Date: Saturday, March 8, 2025
Registration starts at 9 am
Ride starts at 10 am
Goethe State Forest
Tidewater Trail
12250 SE 137 Court, Dunnellon, FL 34431
Questions: Contact Rachel at 320-980-8217. Please share this out!
Registration: Click here to register ($30 per person). When filling out the form on the link, make sure in the “Notes” section to note that it is for the Trail Ride OR you can make your donation by scanning or clicking on the below QR Code. Again, make sure in the “Notes” section to note that it is for the Trail Ride. We hope to see you there!
Under Florida Law, an equine activity ride sponsor, or contact is not liable for an injury to, or death of, a participant in equine activities resulting from inherent risks of equine activities.