Tag Archive for: Cushing’s Disease

A quick update on Bria, a 30 year old National Show Horse (Saddlebred / Arabian).

Bria was quite thin and had issues when she came to us, which included Cushings disease and degenerative suspensory ligament disease (DSLD). Unfortunately, there is no cure for DSLD – it progressively gets worse and, at some point, the horse’s quality of life declines to a point where the most humane thing is euthanasia.

Most of Bria’s days are pretty good – she hangs out with Little E. Sometimes she’ll prance over for a meal – she has a beautiful gait. But over the past couple of weeks, she became a bit more lame. We had x-rays done a few days ago and the findings weren’t a total surprise, but we’d hoped for better news. She has thin soles and coffin bone rotation in both front feet (the right being the worst) which isn’t new – this has been going on for quite awhile.

Bria gets supplements to help with her issues and comfort level. She wears Soft Ride boots which help quite a bit. We don’t know how long she will be with us, but hopefully, it will be for quite some time.

Please keep Bria in your prayers.

Recent tests have determined that Elyza Rose is Insulin Resistant with Cushings Disease. Her vet bill was $255 and her medication was $125. We are therefore, offering a very special fundraiser to help our sweet Elyza Rose.

Please consider a donation and receive a chance to win a gift of your choice. For each donation of $5, the contributors’s name will be entered in a drawing for either a Betsy Rose Coffee Mug or Tote Bag. A winning name will be selected on Friday, November 2, 2018, at 9:00pm at Beauty‘s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc., which is located in Morriston, Florida.

There are many ways in which to contribute. You may forward your contribution via our PayPal address: bhfer@earthlink.net, via the DONATE page on our website, or via PayPal Me. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to ‘Elyza.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All contributions are tax deductible and no contribution is ever too small.

On behalf of Elyza Rose, thank you all so very much!

Elyza-Rose Settles In

I am happy to report that Elyza Rose is settling in very well. I gave her a much needed bath this morning and clipped her later this afternoon. I just couldn’t stand seeing her long, thick, and unhealthy coat. She’s so good for the heart – I just can’t tell you how wonderful it feels to have her here. I feel like I’ve known her forever!

I believe that Elyza’s journey is a continuation of Betsy Rose’s journey. Betsy Rose’s presence here is very strong. Our Betsy Rose went to Rainbow Bridge on December 22nd. Elysa Rose came to us on February 22nd. The two months in between were dark and very depressing. My heart shattered with the loss of Betsy Rose and I didn’t know how I would ever put it back together again. I went through the motions each day but I was numb and lost. But yesterday, when I hugged Elyza Rose for the first time, I felt an overwhelming and much needed sense of peace. It lit a spark in me that was fueled by Betsy Rose. I just know it! I know that what Elyza endured before she came to us was terrible – we are committed to helping her heal. However, I think Elyza Rose found her way to us to lead me down a path where my heart would heal which is what Betsy Rose would want. I believe that Betsy Rose had her hoof (and heart) in this. I will always believe.

#ElyzaRose #BetsyRoseStrong #believe #bhfer

Elyza is about 16 years old and, like Betsy Rose, may have Cushing’s disease. We will have blood test results back tomorrow.

Elyza needs her eyes examined by Dr. Mangan – there’s something going on in her right eye which is the same eye that Betsy Rose had issue with.


Her teeth are a mess and I’m going to bet she puts on weight nicely once her teeth are taken care of by Dr. Bess.

She’s pretty thin (a 2 on the BCS) but she has a great appetite.

Elyza’s feet needed to be tended to and Stephanie trimmed them today.

When I hugged Elyza Rose for the first time, I felt an overwhelming and much needed sense of peace.

We are currently in first place in the SunState Federal Credit Union Charity of the Month Contest. A vote per day through the month of February, could help us win $1000 which will greatly assist the rescue with the purchase of hay and/or other needs. Just click here to cast your vote and please share amongst family and friends. Please note that you will be prompted to “Like” SunState’s Facebook page prior to casting your vote and you must be a Facebook member in order to do so.

We are still awaiting the results of the Eagle Rare Life contest – the winners will not be announced until March.