Racking mare update 11/26/12 pm
The Racking horse mare had a quite day. She rested a lot – it was a beautiful day to just lay in the sun and just “be”. She is drinking much better and is passing poop just fine. The vet told us yesterday that he’s been responding to a lot of colic calls because of the drastic changes in weather. It has been in the low 30’s at night and up into the mid 70’s during the day. I told this mare not to listen – that colic is not an option here. She looked at me like I was nuts but that is fine. If she doesn’t know what colic is we don’t want her to find out. J
Her walk is unsteady. It scares me and sometimes I find myself holding my breath afraid she is going to fall. Her eyes are so deep and kind. Today she was curious about her surroundings and actually whinnied once when I went by her paddock. I find myself wanting to wrap our arms around her and not let go. I wish I could take away things done, or not done, to her. Maybe, in time, the memories of hunger and neglect will diminish. Her coat is so very thick and I’m glad. I can’t imagine how cold she would have felt without it.
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These feet are going to be taken care of in the morning.
Dr. Ryan will also be coming tomorrow to examine her and run some blood tests. Thank you to everyone that has helped with this mare – we appreciate everyone caring and sharing. She has a long way to go. We use the UC Davis refeeding program and we go slow and steady with just about everything. When a horse loses 50% of its body weight chances of recovery are slim to none. She taped in at just under 700 lbs. More than I thought she would but I can tell you most of that is bone. Even as she puts on weight and as time goes by we won’t know for awhile if the effects of starvation have impacted her heart, etc. She is said to be about 10 years old. We’ll know better tomorrow. One of the things I love to do the most is to sit and observe a horse alone and/or in a herd – I learn about each one of them this way so if something is ever not right I have a better chance at noticing it and responding.
I’ve got to call it a day – I’m simply beat. But tomorrow we have volunteers in the morning which is a very good thing – we were alone today. God bless and I’ll update again tomorrow with pictures.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb
Will charges be brought against the owner of this horse?