Tag Archive for: Dr Madera

Last evening, Avie discovered Oasis down and cast in his shelter. She contacted me over the radio and I immediately responded. When I saw him, I knew it was very bad. I called the vet and administered IV medications as instructed, to aid Oasis until the vet arrived. He was able to get up but would immediately go down – he was in excruciating pain. While waiting for Dr. Madera to arrive, Bob prepared the trailer in order to transport Oasis to the hospital.

Once Dr. Madera arrived and assessed Oasis, however, she confirmed what my heart already knew – it was time to let him go.

Oasis, an elegant and proud eighteen year-old Arabian, loved life and made many humans laugh with his antics. He has always been healthy and as he had a strong heart, it took much longer than the norm for the medication to take effect, which would help him to peacefully transition to Rainbow Bridge. However, the longer transition did make it very hard on us humans. The entire time, his best friend, Mo, together with myself, Bob, and Dr. Madera, remained by Oasis’ side.

Our beloved Oasis is now majestically galloping at Rainbow Bridge with all the other members of our herd that have gone before him. He leaves behind all who loved him dearly, especially Mo and his entire Beauty’s Haven family who are beyond devastated. He had a very special place in my heart and always will.

Oasis will truly be missed and his heartbreaking departure leaves an irreplaceable void. Please keep Mo, and all of us here at Beauty’s Haven, in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank you, as always, for your love and support.


We brought in this poor sweet mule last night who is barely hanging on. After settling in nicely, then munching on some alfalfa and drinking water upon arrival, she laid down to rest. This morning, we found her unable to get up.

She is in severely emaciated condition, just skin draped over bones. We don’t know her age, but I’d say she’s a senior who probably gave her life working for humans. We have named her Molly.

We called our vet who came out right away and put Molly on fluids after examining her. Then we waited, giving her some time to see if she would get up on her own. And then we waited some more.

We rolled her over to see if that would help, but the truth is Molly was just too weak to get up on her own. She has no muscle and has basically wasted away to almost nothing.

But Molly is bright and alert… and hungry, which are positive signs. We have given her mashes and she has passed some poop. Dr. Madera took Molly’s blood samples back to the hospital for tests; hopefully we’ll receive the results tomorrow.

Finally, as the day was waning, we prepared the sling and tractor and got her up. (SEE VIDEO). Though she may be hanging on by a thread, Molly is one determined girl!

We were planning to take some time after losing Peggy Sue, Venus, and Ruby to heal our broken hearts but this girl needed help, and our hearts need to move on.

Can you help us help this sweet girl? If you can, please click the ‘DONATE’ button below. All contributions are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever too small.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Thank you, and please do keep this precious girl in your prayers.


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