MoonShadow – I miss you…
I don’t know what to say – I’m still having a hard time accepting what happened to MoonShadow. I look out my office window and he’s not there grazing. I see Little E standing by the fence by himself – he and MoonShadow were good friends. In the mornings MoonShadow and Little E could be found at the workshop door – an entryway to the feed room. MoonShadow was doing so well and we’d just started looking for a forever home for him.
Colic is such a dreadful thing and for MoonShadow it struck quick and it was very painful. You could see it in his eyes – I felt helpless. At the hospital we learned that his gut had twisted and the prognosis was grim. We released MoonShadow to cross Rainbow Bridge – where on the other side there would never be pain or hunger or hurt again.
When he came here in late April he was skin on bones and depressed. He filled out nicely in less than 2 months. He was happy and content – he knew love and kindness.
I’d like to thank everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers. If you have emailed me and I haven’t responded I apologize. I’m moving a bit slow and trying to pick myself up and find some good in what happened. But so far I haven’t found any good about it – only sadness – emptiness. I know we shouldn’t question why God makes the choices he does but still – I want to scream and ask “WHY???” MoonShadow had come so far.
We love you MoonShadow – until we meet again fly with angel wings and know that you are greatly missed. I’m sorry, my friend, that I couldn’t take away the pain. I’m sorry we didn’t get to find you that perfect forever home. I’m sorry I can’t reach out and touch your beautiful face. But I am very grateful for the time that you were with us – you are loved by many.
Our MoonShadow runs with his friend Twilight now and the rest of the heavenly herd.
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Our friend Greg A. did this beautiful and touching artwork – thank you Greg.
I love you MoonShadow – always.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
I’m so sorry to hear about Moonshadow Theresa. He was a beautiful sweet soul who will always be with us.. Sending you and all who knew him well many thoughts and prayers. Along with many hugs.
Theresa, there are no words to help ease the sorrow, no words to explain. Only words of love for you, and for all you do. Praying for peace for you, and strength to give so lovingly to all the animals for whom you care so deeply. May our Lord wrap you in his arms, and hold you close as you mourn beautiful MoonShadow’s journey to His side. God bless you, and know there are so many of us who love and and SO admire all you do.
Such a beautiful tribute to a magnificent Horse. RIP dear MoonShadow. We will all miss you.
MoonShadow found his forever home…… it was with you.
He found his love, better health, fun and happiness all there with you.
He received from all you there, what was the best of what was to be!
He knew love….you gave him that.
He couldnt have what he did if not for you.
God Bless you all there!
Theresa I hope you do not question all you have done. The love and care you have provided him and all the others is their last and maybe even first experience being of being loved and cared for.
Maybe you being able to love and save Moonshadow before his eventual death…was God’s gift to Moonshadow…and not as much about you. Maybe that kind of love and devotion was what Moonshadow needed to fullfil HIS life. We never really know these things for sure..we just do our best and pray it was enough. It seems to me Moonshadow got the best of love from you…you saved him with love…cared for him with love…and when it was time…let him go from pain…with love. Sometimes we don’t need to understand…just know for certain.