Penny, a blind 30+ year old Belgian mare, has been dropping in weight and just hasn’t been herself lately, so we had Dr. Julia examine her and do some blood tests. There were a few highs and lows in her bloodwork. Penny has allergies and she may have ulcers. Dr. Julia recommends Succeed for two months as well as Forefront, and she suggests that we add Renew Gold to her diet. She was lame on her front right for a few days, but after having blown an abscess, she is now, much happier and comfortable. Penny is also due to have annual dental work done.

Penny needs help for two months of Succeed ($220), Forefront ($140), and Renew Gold ($90) which adds up to $450. She will also need help with her dental care but we can tackle that once we have an appointment scheduled.

If you’d like to help this grand old girl, you can make a one time tax deductible donation, or sign up to make an automatic monthly recurring donation, via our secure WEBPAGE. There, you have the option of making your donation in honor/memory of someone and you can cancel a recurring donation at any time. Or, you can donate through Network For Good or JustGiving. These links can also be found on our donate page along with our snail mail address. You can also donate via PAYPAL and if you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. Please note that your contribution is for ‘Penny.’ Please be assured that all donations are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever too small. If you’re not in a position to donate at this time, we truly understand, but you can still help by sharing this post!

Thank you all, so very much, for your continued love and support!

A Match Game in Honor of Theresa’s Birthday!

In honor of Theresa’s birthday, two very dear friends and supporters have joined together to offer a Match Game whereby all donations up to $700 will be matched dollar for dollar!

Theresa’s wish this year, is, once again, to benefit the horses at Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc. Many are sanctuary horses with special needs and their care is more costly than that of an average, healthy horse. The items at the top of Theresa’s wish list include Prascend (227 mg, 180 ct), Previcox (160 ct), APF-Pro (946 ml) and Equishield SA (two 2 lb. containers) at a total cost of $1375. All donations toward these needs will be so greatly appreciated by both horses and humans alike.

If you would like to make Theresa’s birthday wish come true, while doubling your donation at the same time, you may do so by forwarding your contribution via our secure Donations Page. You can also donate via PAYPAL and if you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. Please note that your contribution is for the’Birthday Match Game.’ Please be assured that all donations are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever too small. If you’re not in a position to donate at this time, we truly understand, but you can still help by sharing this message via social media!

Thank you to our very special Match Game sponsors and to each and every one of you for your continued love and support.


Today, we welcomed two precious twin orphaned baby goats, a little girl and boy, to our family. They were taken from their momma at slightly over a week old, only for the sake of money. Sadly, it is almost always about money. They arrived bright eyed and curious!

We purchased milk replacer which they happily drank (they were very hungry) and then they checked out their new bedroom.

All tucked in for a little while.

If you would like to assist us by sponsoring or contributing toward the initial care of these sweet babies, you may do so via PAYPAL,via the DONATE page on our website, or via PAYPAL.ME.

If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to ‘Orphaned Babies.’  If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small.

Thank you all so very much for your continued love and support.

Mishka, has had a few bumpy weeks between dealing with allergies to no-see-um’s and experiencing front right foot lameness. To help with allergies, he was gifted supplements, a flymask with ears, and a really nice flysheet and neck cover that’s cool, soft, and doesn’t weigh a ton – he’s huge (2000 lbs) and to get one over him is truly, quite a task!

When Mishka became lame a few weeks ago, it was thought to be an abscess. We moved him to a small paddock by the barn and his foot was treated many times to try to draw out an abscess. We weren’t making progress and Mishka wasn’t happy being away from his friends so Dr. Cardona came out and did x-rays. The results were not great, but they could have been worse. Mishka has side-bone in both front feet which is not uncommon in draft horses. There is a slight rotation in both, his sole’s are a bit thin, and there was a suspected gas pocket in the right foot.

Once we had the x-rays, coupled with recommendations from Dr. Cardona, we called Jason Wayne Hunter (Back to Basics Equine Podiatry) to help Mishka. When Jason started on Mishka’s right foot, an abscess at the toe opened up and when Jason began working on the left foot, another abscess at that toe opened up! Mishka experienced immediate relief! Jason put wraps on both feet and Mishka felt so much better now that he was able to go back out with his friends! This made us all very happy! We’re very appreciative of Jason, his work, and his patience with Mishka. And it was great to see Kyra (she used to be a vet tech with Dr. Ted) again – we appreciate her patience and kindness to Mishka too! Many thanks to both Jason and Kyra! Jason’s Facebook page is ‘Back To Basics Equine Podiatry.’ Now that Mishka is on track to getting better, we really need to reach out for help ($425) to cover his vet bill, x-rays, podiatry needs, etc.

Whenever one issue is resolved, however, another seems to pop up as in the case of Warrior. Dr. Julia was here earlier in the week to treat our precious little guy’s ears which are covered with oozing blisters and nodules due to his constantly being bitten by flies and gnats. I now spend a great deal of time daily, cleaning and treating his ears while trying to discourage him from rubbing on anything in sight to relieve his ‘itchies.’ I have not as yet received a bill from Dr. Julia but that is yet another forthcoming expense.

In addition, the farrier will be at Beauty’s Haven today as well as on Monday, for another round of hooficures and once again, Bob will be making our weekly hay run this afternoon which, like last week, will cost another $900. As donations have been down considerably, I am beside myself with worry but thankfully, two wonderful friends and supporters have joined forces and are offering a MATCH GAME to assist with our many needs! All donations up to $325 will be matched dollar for dollar! If you would like to participate in the Match Game, there are many ways in which to contribute. You may forward your contribution via our PayPal address:, via theDONATE page on our website or via PayPal Me. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to ‘MATCH GAME.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small.

Thank you, all, so very much, for your love and support!

Recent tests have determined that Elyza Rose is Insulin Resistant with Cushings Disease. Her vet bill was $255 and her medication was $125. We are therefore, offering a very special fundraiser to help our sweet Elyza Rose.

Please consider a donation and receive a chance to win a gift of your choice. For each donation of $5, the contributors’s name will be entered in a drawing for either a Betsy Rose Coffee Mug or Tote Bag. A winning name will be selected on Friday, November 2, 2018, at 9:00pm at Beauty‘s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc., which is located in Morriston, Florida.

There are many ways in which to contribute. You may forward your contribution via our PayPal address:, via the DONATE page on our website, or via PayPal Me. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to ‘Elyza.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All contributions are tax deductible and no contribution is ever too small.

On behalf of Elyza Rose, thank you all so very much!

LadyBug is feeling much better and is back out in her paddock – she’s much happier. I think our prayers have been answered!

We do need help from our village, however.

Would anyone like to help us with LadyBug’s vet bills? There was an emergency call, she had to be scoped because she was unable to be tubed and she was administered IV fluids and antibiotics. Not only did she colic, when she was scoped, the vet discovered an infection in her esophagus. The total cost of LadyBug’s veterinary fees is $600.

We also need to raise funds for a ton of hay at a cost of $600 plus $500 in fees for the farrier who is scheduled to come on Monday.

We are thrilled to announce that a wonderful friend and supporter has come forth to offer a MATCH GAME to assist with LadyBug’s veterinary fees as well as our upcoming Hay Run. All donations up to $300 will be matched dollar for dollar. If you would like to participate in the Match Game, there are many ways in which to contribute. You may forward your contribution via our PayPal address:, via the DONATE page here on our website, or via PayPal Me. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to either ‘LadyBug’ or ‘Hay.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All contributions are tax deductible and no donation is ever considered as being too small.

Thank you so very much for your love and support!


I’d like to ask for prayers for Ladybug. She was colicky earlier today. I’ll be so glad when the temperatures improve.

Ladybug is a mare who came to Beauty‘sHaven in 2009 after she was attacked by a wild cat. Sadly, we were unable to save her ear, but thankfully, we saved her life.

Dr. Rullan was called out and after he arrived, he discovered that he was unable to tube LadyBug because she would not swallow. He then scoped her and found swelling and infection – she does have seasonal allergies. She received antibiotics and several liters of fluids. After finishing the last of her IV fluids for the night (she was quite dehydrated), LadyBug was resting comfortably.

LadyBug’s injuries were simply horrific when she first arrived at Beauty‘s Haven. If you would like to view her Album, just click here, but please be forewarned, some of the images are quite graphic.

This is one of the less graphic photos taken a few days after her arrival.

We’re very thankful that Dr. Rullan was able to respond right away this afternoon. LadyBug was certainly uncomfortable for awhile. So, now we pray that the issue resolves. LadyBug is about thirty years young and is one of the sweetest mares you could ever hope to meet. Please pray for a full recovery and a calm night. We will update in the morning. Thank you all!

SeAnna’s temperature has been normal since Saturday and I haven’t heard her cough even once. At long last, SeAnna happily rejoined the herd today!

I checked the horses multiple times on Saturday – the “feels like” temperature was 106. Little Peggy Sue’s respiration was sky high and she wasn’t sweating so I took her to the barn and we hosed her down. She got her mane braided and she stood in front of a fan and cooled down. It was really cute to see her little nose outside the feed room door. I’m just not used to having her at the barn. She’s so cute!

It was a pleasure to have a new volunteer at the rescue. Bella withstood the heat, was a big help, and said she’ll see us next week!

I’m pleased to share some good news! Dr. Cardona checked SeAnna Thursday evening and stated that her lungs sounded better! I was really worried because the day before, her temperature was up to 103 but on Thursday, it didn’t go above 100. SeAnna will finish up her antibiotics in a few days and hopefully, will kick this bug for good so she will be able to go back out with her friends – she really misses them!

SeAnna chowing down on her mash. Please click on the image to see her joyfully munching away. She, thankfully, did pretty well yesterday. Today will be quite challenging for all of us with a ‘feels like’ temperature of 107 degrees!

SeAnna’s vet bill is currently paid in full! We just need her to get over this bug – and she will!

On behalf of our beautiful SeAnna, thank you all for your generosity, love and support!


SeAnna coughed a few times last week, but she didn’t have a temperature and her appetite had been great. But on Sunday morning at breakfast, she coughed and sounded like she may have been experiencing a choke (blockage in the esophagus) but there was no discharge from her nose or mouth. Her thyroid also appeared to be enlarged which caused concern that a cyst or tumor may have been pushing against the esophagus. I took her temperature and it was elevated at 102.6 so I gave her Banamine and called the vet.

We’ve had quite a bit of experience with choke because of Betsy Rose. She had dysphasia (difficulty swallowing) due to a neurological problem. Betsy choked multiple times over the years and, in the end, she had totally lost her ability to swallow. Sadly, we had to let her go.

Dr. Cardona examined SeAnna, and to rule out a mechanical issue in the upper airway, he scoped her. He discovered a lot of mucus at the base of her trachea which was indicative of infection. Blood was drawn and the results revealed a lower respiratory infection. SeAnna’s treatment plan includes a course of antibiotics and she will be in the quarantine paddock for awhile. It’s thought she’s not contagious but it’s better to be safe than sorry. She will be reassessed later in the week and if we aren’t seeing improvement, Dr. Cardona will ultrasound her lungs.

SeAnna had been abandoned for many weeks on a piece of property several years ago when a hurricane came up the east coast. She came to us skin on bones. Her rehab went well and she’s one of the sweetest mares you could hope to meet. She is 21 years young and once she is over this bug, she will be looking for a forever home again. Please keep her in your prayers.

We don’t know what SeAnna’s vet bill (including medications and supplements) will be, but it’s not going to be inexpensive. If you would like to help SeAnna, donations may be called directly into the vet’s office, El Sol Equine Practice, at 352-671-3737. You may also donate via various means on our website at or via our PayPal address: If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation for ‘SeAnna,’ and if you select the tab for ‘Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All donations are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever too small. Thank you!