Mo Shahtef’s Prize

BREED:  Arabian

GENDER:  Gelding

COLOR:  Chestnut

AGE:  2000 YOB


‘Mo’ is very kind and sweet horse.  Due to his age, and the number of times he’s been adopted out and returned (no fault of his own), Mo has joined our sanctuary herd.

Our adoptions are meant to give a horse a forever loving home.  However, Mo had been adopted out a few times and each time, the adopter returned him (at no fault of his own).  But his last adoption went bad.  He had been sold him to someone that ended up giving him away.  After many sleepless nights, and a lot of networking, he was located and when we went to pick him up it was one of the best feelings ever.  We had been very worried about his safety.  After we got there, he loaded right up and, once back at the rescue, he settled back in nicely.  He was pretty thin and needed his feet and dental issues taken care of but he has since been doing very well.