A quick update on Cookie. Teri (foster mom) stopped by last week to discuss Cookie. Teri felt Cookie had been a bit sad. I went to visit Divinity and Cookie a few weeks ago and Teri said Cookie perked up and was upbeat for a few days. But then she went back to standing in the corner watching the driveway as if waiting for someone to come for her. When Teri told me that it broke my heart. We have been looking for a safe place for Genesis – he has been doing well but the others have been picking on him. He’s a gentle giant that lost an eye this past year to glaucoma. He is at risk for losing the other over the next 5 years according to the vet’s at UF. The idea of swapping Cookie and Genesis came to us at the same time! Divinity is doing well but she likes having another horse around. Yesterday, Teri brought Cookie back and picked Genesis up. Cookie was whinnying coming in the driveway – she was excited to be back! Genesis got hugs, loaded right up, settled in at Teri’s, and had a good night. Genesis and Divinity each have their own stall, turnout paddocks, humans that are home almost 24/7, grass, and they gets lots of TLC. We truly appreciate Selby and Teri for taking such good care of the horses! And they are only a few miles away! Cookie stays in the barn during sunny days with Ruby – they have been friends for a long time.

Cookie returning – there’s Ruby greeting her out the barn window!

Genesis – a gentle giant!

Genesis going home with Teri Barrach. He’s such a huge teddy bear – we miss him already!

He’s only about 10 miles away so our volunteers/friends can visit with him!



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

Jamie Bell and Marie Riordan set up a booth for us at the Berrittini Horsey Tack sale yesterday and raised $600+ much needed dollars! Many thanks to everyone that donated for the sale and helped in any way! We will be setting up another booth at the Tack Shack Yard Sale in December – if anyone has any good used tack they would like to donate please contact Jamie!

Two very sweet visitors we gave shelter and food to last night. They were running down and we were afraid they would get hit. Hunting dogs often end up lost and/or homeless around here. Jamie called the number on their collar and the owner came and got them this am.

Aaleyah Belle was very happy to see Tim and Shelbie Bible today!

Barbara taking a walk with Betsy Rose today. Betsy tends to be too stationary sometimes and walking is good for her. It was a beautiful day!

Sisco after a bath today. Sisco is a very sweet boy that is looking for a forever home.

Bronson kicking up his heels. He’s feeling better!

We currently have two ongoing fundraisers to assist with Baby Ray’s vet bills: one is a bracelet made from Baby Ray’s tail hair and another bracelet made from Betsy Rose’s tail hair! For each $5 donation made, you will be entered for a chance to win one of these bracelets that will be created by Lisa Austin of Crazy4PonyTails. But you must specify when you make your donation, which bracelet you are donating towards – Ray’s or Betsy’s (or both).

Once we have raised/received $500 in donations for Ray’s bracelet, a name will be drawn! Once we have raised/received a separate $500 in donations for Betsy Rose’s bracelet, a name will be drawn!

Donations can be made via our PayPal address: theresa or via our website donate page at: https://www.bhfer.org/oldsite/donate.cfm. Other examples of Lisa’s work may be found at: http://www.crazy4ponytails.com/.



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

Baby Ray continues to improve! Dr. Stephens said they are "mystified" by his recovery. They will do another ultrasound tomorrow but if all goes well he should be released on Wednesday. Please keep the prayers coming – they work!


Baby Ray was a bit better today but he is far from out of the woods. They still don’t know what caused his illness. They discontinued IV fluids and he is drinking on his own – he also passed poop! His condition is still guarded. Please continue to pray for him.

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

I’m going to call it a day soon, at least for a little while. I’m not feeling very good – just plain exhausted I think. Light headed and nauseous. I expect to hear from the hospital tonight after 10 pm. They are going to ultrasound Baby Ray again tomorrow to try to determine what the two lumps are on either side of his abdomen.

We still don’t know the cause of his illness. But the blood work done late this evening was even better than this morning. I really can’t thank all of you enough for your help and for caring. I do believe in the power of prayer – and in miracles. Baby Ray learned when he was just a baby to never give up and we’re very proud of him!

Night everyone. I thought I’d share a photo Ray getting acupuncture today (he’ll get another treatment in the am – it really helped)!

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

See the mess on Baby Ray’s face? He ate a mash! His values are better. I hope and pray we are over the hump and he is on the mend! He’s getting ready to go for a walk outside. I can’t tell you how happy I am that the Well-Gel is there!! I don’t know who to thank yet but prayers were answered! They have cut back on his IV fluids. I’ll have another update later! Please continue to pray!

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

Baby Ray took a turn for the worse last night around 10 pm. The Dr. opted to go ahead and run plasma. This am found Baby Ray better. His PCV number was down as well as his temp and his HR. His adoptive mom was back at the hospital this am and will be there all day. When I talked to him this am his ears went forward and he lifted his head higher. He had acupuncture and, for the first time in days, he is nibbling on a mash! He received more plasma today.

He is still in critical condition but I think our prayers and good thoughts are helping! Baby Ray is young and I am confident he is giving this his best. We still don’t know what is wrong with him. But for now, he is slowly improving. Please keep praying.

Oh, I did ask if donations could be called into the vet’s office and they said no – they prefer they come through us. If anyone would like to help (the bill is $3000+ so far) we would greatly appreciate it. Donations can be made via PayPal at theresa@beautysequinerescue.org or through the donate page on our website at www.bhfer.org. And if anyone would like to email the equine hospital (through their website) with a kind word of thanks for taking such good care of Baby Ray that would be great – Baby Ray is at Blue Ridge Equine http://www.blueridgeequine.com/. His Dr’s. name is Dr. Stephens.

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

Hi Everyone,

I just spoke with Theresa. Baby Ray is still at the Equine Hospital where his condition is critical but stable. He has had test after test and some retests, an abdominal tap, ultrasound, etc. Theresa is in close contact with a team of doctors who are working diligently to determine the cause of Baby Ray’s illness but thus far, it remains a mystery. He is producing too many red blood cells which can lead to blood clots and dehydration. And his IV fluids are passing through him as fast as they run them. Toxicology tests reveal no toxins but Baby Ray is demonstrating signs of being toxic. It’s possible he has cancer. They are providing supportive care – we are praying Baby Ray holds on until his system goes back to normal. If it’s cancer, well, we are not thinking that way. The Dr. assures us Baby Ray is not in pain. However, his heart rate has increased this evening. The doctors are also considering running plasma.

The vet bill has already weighed in heavily on Theresa’s mind so if anyone would like to contribute, it would be greatly appreciated. Baby Ray didn’t survive his terrible start in life only to fall victim to something now. I will ask Theresa tomorrow if donations can be called directly into the hospital. But there are many ways to donate via our website at www.bhfer.org/oldsite/donate.cfm.

Please continue to pray for our sweet boy’s recovery.

Thank you all for your Prayers & Support..


Please light a candle and say a prayer for sweet Baby Ray.



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

I didn’t post last night because I was praying for good news this morning. But the news isn’t good.

Baby Ray was admitted to the hospital yesterday. They are doing everything possible for him but it isn’t looking good.

It may be a bone marrow/ blood disorder.

I will share more after a conference call with the onsite vet and Dr. Porter this afternoon.

Please – please pray for Baby Ray.

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb