Tag Archive for: cat

Introducing our newest rescue. She’s one of the many cats who comes around during the night. These past few days, I’ve been seeing her on the camera during the day rather than going off with the others at sunrise. And her tummy seemed to be getting bigger by the day! We were able to catch three kittens from a litter before her generation, but we weren’t able to catch the mother, so I’m assuming that Momma Cat got pregnant again, and this one, as well as two others, were born only a few months ago.

Since she was caught, this sweet little girl had been hiding in the back of her little hidey-hut, but on Wednesday when I was cleaning her cage, she ventured out of her little ‘house.’ We scheduled an appointment with the vet for Thursday morning and our plan was, if she’s not pregnant, she will get spayed, recover, and then be released. But our plan, however, was simply not meant to be, as on Thursday morning, we discovered that she had six stillborn preemie babies in the wee hours of the morning. Sadly, they weren’t developed enough to have survived. The vet determined that this little one is only about five months old – just a baby herself. She was vetted and spayed and is doing okay and she does seem to be more at peace than I’ve ever before seen her. I’m sure she must have been quite confused about what was going on, but she’ll never have to worry about going through that again. I have named her, ‘Pearle.’

Pearle will remain at Beauty’s Haven to recover and she will be on medication for a week. Last evening, when I sat with her by her cage, she came over to me and let me rub her little head. And she purred! I so wish I wasn’t allergic to cats! Pearle is also very much enjoying the gifts she received from a wonderful supporter – food and feed dishes!

We would appreciate any commitment from others to help with Pearle’s vet bill, which was $265. We also have at least five more kittens/cats to trap and get fixed. I’m especially concerned about a black and white cat, who I believe, may also be pregnant. If you wish to help, you may forward your contribution, simply by clicking on the ‘DONATE’ button below where you can donate in a variety of ways. If donating via PayPal, please designate your contribution to: ‘Pearle.’

Thank you for your continued love and support.


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Here we go again! Farrier week is upon us and Bouie, Frodo, Dancer, Jo, Mo, Peaches, Oasis, Valley Girl, Ruby, Nadia, Venus, Luiji, Warrior, Gabe, JoJo, Mishka, CaryLou and Lucy are just a few who are scheduled to receive a “hooficure” this week.

The average cost of a farrier visit has increased to $40 per equine, and we need help with this most important and necessary need. Just click on the ‘Donate’ button below or on our Facebook page. Also, please note on your contribution that it’s for farrier care, and include the name of the horse you’re designating it for.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Thank you! We are grateful for your support!


Surgery Success!

Oreo is back home and recovering from a total ear canal ablation that was performed at the Institute of Veterinary Specialists in Gainesville. Oreo had been treated for a chronic ear infection for more than a year without much luck. The surgery went well and the vet stated that Oreo is in great shape and will soon be feeling much better.

Many thanks to those who made Oreo’s surgery possible!


Upcoming Events

We have exciting news to share about two very special upcoming events, the return of our annual Open House and our always enjoyable Trail Ride! Click the links below to learn more:

It is with a heavy heart to inform you, that Mila, the blind cat that Shadow found in one of our paddocks just a few weeks ago, went to Rainbow Bridge on May 27th. At first we believed Mila to be one of the two feral cats that live under the storage building who we feed nightly, but she was not. We have no idea where she came from or how she found her way to one of our paddocks which is farthest from the road. We do know that she was very lucky to have survived. I can’t imagine being a blind little cat, all alone, not knowing where her next meal would come from, where to find water, or if her next few steps would put her in danger of becoming a predator’s meal.

She was such a brave little girl and it is truly remarkable that she survived on her own despite her condition when we found her.

Mila’s initial visit to the vet revealed that she was approximately five years old and weighed just five pounds. She was visually impaired (only able to see shadows) likely due to some sort of trauma. Mila’s fecal and blood tests for other potential issues were done, her little ears were cleaned and she was treated for fleas and other parasites. She had a good size hernia, but, thankfully, it was not painful. As per our vet’s recommendation, she was not microchipped at this time, as he wanted to wait until she was a bit stronger. She did, however, get her vaccinations.

Mila’s blood test results came back the following day with elevated numbers. Since her kidneys and liver were of concern, additional tests were performed. After Mila was started on an antibiotic, she became a bit more active, she ate and drank well, and she became quite talkative. She would follow me wherever I went, but I had to be careful not to stop abruptly as she would run into me. She was a real trooper though – she’d run into walls many times but she soon learned to navigate her way around.

She was such a sweet little girl who loved curling up next to me whenever I sat with her which truly melted my heart.

When we took Mila back to the vet for additional tests, we learned that her kidney and liver values had remained elevated and her cognitive impairment was getting worse. In her final days, when she tried to navigate her room she would walk into a wall and stop and drop and that’s where she’d stay for quite a while. During her first few days with us, she’d respond to our voices or a noise, but in her last days, she would not. Her quality of life was not getting better – it was getting worse.

I’m very sorry for whatever happened to Mila before we found her, but at least, she went to Rainbow Bridge, knowing she was so very loved.

Until we meet again, Mila. You will forever remain in our hearts.


Shadow discovered a lost cat in the paddock this morning. He was such a very good boy – he alerted us to her and then just stood watching over her until we arrived. The poor cat appeared to be blind and/or in shock. Since she looks like a little girl, we are referring to her as a “she.”

A few months ago, when she was an older kitten, approximately three months of age, we saw her go under one of the storage buildings, and, being unable to trap her, we have been leaving out food nightly. And then today, not being familiar with her surroundings, she ran into a corner.

Thanks to Shadow, we were able to catch her and bring her inside, free from the danger of being injured by another animal or being hit by speeding cars and trucks.

One of her ears seems to have been tipped ever so slightly, so she may have very well been a TNR (Trap, Neuter and Release) cat at one time. She is very thin, but thankfully she did eat some wet food. Her ears are full of mites and she has fleas. She’s not comfortable being handled, so we are going to let her rest for now.

We need to take this sweet kitty to the vet in the morning, but need financial help in order to do so. Of course the initial vetting will be quite costly, so any donation, regardless of the amount, would be greatly appreciated. If you are able to donate please mark your donation “for the kitten.”

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

As always, thank you for your love and support.


Oreo is Featured on CUDDLY

If you wish to assist with our sweet boy’s Ear Canal Ablation surgery or send him a gift from his Wish List, you may do so by clicking on Oreo’s image to the left.

Counting Down

We are more than halfway there in our $5000 Match Game! There are only ten days remaining to reach our goal. If you would like to help our beloved herd while doubling your donation at the same time, you may donate here on our website or via our Facebook fundraiser. Please note that it is for the Match Game. Thank you!

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Peggy Sue has a back leg that she is unable to bend (the humans in her previous home had tried to ‘help’ her deliver her baby years ago and her pelvis fractured in several places), so we have to place her in a sling for her hooficures. As you can see in the above image, she is such a very good girl for the farrier. Peggy Sue is just one member of our little herd who is on the farrier list this week. Others scheduled to receive a hooficure within the next few days, include Bouie, Frodo, Ebony, Lily, CaryLou, Lucy, Luigi, Warrior, Misti, Sassy, Simba, JoJo and Jazzy.

The average cost of a farrier visit per horse/ donkey is $33.

If you wish to contribute to this most important and necessary need, you may do so by clicking on the DONATE button below. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small. Thank you!

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Oreo Needs You

We still have quite a ways to go to achieve our goal for Oreo’s ear canal ablation surgery. If you wish to assist with our sweet boy’s surgery, you may do so via GivingGrid by clicking here or on the photo of Oreo.

Thank you!

A Long Night Collage


We made it! All horses are accounted for. That was a really long night!  We are truly exhausted but very thankful that the storm is over.


Precious little Grace – she’s now officially, a ‘Storm Cat.’
Poor Betsy Rose looks like the way I feel.
The horses that stayed at the concrete barn during the storm all returned home today.


Lucy and CaryLou were quite happy to see their Mommy Theresa!
The rain is never ending. The barn is flooded and the water keeps coming.  Thankfully, the stalls are mostly dry. We still have to assess the damage and will keep you all updated.


Thank you so very much, once again, for keeping Beauty’s Haven in your thoughts and prayers.


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Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) grassroots Non-Profit Organization registered in the state of Florida (EIN: 20-4783950).  We are not funded by Local, State, or Federal funds. We operate totally from donations from the public. Please consider making a one time or recurring donation to help the horses. No amount is too small and all donations are very much appreciated.  Donations are tax deductible.

Beauty’s Haven was awarded Verified status by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) in 2012. GFAS is the only globally recognized organization that provides standards for identifying legitimate animal sanctuaries.  Awarded November 2014 Equine Hero and 2017 Eagle Rare Life Award for Heroism.  A Guidestar Exchange Silver Participant and a GreatNonprofits Top Rated Non-Profit in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

August 26th, 2017 – Saturday Afternoon

We have another baby and it’s nothing short of a miracle! When I got home from the vet with the kittens, I took them to the office in the stroller. Bob went to get some things out of the car when he called me on the radio (we use 2-way radios on the farm) to come quickly – there was a white cat hiding in the roll of fence wire by the garage!  He walked towards her and called out, but she wouldn’t move which was good because the donkeys were out roaming around the house.  Jenny helped me secure JoJo and Jazzy and then I walked to one end of the roll of fencing and squatted down and the cat came right to me. She was exhausted and looked like she’d been on an incredibly long and tiring journey.  But the look on her face was one of relief – as though she’d finally found her destination – I named her Grace.  

Amazing Grace

Our prayers for momma cat to come back were answered, but she is just a baby herself – not even a year old. This had to have been her first (we’ll make sure it’s her last) litter. We took her into the office and gave her water and a little food – she was so hungry. We cleaned her up and put her by the stroller with the babies, but she had no interest in them. She’s exhausted and needs time to relax and regroup.

Grace is only 4.2 lbs (that was after she’d eaten a little and drank some water). She’s so very thin – all bones. She’s been sleeping in her very own bed all evening. Grace did get up to eat and drink a little bit more and she used the litter box. It’s apparent that Grace hasn’t lived a good life. She’s unhealthy – skin on bones and she has some broken teeth. She has no milk to offer her babies and it’s no wonder why her babies were born premature. But she loves humans even after all they did, or didn’t, do for her in her short life – isn’t that amazing? She is amazing – amazing Grace!

We may be an equine rescue organization but we try to help animals that find their way to us. And we can only help these animals because of support from all of you – your support makes this possible. Please consider making a tax deductible donation today – no amount is too small.  Just click on the Donate link below.  Also, please share this with family and friends.

Please keep Grace and her babies in your prayers – they all have some hurdles to overcome. Thank you all so much for your support.

#savinggrace #bhfer #prayersneeded #believe #amazinggrace #kittens #prematurekittiens #rescue #savinggrace #shesjustababyherself

August 25th, 2017

We found these two precious newborn kittens at the barn this morning – they appear to be premature.  One was under the golf cart and the other was by the gate on the concrete baking in the sun.  Both still had the placenta attached.

Abandoned Kittens

The kittens are warm and comfy and close to where we found them so I am hoping that momma will return.  Maybe their mom was a first time mom and didn’t know what to do or something scared her away.  She may have been in the process of moving them because they were several feet apart when we found them.  We’re going to look around in case there are others.  Please pray that they will be okayed that we can find their momma – we will be searching.

Kittens Placenta

I cut the babies’ cords and cleaned them up. They will be monitored and cared for 24/7.  Newborns, especially premies, can be a challenge.  The little boy’s name is Aiden and his sister’s name is Alana.  Alana is the bigger (but weaker) of the two.


Bob made a very quick trip to the store to purchase milk replacer.  They both had a little milk and went to sleep in a warm and comfy bed.

Kitten Milk

I feel bad for their momma. I hope our cats or dogs didn’t run her away. And I’m glad the donkeys were not around the house last night – they may have hurt the mom or babies.  Hopefully, mom will return.

Please keep these sweet little kittens and their mom in your thoughts and prayers.