! I stood up for at least 15 minutes and walked at least 12 baby steps all by myself! I think I overdid it though, as I was a very tired little girl last night!

But guess what else? My DynaSplints arrived yesterday! We tried them on, and, this morning, we had to make some little adjustments. I’m going to get back into Betsy Rose’s sling now, to have my splints put on and then I’m going to try them out – so please stay tuned.


“Okay, everybody, it’s time! I’m just hanging around while they put my splints on me.  Then I’m going outside!  Please wish us luck, okay?”

Our Fundraiser and Match Game are both now complete! I’m thankful to all my Aunties and Uncles who have helped me so that I might be able to run and play like other baby calves!

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!


When the world says, “Give up,” Hope whispers, “Try it one more time.”