Tag Archive for: baby

June 9th, 2018

[dropcaps] T [/dropcaps] hese two beautiful souls that arrived at Beauty’s Haven a few days ago, are a prime example of irresponsible breeding at its finest. The baby appears to be approximately six months old and she hasn’t been handled. The mare isn’t her mom but she was exposed to a stud and may be pregnant – she’s thin but she has quite a tummy coupled with a bag.  Neither of these precious horses want anything to do with humans – they are going to be a project. I can’t wait to get that horrible coat off the baby.  She must have been miserable during our recent, “feels like 108 degrees” days.  Once we get her coat off, she’s going to be thin, too, but not for long! Both the mare, and baby, are currently in quarantine.

If you would like to sponsor either of these sweet little ones or contribute to their initial veterinary, farrier and/or dental expenses, you may do so via various means at https://bhfer.org/donate/. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to: ‘New Arrivals.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All donations are tax deductible and no contribution is ever considered as being too small.

Thank you all, for always being there for the Beauty’s Haven herd.