Tag Archive for: colic


Dear Lord please give me strength!

I am leaving to take hay to 3 starving horses – one that is near and dear to the BHFER family. I’ll have to post more later but right now I need to go. They have not been fed in a long time. So sad. I’m just glad the owner finally called me. It’s going down to “feels like” 27 degrees here tonight. The thought of them being thin and hungry and cold is sickening. I’ve been following 2 of these 3 horses for 3 years.

Hint: I know Momma Sue has a hand in this – she was/is a good momma – even from above. Can’t disclose anymore at this time. Oh, and Story is colicing and the vet is on the way to see him. More prayers needed.

Momma Sue and Aaleyah Belle – 2008

Momma Sue and Aaleyah Belle

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

February 26th, 2012

It was a very productive day at the Paso farm yesterday. We got a couple mares into the barn and got them settled in.  I called Dr. Joan Gariboldi out to treat one of the mare’s (Maraca) that has been in for a few days that appeared to be trying to colic and she had a slight temperature.  Maraca was oiled but as of this morning she still had not passed any manure.  Pam is on her way to transport Maraca here to the rescue where we can monitor her and have Dr. Joan out again if needed.  Pam is a wonderful transporter and we recommend her without any reservations!

Dr. Joan also vaccinated some of the horses and pulled coggins and did a health certificate.  One of the mares left to go to her new home.  Slowly but surely we are making progress.  I was supposed to go back today for pictures but it’s horrible weather and my bronchitis is worse again.  Here are a few pictures from yesterday.

Red got to play in the round pen yesterday and he loved it! And we enjoyed watching him!

One of the available mares – #10.  Not sure of her age yet. A coggins needs to be pulled on her.  She is an alpha mare.

This is Scarlet.  She’s a very sweet mare estimated to be 6 years old.  Coggins is done.

Maraca is now here for monitoring.  She has passed some poop and seems less stressed.  The weather is still horrible.

Hope to feel better tomorrow.  Calling it a day now.  Two of the studs are being picked up in the morning.  Hopefully the rains will subside long enough for them to load without any problems.  Seeing them go is bittersweet but we are very happy that they will have their own human family.  It’s hard for us not to get attached to each one of them – and we do.