Emma Injuries Are Worse Than We Expected
February 7th, 2017
Leaving Emma at the Ocala Equine Medical Hospital on Monday afternoon was one of the hardest things ever, even though I knew that their veterinarians and staff are absolutely wonderful and would do a great job.
Her surgery was in the morning and took quite awhile. Here they are sewing up the front leg and proceeding to work on the back leg.
After surgery, Emma settled back in her stall. It’s going to be quite a long journey to recovery but she’s on the healing path now. And she’s a tough little girl.
The “Mom take me home!” look she gave me melted my heart. She’s a very brave girl.
Emma was munching on hay when I left her after a change in her bandages. Since Betsy Rose insisted that Joe Camel go along with Emma to keep her company, I knew that she would not be lonely during her stay. It’s going to be a long haul for her – only some of the issues were addressed during surgery.
We were very disturbed to learn the severity of the injuries after her surgery. Injuries that include a fractured splint bone, a bullet on the knee that fractured bone and possible contamination of the knee, multiple bullet fragments in her head, a bullet that fractured her first cervical vertebrae (C1), and more.
Humans did this to her and I feel terrible about it. I wish we could take back everything that was, or wasn’t, done to and for her but I can’t. We can only promise to make all of her tomorrows the best that they can be. She’s young and so very sweet. I know she appreciates everything that we are doing to help her.
February 8th
Emma is on her way home! Please keep the prayers coming – she’s got a long road of healing ahead of her. Helping Emma would not be possible without help from our wonderful village. Thank you, all, so very much.
#prayersforemma #bhfer #believe #justiceforfillyemma #donate #nonprofit