Happenings at the Farm

I thought I would share a brief update regarding the daily happenings at Beauty’s Haven where there is never a dull moment! Elka continues to do well and she truly enjoys getting extra love and attention as she did this past week from Pam and Donna. Elka is such a sweet mule but when breakfast time rolls around, she eagerly waits at the fence with her friends with that “Hurry up with breakfast” look!

And then there are the doggos! Shadow and Benjamin are a constant source of entertainment with their daily shenanigans! Shadow is, of course, the “boss dog” who never fails to remind Benjamin of that fact many times throughout the day!

Thankfully, when you’re having “one of those days,” it helps to just hop on a horse and ride away, if only for a little while.

Wishing everyone a wonderful week!
