Solace at the hospital – update
At the hospital…
Being ultrasounded.
Rebreathing test.
He has hemorrhages in his left eye.
There is something above the heart but don’t know what it is yet. They did a trans trachea wash.
The good news is that they don’t have to drain his chest. The infection in his lungs is something he should be able to overcome but the big concern now is that he has been anemic – we have been monitoring it and it has been getting progressively worse and we don’t know why. More tests are being done. The hemorrhages in the conjunctiva of his eye were caused by trauma but we don’t know what trauma.
This boy is really amazing – his survival thus far is nothing short of a miracle and we pray the root of his sickness is discovered. We have been working hard to help his immune system to get stronger – he needs more time. I don’t have any nails left to chew. I’ll update more when I know more.
After we get through today I will worry about raising funds for his vetting today. I needed to get up a FB auction for a ton of hay – we ordered one ton for delivery tomorrow but if we order 2 tons we get a better price.
I’m still waiting for the vet to come for Beauty – the weather is playing havoc on so many horses – it’s hard to get someone out because they are busy on other colic cases. Tomorrow is supposed to be better.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
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Where would I donate for the hay and the vetting?
Donations are tax deductible and can be made via PayPal ( or various ways through our website at Donations can also be made snail mail to BHFER, PO Box 53, Morriston, FL 32668. God bless and thank you!