
Solace – He’s Totally Exhausted

December 17th, 2012

Solace is in incredibly wonderful and forgiving horse.  Today, for the first time since he arrived, he finally laid down for a bit – I was glad because he looked totally exhausted.  He did get somewhat of a much needed bath.  His legs and backside got washed – it was too windy to give him a whole bath.  He is passing oil and his poops are not quite as loose.  He still has a bit of a nasal discharge.  Dr. Ryan will be out tomorrow to listen to his lungs again.  When Dr. Tanya was here yesterday his gut sounds prevented her from assessing his lungs very well.

I’m sorry my update is so short tonight but it’s very busy here.  Yesterday afternoon we had a wonderful get together with many of the volunteers which Bob and I enjoyed very much.  And today is pretty much over and I still have much more to get done.  If you have emailed or PM’d me and I haven’t responded, I apologize.  All messages are important to me – I just have not had much needed time in the office.

Thank you to everyone that has helped Solace.  It’s nothing short of a miracle that he is even able to walk.  Some have asked me if I think he will make it and I’m reluctant to answer a question such as that.  Sadly, we’ve been down this road enough to know that things can change quickly and there may be some issues that have not been discovered yet.  It’s something that only time will tell but we will do everything we can to give him everything he needs to improve.  Please continue to keep him in your prayers – we need a miracle.  Believe…

Greg Ambrose has added two new pictures to the Beauty’s Haven gallery that are available for purchase (which the rescue directly benefits from) that can be seen at: http://gra.photoshelter.com/gallery/Beautys-Haven/G0000_f.QHAPkboQ/C0000aComXSozr6I.  Please take a minute to look at them by clicking on the link – the photo that so many loved with Hollie and Starbuck is there too!  One of the new ones is of the Christmas Trio – it would make a beautiful Christmas card and there is a new one there of Solace also!

Theresa Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization 


2 replies
  1. moonsuz57
    moonsuz57 says:

    Dear Solace, I have asked God to please be with you. I know you will make it through your recovery and your strength will be restored. Peace and love to you. <3

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