
Colic Emergency for Precious New Mini Mare

Okay, Village, we need prayers for this wee young mini mare we have named Hope. She is suffering from colic due to sand in her gut, and we are desperately hoping to save her. Below is an account of her status, observations, and care thus far.

December 3, 2020

5:22pm – Hope is suffering from an impaction and the vet arrived to tube and oil her. No gut sounds.

11:50pm – A few gut sounds heard, finally. She’s on IV fluids and medication will be administered as needed. If she does not have a bowel movement by late morning, our vet will do an ultrasound. She is exhausted and is quietly resting at the moment.

Please pray that this precious little girl makes it through the night.

December 4, 2020

4:51am – No poop yet but better gut sounds.

10:05am – God’s light shined down on little Hope this morning as Dr. Templeton worked on her again. Unfortunately, x-rays show quite a bit of sand in her gut. Hope is on her way to UF. Sand impactions are never a good thing and neither is colic. But she’s only three years old and a real trooper. She’s such a sweet little girl that deserves a chance at life.

With the drastic weather changes we’ve been having, please make sure your horse is drinking. Provide good quality hay which will help the gut to work more efficiently. Don’t put their feed tubs in the sand. Feed hay in hay feeders or bags. Give psyllium for a week each month. Do everything you can to minimize sand intake.

11:00am – Little Hope is now in surgery, more prayers needed.

If anyone would like to help Hope, donations can be easily made by clicking the button below, through Facebook. or via PayPal. No amount is too small. All donations are greatly appreciated as her medical bills will be sizable.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

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Thank you, all & God bless.
