Donkeys, Foxy, Cookie, Matilda & More! June 25th ~ 28th Update
June 25th
“Peek a Boo!” Foxy received a gift from “Doggles, LLC” today. Here she is getting introduced to a new mask.
“What do you think everyone? How do I look in my new Doggles? I’m not sure orange is my color but Mommy Theresa says I have another pair in pink that I get to try on tomorrow! Dr. Mangin is coming to see us tomorrow – I haven’t met him yet but I think I like him already. He’s helped Daisy a lot. I haven’t met Daisy or the other donks yet but I saw Matilda and OMG her ears are bigger than me!”
June 26th
Foxy meeting Julie yesterday. Everyone loves this little girl and she knows it!
Foxy was great for Dr. Mangan yesterday. We got some very good news – Foxy’s eye is better!
Foxy and her mom were very inquisitive about all of Dr. Mangan’s many tools. She’s teething and wants to put everything in her mouth! Her top two teeth have erupted. We’re so glad she’s feeling much better. That plasma really helped!
Dr. Mangan also examined Matilda’s eyes. Her right one is cloudy again so her eye medication was changed.
It was pretty cute when Foxy surprised everyone and ran away from her momma and under and around Matilda. Matilda just stood there and watched. Foxy knows no fear! She is so tiny! Lol Matilda is such a BIG love!
Sal told Foxy she looks like a pirate with the patch over her eye. Foxy doesn’t know what a pirate is. So tonight Freckles is going to explain and tell pirate stories!
What a hard life they live. lol
June 28th
Sophie is doing really well. She’s looking for a forever home.
I wanted to share a photo of Willow with the lumps on her head. Dr. Specht wants her to get x-rays.
Cookie is still doing great! And she sill loves to make faces for the camera.
Betsy Rose and her friends huddled today to talk about the future. They all agree that, while they like it here, some of them would like to find adoptive homes where they will have their own humans. They all now have some stories to share about their time here and living with Betsy Rose and Freckles!
We will be listing some of the dolls, that are exquisitely hand made with lots of love, on our auction page in the next few days. You will have an opportunity to become part of Betsy Rose’s family!
Foxy’s eye is getting better.
I do believe that Timmie and Foxy are very thankful to be here. They are just precious! Timmie’s coat looks so much healthier. Her eyes are brighter. It’s all good! Many thanks to our Village for helping us to help them!
Foxy had a couple more new friends arrive! I’m not sure what their names are yet but Foxy had a great time playing with them.
“Mommy look! I have more little friends! Come see! Aren’t they cute? Where’s Sal? I need to go find her and introduce them!” She even hugged the bear!
We were a little worried that they would survive – Foxy is teething.
But they did survive, and they met Sal, and Foxy played herself to sleep.
We enjoyed a visit from Serenity’s adoptive dad, Phil Yarbrough, last weekend. This is Sawyer saying hello. Thank you Phil for making time to stop in for a visit. It was nice seeing you again and meeting your family!
Aaleyah Belle getting a much needed bath. Thank you Roe!
June 29th
Good morning!
Foxy loves to make new friends. Timmie, well, she likes to make friends too but she really loves to eat. Lol!
A great little helper. She’s teething so she’s liking to chew on just about anything.
Her hoof is about the size of my big toe. My boots and tennis shoes are soaking wet and drying.
Happy donks!
Rascal getting a bath before the rains.
Some photos from the Birthday Party ~
The boys had their 1st birthday party with carrot cake too! We really tried to get the birthday boys and Betsy Rose together to open their cards but it just didn’t work out. The boys decided they wanted to play with some of them.
JoJo, Jazzy, and Betsy Rose all are very thankful for their birthday cards and gifts. The boys shared with Daisy. smile emoticon If you sent a card and don’t see it, please forgive us – the boys kind of demolished a few.
Betsy Rose looked at the cards for quite awhile. I wondered what she was thinking. We’re so very blessed that she is with us. We have always believed but Betsy Rose has also helped others to believe… She may have been left on the ground like garbage but look at her now – a proud and happy little princess! Thank you all for helping us to make all of her tomorrow’s everything her yesterday’s should have been!
Happy 25th birthday Betsy Rose!