This past weekend was very busy. On Saturday, UF students came out to visit and to do an interview. I always love it when we have an opportunity to share the horses, their stories, and raise awareness about helping horses! 
The joy seen on the ladies faces when they put their hands on the horses, was priceless!

Daisy is simply adorable. She LOVES to be loved on. She comes over and literally lays her head across my lap (on those rare occasions when I get to sit down) asking for scratches.

Dr. Mangen was out a few days ago to treat Daisy again – he’s very pleased with what we are seeing. The mass under her right eye is smaller and appears to be sloughing off. We still believe!!!!

Our trio of trouble! They are hilarious – just love them all!

"Shhhh Mommy Theresa! We can’t talk now, ok? We’re playing Hide and Go Seek with CaryLou and we don’t want him to find us behind this tree!"

So we have two diva’s living at the barn now. They’ve come to some sort of mutual understanding which is very good. Beauty senses that Betsy Rose is fragile, I’m sure. Anyone else and she’d pin her ears to warn them away or just simply run them off. Beauty stands in front of Cookie’s stall door a good part of the day and makes faces at Cookie.

What is the first thing the girls do after a bath? That’s Aaleyah Belle standing and Baby Girl rolling.

Can anyone guess whose nose was peeking around at me in the golf cart? It’s a give away! LOL

Two simply stunning horses – Donovan and Athena.

Yesterday was a perfect day for laying sod – it was overcast with a nice breeze. We had a lot of help for this project and it got done in record time! Now, we just need a few more pallets to try to fix erosion issues around the barn and at the smaller paddocks.

Betsy Rose, Freckles, and Vermont Bear checking out their Easter basket! So cute! Betsy Rose is always so thankful for every little thing.

The boys sure enjoyed their Easter Day!

"Jazzy do you think we look like bunny rabbits? We have whiskers, a cotton tail, and long ears! Do you think mommy Theresa is going to make us wear our masks today? I don’t think bunny rabbits wear masks. Maybe we’ll get out of it today! Let’s go try to hop on down the bunny trail! I know we don’t have a bunny trail, but we can make one up as we go along!"

The boys most certainly, loved being bunnies for Easter…..

"Vermont Bear do you think me and Jazzy look like bunny rabbits? I think the bow tie thing on the head looks a little silly. Bunnies don’t wear bow ties, do they?"

JoJo practiced his hopping skills – he hopped up on the porch when Elizabeth and I started to put things away. Oh my gosh these boys don’t realize they are not humans at times!

Daisy seemed to really understand how it important it was to the boys that they look like bunny rabbits for awhile. And they did – by the stretch of our imagination.

I think Daisy enjoyed watching the boys get their wish of being bunnies for a day! She’s like a big sister to them. They all got an Easter basket.

How often can you see the sun and the moon in the same photo? It was beautiful! The moon is off to the right – little white dot in the middle of the sky.

I told Willow she’s coming to the rescue tomorrow! Her response was simply priceless! Her coggins came back and she’s all set. If anyone would like to help with her monthly care costs, donations can be made via various ways through the "Donate" page of our website at bhfer. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is too small.

Today Willow begins a new chapter in her life.

Willow looks much better without her fuzzy coat. I think she’s even gained some weight over the last week. Everything is so new to her. She’s talking up a storm!

Willow will be getting her teeth done on Thursday by Dr. Bess Darrow and her Hooficure later in the week – maybe Saturday.