Tag Archive for: Arabian mare

I apologize for the delay in providing a more timely update; things have been incredibly busy here. I’ve received a surge of calls over the past few days from people wanting to surrender their horses. This has been quite overwhelming for me – I hate having to turn any horse away.

Yesterday, the vet came out to examine and perform bloodwork on the new Arabian mare. The results indicate typical issues for horses that haven’t been getting adequate nutrition. She also has a large knot on the right side of her head which most likely, is the result of a previous injury, possibly a kick.

The melanomas around her anus are quite pronounced. We plan to place her on the same protocol as Magic in hope of preventing any further progression. Magic has had significant melanomas in the past, but thankfully, they have remained stable for many years.

Her mane and tail were brushed and it took her quite some time to adjust to having a usable tail again, but she’s very sweet and she seems genuinely appreciative of the care she is receiving. She was scheduled for a much needed hooficure today.

We accomplished much today, thanks to our volunteers, Jenny, Pam, Tara, Melissa, Rachel, Jan and her daughter, Amethyst. They all do such a great job and we truly appreciate them very much.

Our latest arrival, a 30-year-old Arabian mare, had a much needed bath on Saturday. It all seemed new to her, even just being fly sprayed. But it didn’t take long to show her there was nothing to be afraid of. Her sores were treated accordingly and her mane was brushed out. I applied de-tangler to her tail which was much like a baseball bat, which in turn, made it much easier for Jenny to comb out on Sunday. Thankfully, she can now use her tail to help swat away flies. We have named her Amira.

Amira received a bit more pampering on Sunday. Her skin will take some time to heal. The skin is the largest organ of the body and hers is definitely unhealthy. It’s obvious she wasn’t receiving proper nutrition or even getting routine grooming.

She was covered with flies when she arrived. Fly bites are quite painful and cause inflammation and irritation. She tries to scratch them which causes the sores to open up, which in turn, sets her up for bacterial and fungal infections as well as allergies. We are working diligently to resolve this, and will hopefully soon receive the results of her blood tests soon.

Amira’s left ear is filled with sores and the hair within that ear is completely gone. It has a ‘cauliflower ear’ appearance and will likely, never again, be normal. Since there are many gnats in this area, she may be allergic to their saliva. When gnats bite, it causes her to become very itchy. She tries to find something to scratch on to help bring relief, but again, this causes her sores to open up. Amira also must have her dental and farrier needs addressed, but since she doesn’t want to hold her feet up, we will slowly work on this issue as well.

I’ve discovered Amira to be uncomfortable about some things, which leads me to believe that she simply received little to no hands-on care. But she’s quickly learning to trust and is a very good girl.

If you would like to help us help Amira, please click on the ‘DONATE’ button below where you can donate in a variety of ways. All contributions are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever too small.

Thank you for helping us grant yet another precious soul a second chance at life.


In memory of three precious Arabians we lost over this past year – Nadia, Venus, and Oasis – we felt the need to help this 30-year-old Arabian mare. She deserves green pastures to live out her sunset years. Upon her arrival yesterday, she immediately put her head down to graze… you could almost feel her excitement! After getting a mouthful of grass, she raised her head and whinnied back and forth with others here. I’m sure they all welcomed her.

This senior mare’s needs have been neglected for quite some time. She has open sores and scabs all over her body, even in her ears. Her tail is so tangled, it’s like a baseball bat. There is scarring in both of her eyes, especially the left. But she seemed very grateful last evening and I saw a glimmer of light in her eyes.

If you would like to help us help this sweet mare, please click the donation button below where you can contribute in a variety of ways. All contributions are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever too small.

Thank you, all, for helping us grant yet another precious soul a second chance at life.

Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc.,
A place where ‘Life Begins Again!’


We have been so busy that I haven’t had a chance to share some things we’ve been working on in recent months.  Pictured above, are two Arabian horses that we were asked to take in December, but since we were full, we sadly, could not do so.  The Arabians’ owner also asked Morgan, at HPAF, if she could take them, but they, too, were full.

The mares had been rescued from a bad situation more than a year ago, but the owner had not handled the girls during the time they were in her care.  The black filly is almost three years old and had never been touched when she arrived at the rescue.  The mare, the filly’s dam, was so sweet and approached me when I met them the first time.  I haltered her and spent just a little time with her and she is very sweet.  The filly, however, was unsure about humans, but like her dam, was quite inquisitive.  We took the girls grain and hay while we searched for a safe place for them to land.  When we took them hay on Christmas Eve, we noticed the fencing at the property where they were living had worsened and was unsafe.  The girls had been leaning on it and it wouldn’t have taken much for them to escape.  The thought of them getting out and into the road was horrible.  I talked to Morgan again, and, by working together, we thought of a solution for the immediate problem.  We agreed to bring the girls to Beauty’s Haven until March, at which time, HPAF would take them.

A week before the girls arrived, and before we had come up with a plan to bring them here until March, the owner called me to advise that she had found them a home.  She had met a man at a feed store who offered to take them.  I suggested that she have the man fill out an adoption application and return it to me to process.  I asked her to not let the girls go until we did some research.  It didn’t take much for us to determine that this would not be a good situation for the girls, or any horse for that matter!  We asked the owner to wait a bit longer for us to figure out something and I’m so grateful that she took my advice.  The man that wanted them was arrested yesterday in Alachua County for using his horse as a deadly weapon!  You can read the story by clicking HERE.

These girls are so sweet and I truly enjoy the time I have with them.  The filly approaches me now and actually gives kisses!  Her mom loves to be scratched on her backside.  Bringing them here displaced some minis from their paddock (we had to double up horses in another paddock to make room) but it’s only temporary.  I’m thankful they are here and safe and I’m so very sorry for the horse and animals that the man owns (we did alert authorities about other animals that may be in his possession to ensure that someone was taking care of them).  Hopefully, the horse will never be returned to him.

If anyone would like to help with the expenses of caring for the girls, you may do so by forwarding your contribution via the ‘DONATE‘ page here on our website, or  PAYPAL.ME. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to ‘The Two Arabs.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. As always, thank you all so very much for your continued love and support.

Theresa Batchelor
Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc.