Please keep Tilly in your Prayers

It is going to be a very sad day – an emotional one. Little Tilly’s COPD has progressed to the point where her quality of life is just not there and the kindest thing we can do is to let her go to Rainbow Bridge.

Tilly is so very sweet. She still has spirit and spunk, but she is now really struggling. Over the last couple of weeks, she’s lost weight and is having a significantly harder time breathing and she’s not finishing her meals.

Dr. Elizabeth spent time with her yesterday and after reviewing her condition, and what options there are (we are out of options, really), we agree it is time to let her go.

We lost Ceri a few days ago to colic and I learned that we lost Reese yesterday. I will update about them after tomorrow. They were both very sweet mares that were adopted out years ago.

We have lost so many this year. It’s very, very hard on the heart.

Please keep Tilly (and those of us who love and adore her) in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank you & God bless.
