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Elvis & Ford have been adopted!

Elvis and Ford have hit the jackpot! They have been adopted into a wonderful home with someone who has adopted from us in the past. It’s a true blessing! We really did not want to separate them. Ford is 13 years young and really loves his little pony, Elvis, who is approximately 30 years young. They have had many changes in their life recently, but now, they have sunny days ahead in their new, loving, forever home. Enjoy the sweet video below of the boys happily prancing about in their lovely new paddock!

Thank you Maggie!


The Grass is Getting Greener!

Thanks to all of you we are almost 1/3 of the way to reach our goal for this past weekend’s hay run. The good news is that the grass is getting greener and our hay needs will soon lessen considerably!

If anyone would like to assist us with the remaining balance of $333, please click on the ‘Donate’ button below. Or if you would like to offer a Match Game, it would be so greatly appreciated by both horses and humans alike! Just email us at bhfers@gmail.com.

Thank you!

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

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Just Five Days Remaining!

Please help us win $1000 for the horses by clicking on the ‘Vote’ button below each day throughout the month of April. It’s free & easy! We’re currently in 1st place with just five days remaining! Thank you!!!