I had a really nice birthday today! I did work all day but the weather was perfect and I worked outside with the horses – not at my computer so I loved it! I wanted to ride for a few minutes but the day was over before I knew it. Our kids came home late this evening for dinner and cake. I went on Facebook tonight and couldn’t believe all of the “Happy Birthday” posts! And the emails and e-cards! Thank all of you – they mean a lot to me – a whole lot! I don’t get on the computer much to “converse” with anyone anymore but I know everyone knows I’m very busy with the horses and that I’m always only a phone call away. Volunteers are going to take me out to lunch or dinner one day next week. And – it was on the front page of our local newspaper today (Williston Pioneer Sun News) that I have been nominated “Pioneer of the Year!” The winner will be chosen at the end of the year but this nomination was a total surprise – what an honor!

Here are a couple of pictures from yesterday and today…

Dr. Ryan says Narissa is close to 30 years young. She enjoys being able to come and go in and out of her stall. She stands in the breeze of the aisle way a lot.

Ghost and a little braid in his forelock – he got a much needed bath this week. Ghost is a sweetheart and is looking for a forever home. He is a 15 yr young Paso Fino gelding. Katie, our daughter, had a blast riding him.

Nikole is doing well – she’s waiting for her turn to get body clipped. She really is a sweet mare. She is looking for a forever home. She has Cushings but it is managed with a compounded version of Pergolide. We’ve not had any issues with her – just a wooly coat.

Gentleman is next in line for body clipping. If anyone in this area can do this please call me!

Narissa napping..

I am totally beat and am going to get to bed a bit early. I will be up early to go to the Paso farm for the day. We need to find homes for the remaining mares.

Please keep Gentleman and Narissa in your prayers. Have a blessed weekend everyone and thank you for your continued friendship and support!

I’ve been putting this update off since this afternoon. I’m sorry to have to share bad news. Narissa’s right front has rotated and she is a sinker. We don’t know how long she’s been this way. She’s 25+ years old and certainly has a love for life – she’s a survivor, IMO. We will try to keep her comfortable and when we can’t we will love her enough to help her cross. But until then she will get lots of TLC. She has the run of the barn and seems to be content. Although, she spends quite a bit of her time in her stall. She got her mane braided today – everyone showers her with attention. She knows she is loved.

Some more upsetting news Gentleman has had high ring bone for awhile. We kept him comfortable throughout the cold season and thought we’d see an improvement with the warmer weather but we haven’t. He’s been getting supplements that were helping but lately he seemed to be getting worse. I had x-rays done today and the condition has worsened. He has been getting bute after morning feed these past few days and UGuard. We will be starting him on a different medication in hopes that it will help. He does not tolerate bute well. If the medication doesn’t help we can have the joint injected but that may be a bit challenging and poses risks in itself. You can bet that we will do all we can to keep him comfortable. GMan has lots of light in his eyes. We love him, very much. I can’t imagine Beauty’s Haven without him here. He’s approaching 30 years young but we pray for many more years with him.

Please pray for Gentleman and Narissa. I will try to post pictures tomorrow. I’m just too beat tonight. Thank you.

This past weekend was a really good weekend for BH for a few reasons. There were very successful fundraisers and some horses went to new homes! Three Paso Fino’s left for their new homes over the weekend. Two went together on Saturday. And yesterday, Monday, two mares left for their new home. I just love it when two go together! There are about 8 mares still needing homes. I’ll try to post pictures and more info on them this weekend.

This older Paso mare (18ish) and her daughter (4 yrs old) are looking for a home together. We really don’t want to separate them – they are pretty bonded. The mom has training and years under saddle. The daughter has not had any training.

There was a booth set up at Tractor Supply in Ocala and another at the Paso Fino show at the Pavilion in Ocala. Volunteers worked hard and pulled it all together – they did a great job and, combined, they raised about $600! The winner of the Hilton stay was Suzette – congratulations!

On Sunday a group of students spent a few hours working at the rescue. Chores sure do take a lot less time with many hands! The horses loved the extra attention and I think the students had a great time too!

Our three “babies” – Baby Girl, Indy, and Morning Star! They are quite the trio! They all need a bath but it does little good – they just play in the sprinklers, roll, and get dirty all over again. Kids – gotta love them! Lynda used to be a teacher and in the picture she is scolding Morning Star for nipping. Baby Girl and Indy are just listening – I think they enjoy watching Morning Star get into trouble! He needs a home – he’s ready to start playing and enjoys challenges and learning new things. He has quite the personality!

Narissa this evening. She stays comfy in a stall under a fan during the day and has the run of the barn at night. Beanie Barbaro he said goodbye and good luck to Narissa before packing his bags to leave today.

Narissa’s eyes look softer and she seems very much at ease. She loves being able to come and go in and out of her stall. I am worried about her feet – the front right is the worst. She has an appointment to get x-rays on Thursday. Please pray that what we learn gives us a great deal of hope and that we will be able to help her stay comfortable.

Our Buttercup headed out on the trails yesterday with Gary! She has been in training for 2+ months now and is doing great! Gary is doing a great job with her. She is available for adoption and will make someone a very nice horse. If anyone is interested please contact me 352-258-9309. I’m backed up on emails and don’t know when I’ll be able to get to them. I apologize if I owe anyone a response on anything – we’re just short handed this week and I’ve got a doctor’s appt tomorrow.

We found an injured bird in one of the paddocks today. While we were getting ready to take him to the bird sanctuary Beanie Barbaro kept him company. Sadly, the bird crossed Rainbow Bridge just a few minutes later.

Our little Lily thought she was a race horse today! Her momma, Ebony, tried to keep up with Lily but didn’t do very well. Ebony needs to lose a few pounds. J

Some have asked about Harley and his eyes. The area of concern on his right third eye was removed and he’s doing great! His human family loves him terribly – he is a very special boy. And he enjoys the company of his BFF named Baron. We are very happy for him and his family.

We hope everyone is having a great week. I’ll try to update again by Friday. There is one more bit of good news – Mystical is leaving tomorrow to go to her new home! And she will be living with her own human family just across from Sayan and his new human family! God bless and thank you all for your continued support! And many thanks to our volunteers for all of their hard work and precious time they give!

Narissa had a good day today – Pam body clipped her and then she got another bath. She’s being terribly spoiled and everyone loves her!

Her feet were trimmed yesterday. She seems to be walking better but is ouchy. We put booties on her back feet – they were pretty infected and they are being treated. Here are pics of before and after of her front feet.

Her body needs time to adjust to changes in her feet, environment, feed, etc. We take is slow with new arrivals. She’s not drinking as much as I’d like but she is getting electrolytes. She seemed very happy today in her stall munching on her hay and when she’d get walked outside.

Her eyes were brighter this evening – she seems very much at home here already. It’s raining so she is in the barn tucked in for the night. What a doll she is! She really appreciates every bit of affection and everyone loves giving it to her!

If everyone would keep her in prayers we’d greatly appreciate it. For those helping with her needs – thank you so much! We have enough for her initial vetting, farrier, and possibly her dental needs. She will need some supplements. If anyone would like to help (https://www.bhfer.org/donate.html) please remember that no amount is too small and any amount is appreciated. We’ll let her settle in for a couple of days and then have her examined and some blood work done on her. Dr. Bess will be out at the end of the month to do her teeth. Hopefully her feet will get better, she’ll start putting on weight in a healthy way, and she’ll feel more comfortable each the day. It is a blessing to have her here with us.

I have more good news (with pictures) to share with everyone but really need to call it a day. It was my first full day outside since coming home sick on Wednesday. I’m exhausted and my back is seriously wanting a hot shower. Have a wonderful night everyone – thanks again and God bless!

Hi everyone – I am sorry I’m overdue for an update but I came home Wednesday and went to bed with a horrible stomach/flu bug Not sure I’m over it 100% yet but I’m trying – I have too much to do to stay sick.

We have a new rescue that was picked up yesterday – a very thin mare that may have Cushings. Her feet looked horrible – she’s likely foundered. She’s sore all over which is likely due, in part, to the way she had to walk but she got a hooficure today and a bath. You can easily put a finger between each and every rib. She will be body clipped tomorrow.

Her hip bones and spine are very prominent.

We need sponsors – please consider donating to help with her vetting, dental, farrier, and care expenses. We usually ask for sponsors before bringing in a new rescue but in this case there was no time.

Kathy and Marty visited last week (from Michigan) and it was wonderful to meet them in person and to spend time with them! They met all of the horses here – Magic enjoyed the extra attention – all of the horses did! Magic wasn’t too sure of what an IPad is but he sure seemed inquisitive.

On the 2nd day of their visit Kathy went to the Paso farm to work with me while Marty helped Bob fix fences at the farm. After a long day of working we decided to go to the local tavern for dinner and to relax and chat – Beanie Barbaro joined us! It’s very rare that Bob and I both get off the farm together – it was great! Thanks so much Kathy and Marty – we look forward to your next visit!

Lacey is still very pregnant. She is huge!

Sayan is doing great at his new home. His new mare fell in love with him and he with her – it was meant to be! And his human adoptive mom loves him too! He’s got green grass, shade trees, and his own girlfriend – he’s got it made! This is what we pray for all of them for – and it takes as long as it takes to find just the right home.

Wednesday morning the oldest mare that was at the Paso farm went to her new home – she’s settled in well and seems very content. She’s with another mare that had been adopted from there so she has a familiar friend so that is a blessing. It was so good to get her into the barn and to cut that number tag/rope off of her! We also brushed her out and sprayed her with MicroTek and flyspray. Then she went home! Most all of the mares are shedding out what I call a “rescue” coat and a new, healthy coat is coming in.

Two other Paso mares left Wednesday – together. I really like it when two can go together.

We still have applications being processed for Pasos and there are about ten mares left. In addition, there are some waiting for transport. I can’t imagine it would happen – but we may have more applications than horses! If that is the case we have many horses at the rescue that need good homes! Our website is not up to date so if you visit the “Available” for adoption page and don’t see what you may be looking for please email me. We have QH’s, Arabian’s, TB’s, mini’s and others looking for good homes.

Volunteers Melissa and George will have a Beauty’s Haven booth set up at the Paso Fino show in Ocala, FL tomorrow and Sunday. The show is located at the Southeastern Livestock Pavilion. They will have an informational book of BHFER horses available for adoption. There are still about ten Paso Fino mares left to adopt and many other horses that are currently at the rescue. Please come out and show your support – donations are greatly needed! All donations are tax deductible and no amount is too small.

Marie and other volunteers will be having a bake sale at Tractor Supply in Ocala tomorrow – there will be lots of goodies! Come out and show your support – stop by on your way to the Pavilion!

Some have asked about how my Popper dog is doing – she is doing just great! She’s even jumping into the horse water buckets again to get cooled off! If anyone ever needs a way to happily confine a doggie please check out Doggie Dorms – our dogs just love them! http://www.furbuddiesblingiton.com/index.html. They are easy to clean, offer good space, they are adorable! They fold up, come in different sizes, have their own storage case, and I didn’t even need instructions on how to use one! LOL! They really are awesome!

Thank you all for your continued support – we wish everyone a blessed and wonderful weekend! If anyone would like to help sponsor the new arrival please email me at bhfer. Any amount would help – we can only help those in need with support from others. We are an all volunteer organization and 100% of donations go directly to helping the horses.

Some bittersweet news to start the day. Sayan, a handsome and sweet 17 year old Arabian gelding that has been with us for about 2 years, is going to his forever home today.

He will only be about 20 minutes away and will be keeping company to a lonely mare.

Congratulations Sayan – we love you!

To everyone that has helped Sayan – he thanks you – we all thank you! God bless and have a wonderful day!

Just want to wish everyone a great weekend! Here are just a few pictures from the last couple of days – more later.

Here are Indy, Baby Girl, and Morning Star having a great time playing tag. They’re awesome to watch!

Legacy is doing better.

Mystical under saddle for the first time here. Mystical is a Friesian cross mare that is available for adoption.

I’ll be away from the computer today – showing horses at the Paso Farm. Don’t forget to turn your clocks forward an hour tonight!

An update on what’s going on here – a lot! The weather has been nuts. The winds have been horrible but we have no right to complain – many have lost lives and so much in the storms throughout the Midwest. Our prayers are with them. Yesterday was the first day in many that it was nice – warm sun and in the high 70’s. But the nights have still been near freezing. We had a terrible wind/rainstorm on Saturday night that caused a lot of erosion. We were without power yesterday morning.

Some bad news regarding Harley. A new pink mass has found in the corner of his right eye. The much larger mass that was removed when he was here was in his left eye. His human mom was right on it and the vet thinks it is pretty much superficial and contained in the 3rd eyelid and it will be removed. Harley is such a sweet and good boy. He’s loved very much and we can’t thank his adoptive parents enough for their love and care for him. I’ll update when I know more. Please keep Harley and his human family in prayers.

Beanie Barbaro his having a great time. He’s spent some time with a few of the horses and he took a field trip with me to the Paso farm. I’ll have to provide details later but here are some pictures of the last few days – including some with Beanie Barbaro.

Dr. Joan giving vaccinations, drawing coggins, etc. and Fabio, one of our farriers doing some trims.

Our transporter, Pam, holding for the trims.

What a beautiful face – and such kind eyes!

And another beautiful mare.

There are Paso mares still needing homes but currently we have applications on all of the ones in the barn. If any are not approved or someone changes their mind and one becomes available I will update. We still have 8 out in the paddocks that we need to bring in and process in order to be adopted. This has been a very tiring endeavor but worth every minute. To see the ones that have gone to their adoptive homes being loved and cared for is awesome. And working with, and meeting, new people in order to help the horses is invaluable. By networking, we can all help more horses.

Little Lily sharing a secret with Beanie Barbaro – he’s the smallest horse on the farm – she’s the 2nd smallest horse!

Many of you may remember dear sweet Heart – here he is with his human family that loves him terribly! He’s doing great.

We hope everyone is having a great week. We still could use help with hay – credits can be called directly into the hay store, Larson’s, at 352-867-8333. Cindy will be here on Friday to do some hooficures – if anyone would like to help with them that would be helpful too!

Thank you all for your continued support!

Good Friday morning everyone from another day of overcast skies here in our little corner of the world!

Another busy day – more visitors but today we have more volunteers coming! There are some people coming to look at horses this coming weekend. Please pray that they find good forever homes with a family of their own. I have to spend a good part of the day in the office – various applications to process, contracts to prepare, health records to update, and the list goes on. Once I get behind it’s really hard to get caught up.

Yesterday was extremely busy – I talked so much I don’t have a voice left! We had 4 visitors throughout the day and while giving a tour I tend to talk a lot – I like to tell the stories of each horse here. J

Katie got up on Ghost this week and had a blast. He’s a Paso Fino and knows how to do the Paso Corto – it’s was Katie’s first experience with it.

I guess they both had fun – they were all smiles when they were done!

Ruby introduced Beanie Barbaro to visitors yesterday. Ruby loves the attention and everyone loves Ruby!

A 20+ very sweet Paso mare looking for a forever home – please help us to find it for her.

I need to get to the barn now but will be back at my desk in a bit. I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed day!

It’s staying busy here – as usual. It’s still busy at the Paso farm too. A little update on both…

Beenie Barbaro arrived at the rescue today! He made his way first to visit Legacy who has an ouchy front left foot. Dr. Ryan examined Legs today and it’s likely an abscess. I remember holding Legacy in my lap after he came to the rescue only a couple of weeks old – his momma had died the day before from untreated eye cancer. We almost lost him a couple of times (his body wasn’t making bone marrow) but God answered prayers and this boy thrived. He is simply stunning – and huge! He’s about 16 hh now, still growing, and is ready for a forever home!

Legacy today and Legacy as a baby.

As a baby and today in his stall.

Legacy standing next to HighTower chatting about something 2+ years ago. Legacy is as tall as HighTower is now! Please spread the word that Legacy needs a good home. He’s ready to start his training. HighTower is also looking for a good home.

Nikole is doing very well. Sorry that the pictures are a bit dark – the weather here hasn’t been very good. Nikole is available as a pasture pal.

Asiya is looking for a home. She’s a nice 20 year old mare that loves attention – very easy keeper.

And Morning Star still needs a home! Gary worked with him a bit on his last visit. Morning Star loves to play ball and he adores attention, ropes, and garden hoses! J

Montana is ready for a new forever home. He’s about 17 years old. He neck reins and rides like he may have been a cow horse at some time in his life. He’s got an awesome personality and makes us laugh.

It’s been a long few days at the Paso farm too – we’re trying hard to process horses as fast as we can so that they can get into good homes. Catching and stalling them, coggins, feet, vaccinations – it takes quite a bit of time with horses that are not used to being cared for. And the paperwork can be overwhelming! Some of the horses do ok with handling but many need extra patience and reassurance. We are hand walking the ones staying in stalls so they get some sunshine and can graze a bit.

We’ve had some studs leave for their new homes – as of now all studs have homes. I shouldn’t say all studs – many have been gelded. Some were gelded today and a couple of more will be gelded tomorrow.

This grand old gal has been vetted and her feet were done today. She’ll be going home with another mare friend that lived in her paddock and is now staying across the aisle from her. She isn’t sound for riding but she is fortunate to have found her way into a human’s heart that wants to offer her a forever home as a pasture pal. What a blessing!

One of the boys trying to wake up after being gelded.

And one preparing to go down with help from Dr. Joan Gariboldi.

Mare #10. Very kind – an alpha mare.

This is how most of the mares greet us now. With a core team of volunteers working with them they have learned to somewhat trust. But when new faces appear they still go the other way – but they are getting better. And the smaller the 2 herds are becoming in the 2 paddocks – the more manageable they are becoming. The mare barn is full but as one or two leave we fill their stalls with others. We’re trying to bring friends in together. I can’t tell you how hard it is for me when I think about the herd being separated. I wish we could keep them all together but it just isn’t possible. We are trying to make the transition from how they have been living to being handled and rehomed as easy as possible for them.

Mare #22. She is also an older mare. She’s very beautiful.

A good roll in fresh shavings – it’s awesome to see.

Mare #20. She is an older mare – likely at least 20 yrs old with extremely kind eyes. Please consider giving her a home as a pasture pal.

Mare #19.

Mare #7. Very kind. Six years old.

Mare #4. She’s 4 yrs old. Nervous around humans but getting better each day – she’s now in a stall at the barn. She’s put a good amount of weight on but still has a ways to go.

If you have emailed me please forgive me if I haven’t responded. This evening is really the first time I’ve been at the computer for awhile. Thank all of you for caring and for your continued support!