Tag Archive for: Belgian draft horse

I’ve been putting off this post all evening – my heart is heavy. Penny was down this morning. I gave her pain meds and usually, after they kick in, she gets up with little assistance. This time, she needed more assistance and in the process of getting up, she twisted and you could see discomfort and uneasiness come over her. She wasn’t herself – she was uncomfortable and agitated. Penny is never agitated.

Before noon, Penny was down again. We were able to get her up again but she walked off and wanted to be left alone. She seemed more uncomfortable – her hips were sore and she was tense all over. She was weak in her hind end. She shifted her weight from one side to the other in her backend. We gave her some time but it didn’t help – she refused her meal, hay, and water. Penny made it clear that acceptance had set in and that she was tired.

We spoke with the vet and we both agreed that Penny’s quality of life had reached the line – we loved Penny enough to let her go.

Karen stayed with Nicky during the time that Dr. Templeton helped Penny transition to Rainbow Bridge and I never left Penny’s side. She got to hear many “I love you’s” as she left this world. It’s never, ever easy and each one takes a part of my heart with them when they go, yet a part of them always stays with me. We gave Nicky time with Penny this evening to help her understand what had happened, although I think she knew before we did that Penny needed release.

Penny was born blind 35 years ago and now she sees all of the colors in the rainbow. She was precious – a brave and gentle giant with the most loving, trusting soul. She will be in our hearts, always.


Penny, a blind 30+ year old Belgian mare, has been dropping in weight and just hasn’t been herself lately, so we had Dr. Julia examine her and do some blood tests. There were a few highs and lows in her bloodwork. Penny has allergies and she may have ulcers. Dr. Julia recommends Succeed for two months as well as Forefront, and she suggests that we add Renew Gold to her diet. She was lame on her front right for a few days, but after having blown an abscess, she is now, much happier and comfortable. Penny is also due to have annual dental work done.

Penny needs help for two months of Succeed ($220), Forefront ($140), and Renew Gold ($90) which adds up to $450. She will also need help with her dental care but we can tackle that once we have an appointment scheduled.

If you’d like to help this grand old girl, you can make a one time tax deductible donation, or sign up to make an automatic monthly recurring donation, via our secure WEBPAGE. There, you have the option of making your donation in honor/memory of someone and you can cancel a recurring donation at any time. Or, you can donate through Network For Good or JustGiving. These links can also be found on our donate page along with our snail mail address. You can also donate via PAYPAL and if you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. Please note that your contribution is for ‘Penny.’ Please be assured that all donations are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever too small. If you’re not in a position to donate at this time, we truly understand, but you can still help by sharing this post!

Thank you all, so very much, for your continued love and support!

Tag Archive for: Belgian draft horse