Update on The Christmas Trio, Hollie, Blackie and Donks!
December 12th, 2012
All of the Christmas Trio horses have names now. They have all settled in well and seem to just adore humans and appreciate every little thing done for them.
Nevada (means covered in snow).
Nevada’s right front foot is the one that had the roofing nail in it. The vet said Nevada was very lucky – it was embedded at an angle and location that missed everything it could have done some nasty damage to.
Sachet’s feet were not much better but no nail. Noelle’s back right has obviously sustained some sort of damage in the past. All three were good for Fabio and they seemed very pleased to have had their hooficures.
Dr. Bess did their teeth. The worst was Nevada’s – he’s youngest (5 yrs)! He had huge hooks and ramps. Dr. Bess was amazed at how bad his teeth were at his age. Sachet is about 13 years young and Noelle is about 15. I was told by the previous owner that Noelle was a real head tosser. With, or without, a bit in her mouth it would be easy to understand possibly why. She had lose teeth! Dr. Bess pulled one and will be checking the other the next time she comes or sooner if we notice any issues.
Blackie had visitors on Saturday – he has an angel! Thank you Melissa for helping him and for his gifts – he really feels special and sends a big “Thank you!” and says he wants you to come back soon to groom him and just spend time with him.
How sweet of a face is this? VERY sweet! Hollie visits with the young ones every morning. Dora and Starbuck are in the background. Hollie is doing very well. She is moving better and she’s gained some much needed weight and muscle. We do believe she has Cushing’s disease.
I had to share this. Here is Penelope taking a roll in the sand followed by Penny taking a roll in the sand! Baby donkey see – baby donkey do!
This is Beauty wanting to know where her treat is and when Santa is coming. LOL!
Hopefully tomorrow each of the horses is going to share with me what they want for Christmas and I’ll share with all of you! It’s hard to believe another year is coming to an end soon – it seems each year goes by faster. God bless and have a great night. Hopefully I’ll be able to post again tomorrow!
PS – current bids: Christmas Decorative Runner is at $70. The necklace is at $70. The Zenyatta and Baby plushie is at $40.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb