Tag Archive for: Domino

Hi Everyone!

The look on Domino’s face last evening when she learned the hay trailer was empty and there was only enough remaining to fill the hay bags for today, was priceless!

But do not despair, Domino, two wonderful ‘Aunties’ have joined forces and are offering a Match Game, whereby, all donations up to $500 will be matched dollar for dollar!

We hope to raise $710 for one large compressed bale of orchard/alfalfa mix plus one ton of orchard hay. Daddy Bob hopes to get to the hay store by early afternoon, so if anyone would like to help with this need, we would be forever grateful!

There are many ways in which to donate. You may forward your donation via various means here on our website, or via PayPalMe. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to ‘Hay Match Game.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All donations are tax deductible and no donation is ever too small.

Thank you!

November 19th, 2012

Princess has been having some issues so she had an acupuncture treatment today by Dr. Julia Simonson. Princess, a 26 yrs young Arabian, has had Equine Metabolic Syndrome for a few years and may have also developed Cushings Disease – several tests were done on her today. Princess was a Top Ten Working Cow horse in Canada in her younger years! Since she has been with us, she’s had 3 adoptive homes lined up. Each time, just before leaving, something would happen – an eye injury, laminitis, another eye injury – so we decided that Beauty’s Haven will be her forever home.

Princess needs help with her vetting and monthly supplements. Would anyone like to help her? Donations can be made via PayPal to bhfer or directly to Dr. Julia at PayPal jksdvm (please note it for Princess). Dr. Julia’s website, for those of you that don’t know her, is http://juliasimonsondvm.com. Donations can also be made through our “Donate” page on our website at www.bhfer.org. No amount is too small. Her bill for today was $297. This grand mare needs some sponsors.

This volunteer holding Princess while Dr. Julia does acupuncture on her is Audrey Rice.

I came across a photo of Princess with Gentleman this evening – I sure do miss him!

Attagirl came to us in August, a bit underweight and we were told that her coffin bone had penetrated the sole of her front foot. Her feet were a wreck. She had horrible thrush – the corium was exposed and it was a bloody mess. This issue has gotten better. Dr. Ryan Meeks did x-rays just to be sure there were no other issues. She also had a sarcoid on her ear that was successfully treated. Her immune system was just weak and stressed. But she put on weight and was doing well. Attagirl was examined today by Dr. Julia. Attagirl has had diarrhea off and on – just when we think everything is good, it’s not. More lab work was done today. Attagirl also needs sponsors to help her with vetting and supplements. Would anyone like to help her? Donations can be made by clicking on the links posted above.

Peaches napping in the sun and out of the wind this morning. She is going to need additional tests done to determine why she is intermittently lame in her front right foot.

For those of you who remember Domino, here’s a recent picture of her! Domino came to us only hours old in May 2012. She had been rejected by her mom. Yes, we spoiled her rotten – she’s another donkey that thinks she’s 1/2 human. LOL! She’s happy and doing well. Thank you Tania for giving Domino a great home and job that she enjoys!

Domino as a baby.

She loved her bottle!

November 20th

Good freezing morning from Beauty’s Haven!

Donovan’s a happy go lucky guy – just look at that adorable face!

These two are absolutely adorable! Yes, even from their backside. LOL!

Remember Gracie and Harvey? They are looking great and their adoptive mom adores them!

November 22nd

What is it about the office that so many want to come up and visit? Baby gate stays closed now. lol

Mishka is filling out and muscling up!



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization



It is with a very, very heavy heart that I post this update. Smarty Pants crossed Rainbow Bridge this afternoon. She had been improving, or so we thought. We knew she could take a turn for the worse at any given time. Infection and damage to internal organs had been a concern since day one. While edema in her front legs today had decreased it became significantly worse elsewhere. Dr. Ryan examined her, gave us his prognosis, and ran more blood work to confirm what he suspected and it wasn’t good. Verbatim from Dr. Ryan. “Her body was shutting down – resulting in poor tissue perfusion (blood supply to the muscles). All of this caused tissue necrosis – basically like gangrene. She may have lasted another day or two but it would have been pure hell. No doubt you made the right decision.”

While she surprised us with a short walk on her own in the sling today (with us humans by her) we didn’t know it would be her last. You can see in her eyes she wasn’t feeling well. We would not allow her to suffer – we promised her this from the start.

This little filly that captured so many hearts would have been one year old tomorrow. It just isn’t fair – I don’t know why things like this happen. I don’t understand it. I could go on and on with my thoughts about this but I won’t – at least not at this time. Today has been hell and mentally and emotionally overwhelming. And I’m not feeling the loss alone. My family, including our volunteers, feel it too – we all loved her terribly. We took turns sitting with her and caring for her – even through the nights. We love you Smarty Pants – you mattered to so many but we loved you enough to let you go. We will always love you. Now you fly with angel wings – until we meet again on the other side of The Bridge – know you are in our hearts, always.

And with tears still fresh we welcomed baby donkey. She was very hungry when she arrived and didn’t hesitate taking a bottle. Lacey has been providing some milk and we have milk replacer – the baby will isn’t picky and will drink either source.

Dr. Ryan had a very hard time getting the catheter into her vein in order to run the plasma.

She is currently sleeping – something she needed badly.

She’s had a tough start in life but like Smarty Pants she arrived with light in her eyes that we pray will shine brighter with each passing day. When Pam went to pick her up she found her standing between two pine trees, shaking – we were having a really bad storm. Her mom was off elsewhere. I wonder what this little one thought? But she is here now and she will have a full tummy all night long and she won’t be alone.

And tomorrow is another day. I don’t know what it has in store for us but there is already a void – Smarty Pants had become a part of all of us. We did everything we could to help her and she knows she was loved. She didn’t die in the sand and sun – alone or afraid. She was surrounded by love. While I will never stop believing in miracles and had prayed hard for one with Smarty – I have to think God had other plans for her and we are not to question that but rather accept it. Yes, she would have been one year old tomorrow – a day that won’t come for her on this earth. Each day we had with her was a gift – a blessing. And when I look up to the sky tonight and see a bright shining star I will think of her – I know she knows she is loved. And even though she runs with the heavenly herd she is still with us. She will always be with us. God bless all of you for caring about this little girl – our little Smarty Pants.

Run with the angels sweet girl – we are so very proud of you and how hard you fought for life. You are, and always be, an inspiration to me and your eyes are etched into my heart forever.

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

Tag Archive for: Domino